Digimon Invasion

111. The Avengers Project



Leon pressed the shutter on the phone continuously, and the flash continued to flash, bursting into dazzling white light.

He first took a picture of Natasha's whole body, then took a few close-ups of her face and chest, and finally took a picture of Natasha's thighs raised high on both sides.

He smacked his lips while patting. As expected of a widow, she has a good figure.

The black leather jacket, the ropes all over the body, and the white liquid on Natasha's face, chest and lower abdomen...

No matter who sees this scene, I'm afraid they will think wrong.They definitely couldn't imagine that this was just Lyon's bad taste.

Leon nodded in satisfaction after taking these photos, and looked at Garurumon who was still pressing on Black Widow, "Garurumon, let her go."

Garurumon raised its claws obediently, and then cut the rope tied to Natasha's body with its sharp claws.

"You can go." Leon threw a towel to Natasha.

Natasha was taken aback for a moment, and asked with a surprised expression: "You let me go like this?"

"Otherwise. Do you still want to stay overnight?" Leon pouted, "Hurry up, I'm going to sleep."

Natasha's expression was a little suspicious. To be reasonable, although she was subdued just now, she was always looking for an opportunity to fight back.

But that Garuru beast made her feel very dangerous. If Leon hadn't stopped it in time, she might have been torn apart by that giant beast!

She had thought that if she was caught by the enemy tonight, she would suffer some terrible torture.She had already prepared for the worst, but she never expected that Leon would let her go just like that.

With a hint of doubt, Natasha wiped off the milk on her body with a bath towel, then closed the zipper on her chest, and tore off the remaining rope on her body.

Just as she got up from the bed, Leon suddenly said: "Miss Romanov, I have saved all the photos just now. As long as you behave well, only the two of us will know those photos."

"If you bother me again, I'll make it appear on everyone's S.H.I.E.L.D. phone!"

"Mr. Adams." Black Widow gave him a cold look, "Do you think I care?"

After speaking, he picked up the pistol and dagger on the ground and started to leave.

But at this time, Leon said in a deep voice: "I knew you would say that, so apart from those photos, I don't mind publishing your secrets on the Internet..."

"Oh, what secret do you know about me?" Natasha had a disapproving expression on her face.

"You were originally an orphan, and your sister Yelena, who has no blood relationship with you, was adopted by an American couple. But in fact, your adoptive parents are actually spies from Russia!"

Leon stared into her eyes and said: "Later, you and your sister were sent to the secret organization 'Red House'. There, you underwent a terrible operation and received cruel training in order to become a top Killer..."

"Why do you know this?!"

Hearing this, Natasha's body stiffened suddenly, and she asked in a surprised tone.

These things are her past buried deep in her heart, and only a few people in S.H.I.E.L.D. know about it.But this man knows it all!

He is simply too terrifying, not only powerful, but also step by step, as if everything is under his control.

A pair of eyes seemed to be able to see through her whole body!

"Believe me, I know more than you think." Leon had a meaningful smile on his face.

Well, in fact, it's just because he has seen the movie "Black Widow" and already knows Natasha's past clearly, so the secret of Black Widow is not a secret at all to him.

In order to deal with the black widow's beauty trap, this is the countermeasure he thought of.

Take pictures, reveal secrets...

He was breaking through the other party's psychological defense step by step, making her afraid of herself, so that she would not trouble him again.

"Mr. Adams..."

Natasha seemed to think for a long time, and finally made up her mind, and then walked forward without looking back, "I won't come to you again, just pretend that we have never met."


At this time, Leon looked at Natasha's back and said coldly: "Help me tell Nick Fury, don't come to test my bottom line again, my patience has a limit. Next time, I won't be so easy to talk .”

Natasha didn't speak any more, and walked all the way outside the apartment.

Her body was trembling slightly, what Leon said just now made her think of the dark years in the red house in the past, this is a painful memory that she will never forget.

Natasha took a deep breath, trying to calm down, then took out her phone, made a call, and said helplessly, "Sorry, my mission failed.


The voice on the phone was a little surprised, "Didn't you promise me to complete the task in two days? This is only one day..."

"I can't handle this man."

"Is there any man in the world you can't deal with?"

"He knows about the red house..."

The voice on the other end of the phone fell silent, and after a while, he said, "Then Natasha, what do you think of him?"

"For the good of all of us, don't be an enemy of him, try to be a friend with him." Natasha said seriously.

"I'll consider your thoughts."

"Also...he asked me to tell you something."


"He says……"

"Mommy Fake!"

At the same time, on the Sky Carrier, Nick Fury in the office hung up the phone angrily, "This kid, dare to threaten me!"

"He doesn't know how many things we have helped him settle in private!"

Coulson on the side smiled helplessly. After the war in Harlem ended, the Pentagon called and asked what exactly destroyed Harlem.

No way, S.H.I.E.L.D. had to lie and say it was their secret weapon.

Although many people saw the terrifying figure of the zombie Tyrannosaurus that day, there were more and more rumors about the animal trainer.

But S.H.I.E.L.D. also worked hard to suppress the news, and people couldn't know the true face of the beast trainer.

Leon said every day to wipe the ass of SHIELD, but SHIELD also secretly helped him a lot.

After all, if the people in the Pentagon knew that it was Leon, they would definitely find a way to meet him.Even if Leon is willing to go, they are also worried that that guy will blow up the entire Pentagon if he is unhappy.

Anyway, as long as Leon doesn't act like a narcissist, calling himself a "beast tamer" on TV.He won't be in too much trouble for the time being, but he won't be sure in the future.


Nick Fury looked at Coulson and asked: "You should have the most contact with him. What kind of person do you think he is?"

After pondering for a while, Coulson said seriously: "A weird guy, he doesn't like to play cards according to the routine, and he has a dark belly. Even though he is powerful, he hasn't done anything bad."

"I think he is not our enemy. In order to better protect the world and deal with future crises. We should abandon the past and be friends with him and let him become our ally!"

"Is that so..."

Nick Fury touched his chin. You know, the people he trusts in S.H.I.E.L.D. can be counted on one hand.

Natasha, Clint, Coulson, Hill...

Up to now, he asked three of them what they think, and it seems that they all have a high opinion of Lyon.

This made him change his mind about Lyon. He felt that the previous policy towards Lyon was wrong. He should not be an enemy, but should try to be a friend!

"I think..." Nick Fury's one eye stared into Coulson's, "It's time for that plan to restart."

Nick Fury dropped a file folder on his desk, and four photos scattered out of it.

In one photo, there are two figures, a man and a woman, fighting side by side on a street.

The man held a longbow in his hand, and there was already a sharp arrow on the bowstring. His eyes were like falcons.

The woman was wearing a black one-piece leather jacket, with a sexy figure, long red hair, and two pistols in both hands.

In another photo, there is a huge figure in the dark, like a green mountain, with two green eyes like a waking beast.

There was another photo, which was a scene of a fierce battle between Iron Man and Iron Overlord, and a dazzling cluster gun was shot from Iron Man's chest.

The last photo, that's Leon and Tyrannosaurus.

Leon was wearing a black windbreaker and goggles on his head, and was riding a black motorcycle.

And the Tyrannosaurus was also running forward, opening its bloody mouth and roaring, spewing out raging flames!

"You mean..." Coulson looked surprised when he saw these photos.

"Yes." Nick Fury nodded, his expression became serious.

"Avengers plan!"

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