Digimon Invasion

115. You rich people really know how to play

"Sir, you can enter the landing zone."

In the vast night, a huge transport plane roared through the clouds and mist.

As the cabin door opened, a figure wearing steel armor came out slowly. His whole body was wrapped in red and gold-toned battle armor, his eyes glowed with white light, and there was also a shining energy source on his chest.

It's Iron Man Tony Stark!

The next moment, Iron Man jumped off the transport plane, and then fell rapidly downward in a free-fall posture!

Meanwhile, Jarvis starts blasting music.This music was not only heard by Tony in the armor, Jarvis played it with a loudspeaker, and the explosive music immediately echoed in the sky.

Tony tonight is a man with his own bgm!

Suddenly, a ball of golden light bloomed not far below him, and countless light spots illuminated the night sky, turning into a huge firework.


The injector on Iron Man's body suddenly exploded with strong propulsion, allowing him to avoid the firework bomb in the air.


More fireworks bombs bloomed in front of Iron Man, and he flew towards the fireworks, and the moment he hit the fireworks, he dodged urgently, spinning and rolling.

In this way, he dodged these beautiful fireworks all the way and flew towards the main venue.


Iron Man landed on the ground in a handsome posture on one knee, and landed in the center of the stage.

At this time, the explosive music has reached its climax.

With a group of sexy girls behind him kicking their long white legs, countless dazzling sparks shot out from the back of the stage.

Soon, several huge yellow robotic arms rose from the stage floor, helping Tony take off the steel armor piece by piece.

Tony also came out of the armor. Wearing a neat suit, he looked around the audience and said with a smile, "I'm back, do you miss me?"

"Iron Man I love you!"

"Tony, I want to give birth to you!"

Hearing what he said, the cheers off the field swept from all around like a tsunami.

"Tsk tsk, what a showy guy."

Leon curled his lips, his ears were filled with the screams of Tony fans.

Where is this Stark World Expo, it's more like Tony's solo concert!

The last time he saw Tony was fighting in Los Angeles, and several months had passed in the blink of an eye, and this narcissist was still as flamboyant as ever.

He couldn't help but think of what Nick Fury said before, making him keep a low profile recently.

This is also good, the more high-profile Tony Stark is, the more the attention of the public will be attracted to him, so people will not pay too much attention to themselves.

At the same time, Tony on the stage continued with a serious expression: "Times are developing, technology is advancing, what should we leave for the future. Starting tonight, the long-closed Stark World Expo will reopen, and we Will create a better future!"

While he was speaking, Howard Stark also appeared on the big screen in the venue.

"Technology will change your future life, stop working hard and learn to enjoy life, welcome to the Stark World Expo!"

"Thanks to my father."

Tony glanced at the big screen and said, "In addition, I came to New York this time for another purpose, which is for Harlem. A disaster left tens of thousands of people homeless and displaced..."

"I decided to respond to the call of the Mayor of New York and donate $10 billion to Harlem. To help the civilians affected by the disaster!"

"Of course, I also hope that rich friends in the United States can actively donate!"

"Tony Stark!" "Tony Stark!" "Tony Stark!"

As soon as his words were spoken, there was a burst of passionate shouts from the audience.

"As expected of a big dog..."

Leon smiled helplessly, he didn't expect Tony to donate so much money to Harlem.

As Tony slowly walked off the stage, the year-long Stark World Expo officially opened.

Correspondingly, the plot of Iron Man 2 has just begun!

At this time, he inadvertently saw Eva typing something on his mobile phone, and he sneaked a glance.

I saw Eva opened the donation interface of the Harlem District Government, and she entered a line of numbers in one breath: "200"

Lyon couldn't help being taken aback, 2 million US dollars?

"Shop manager, do you want to donate so much?" Leon asked in surprise.

Hearing his words, Eva touched her beautiful chin with one hand. After thinking for a while, she added a "0" to the end.

Leon: "???"

Excuse me, excuse me.

You rich people really know how to play!

As soon as Tony stepped out of the stage, he was overwhelmed by the surging crowd.

There are fanatical female fans, female stars who admire him, business owners who want to curry favor with him, and celebrities from all over the world.

The scene was very chaotic. After all, Tony is a big celebrity in the Marvel world, and his reputation is higher than that of a superstar.

The bodyguard Harpy immediately came to protect him and led him all the way to the outside of the venue.

There was a tall, dark-haired woman outside the venue. She walked towards a black Bugatti Veyron sports car on the side of the road.

She opened the door and entered the car, glanced at Tony with two gray-blue eyes, then stepped on the accelerator, and roared away!

"Happy, who is this woman?" Tony looked at Happy and asked curiously, "Is she also my fan?"

"Eva Farrell, the CEO of the Farrell Group, a female billionaire." Happy replied.

"How come I have no impression of such a beautiful and rich woman?"

"She rarely appears on large social occasions, and it's normal if you don't know her. This time, she came as a shareholder of our Stark Industries."

"My shareholders?"

Tony looked puzzled, and just as he was about to ask something, a woman in business attire walked up to them not far away.

"Finally found you, Mr. Stark."

A smile appeared on the woman's face, "I'm a law enforcement officer from Washington..."



The opening ceremony of the Stark World Expo came to an end. After Eva left first, Leon also left.

He rode the Behemoth towards the gate, and at this moment, there was a roar of an engine behind him.

It was a white Audi R8 sports car, Tony and Happy were sitting in it, and it slowly stopped beside Lyon.


The window of the Audi R8 opened, revealing Tony's sullen face, "You really came."

In fact, he sent Lyon a VIP invitation letter after he came to Queens.For this man with terrifying power, Tony still has the intention of making friends.

After all, the other party had a motorcycle that he had admired for a long time, and he also kept 5% of the shares of Stark Industries for Leon.

It's just that this guy didn't want shares all the time, but kept borrowing money from him, which made Tony a little confused about what Leon wanted to do.

Tony had vaguely seen Leon's face on the stage just now, but he didn't notice it when the show was over. He thought he was wrong.

"You had a great opening."

Leon also stopped the motorcycle, "It's hard to come to Queens, do you want to stay a few more days?"

"No, I have something else to do."

Hearing what Leon said, Tony's face became a little weird, "We're going to Washington overnight."

Leon just remembered that in the plot of "Iron Man 2", Tony received a subpoena tonight, and there will be a hearing about Tony Stark in Washington at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning, which is also related to the future of Stark Industries .

"Oh, okay." Leon had a regretful expression on his face, "If you could have stayed in Queens for a few more days, I would have liked to ride a Behemoth for you."


Tony couldn't help looking at the wild and stylish black motorcycle under Leon, "Is that its name?"


Leon nodded, "But most people can't control this car, so I dare not give it to you easily."

"I, Tony Stark, am not an ordinary person." Tony said confidently, "Trust me, I can do it!"

"Okay, Tony."

Leon looked into his eyes and said in a deep voice: "If you can successfully drive a Bechymos next time we meet, this motorcycle will be yours!"

Immediately afterwards, he turned the accelerator, and Bechymos let out a roar, and flew away!

"What's uncontrollable, isn't it just a motorcycle?"

Looking at Leon's distant figure, Tony curled his lips and said, "Can you still think about running away?"

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