Digimon Invasion

104. Eternal Curse, Immortal Dragon

Leon's complexion was not very good, he felt that his whole body was not well.

He thought that the Tyrannosaurus would evolve into a Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, but he didn't expect that it would eventually evolve into a terrifying Zombie Tyrannosaurus!

Zombie Tyrannosaurus, also known as Skeleton Tyrannosaurus.

Unlike other Digimon, only bones are left in its whole body, and its terrifying appearance makes people chill.

Although the body of Zombie Tyrannosaurus has been destroyed, its fighting instinct makes it even more terrifying, and once it starts fighting, it will fight to the end.

It has no self-awareness, does not distinguish between friend and foe, it can be said that it has no sense at all, it is the enemy of all Digimon, it will destroy everything that appears in sight, and its only purpose of existence is to destroy!

In the first generation of animation, in order to let the tyrannosaurus continue to evolve, Taiyi adopted the wrong method and constantly forced Agumon to eat.

He blindly believes in power, causing the Tyrannosaurus to evolve into a Zombie Tyrannosaurus under the wrong cognition.

It is the first full body Digimon to appear in a generation of protagonists, and it is also one of the most familiar scenes in Digimon animation.

Some people say that the evolution of the tyrannosaur into the zombie tyrannosaurus is a wrong evolution, but this is not the case. The zombie tyrannosaurus is also one of its evolution routes, but this route is darker and more evil!

The appearance of Zombie Tyrannosaurus at the beginning can be said to be the shadow of Lyon's childhood, and it also frightened many children at that time.

But now, Leon only thinks this form is cool and handsome.After all, the power obtained after losing one's mind is extremely powerful, such as the berserk Hercules in Fate, the berserk No. [-] machine in EVA, and Naruto Uzumaki who lost control of his nine-tailed power...

In fact, Zombie Tyrannosaurus is not weaker than conventionally evolved Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, and with its strength, it can definitely defeat powerful shadow beasts!

Roar! !

At this time, the Zombie Tyrannosaurus let out a creepy roar, and rushed to the shadow beast.

The Zombie Tyrannosaurus stretched out two sharp bone claws and pushed towards the Shadow Beast, and the Shadow Beast was also struggling to resist, resisting the impact of the Zombie Tyrannosaurus.

But the power of this monster is so huge that it can't stop it at all.Instead, they were pushed by the other party and kept retreating towards the inside of Harlem. A car on the road was trampled by them and exploded!

In this way, the two behemoths gradually moved away from the edge of Harlem and returned to the center of the city.

Today's Harlem is empty, only these two Digimon are left, and the final battle will break out here!


The zombie tyrannosaurus waved a huge bone claw and slammed into the shadow beast.

The Shadow Beast was staggered backwards. After it stood firm on the ground, the countless dancing black tentacles behind it turned into black afterimages and rushed towards the Zombie Tyrannosaurus!

call out!call out!call out!

In a blink of an eye, all the bones of the Zombie Tyrannosaurus were entangled by these black tentacles one by one, making it unable to move.

Next, the shadow beast violently twisted its body, and those tentacles immediately rolled the zombie tyrannosaurus into the air, and then threw the opponent out!


The huge body of the zombie tyrannosaurus instantly slammed into several buildings behind, and these buildings collapsed like dominoes, stirring up smoke and dust all over the sky.

And in this thick smoke and dust, two green lights suddenly appeared, they were two eyes that were glowing with gloomy green light.

In an instant, a huge white figure jumped out of the thick smoke and landed in front of the shadow beast.

I saw that the violent attack just now left the body of the zombie tyrannosaurus full of scars, especially a few shocking cracks appeared on its ferocious skull.

But the Zombie Tyrannosaurus didn't feel any pain, and rushed towards the Shadow Beast with another roar!


The Shadow Beast punched the Zombie Tyrannosaurus in the face, which caused more and more cracks on its skull, and it seemed that it would completely shatter in the next second.

At this moment, the red eyes on the huge black wings behind the shadow beast lit up, and red rays shot out from them, attacking from all directions!


These red rays slammed into the zombie tyrannosaurus, and amidst the continuous explosions, its huge body finally couldn't hold it anymore, split into countless bones, and rolled to the ground.

In the flames and thick smoke, the zombie tyrannosaurus turned into bones all over the place. The skull was split in two, and its heart wrapped in several bones stopped beating, as if it had been killed.


Suddenly, the heart that had stopped beating jumped again, and then all the bones scattered on the ground started to move, bursting with black light!


Countless bones flew up from the ground, as if a whirlwind made them spin in the air, accompanied by a strange black light, these bones were pieced together again, and gathered into the image of a zombie tyrannosaurus!

At this time, the zombie tyrannosaurus had no scars on its body, and even the split skull became intact, with no crack visible on it.

Zombie Tyrannosaurus, back from the dead!

This is where the zombie tyrannosaurus is really scary, because even if it is beaten into a skeleton, it will recover soon.Even if its heart stops beating, it won't be long before it comes back to life.

As an undead Digimon, it cannot be destroyed or killed at all. The eternal curse allows it to be reborn continuously and become an undead dragon!

"Cursed breath!"

The two eyes of the Zombie Tyrannosaurus were glowing with faint green light, and the next moment, it opened its abyss-like mouth, and a terrifying purple magic flame spewed out of the endless darkness in the mouth!


Like the karmic fire from hell, under the flames of the cursed breath, the surrounding ground and buildings were all melting, and then burned to ashes.


The shadow beast immediately used the huge black wings behind it to protect its body, but in the face of the purple magic flame, even its wings couldn't resist, and soon half of its black wings were melted, making it let out a cry of pain roar.

"Despair, give me your despair!"

The shadow beast took a few steps back, and only half of its wings were still emitting black smoke. On its chest, that giant red eye burst into light, releasing powerful power!

"Free Death Falls!"

This move, as the ultimate skill of the shadow beast, can make the opponent experience the illusion of being knocked down to the ground 10000 times, and feel the deep despair and fear in the endless death.

Not only for humans, but also for Digimon.

But for the zombie tyrannosaurus, it is useless at all.Because it has neither intelligence nor self-awareness, of course it will not be afraid of the reincarnation of death, nor will it have any despair in its heart.

It has only one goal at this time, and that is to destroy the enemy in front of it!


A white bone claw of the Zombie Tyrannosaurus suddenly grabbed the wing behind the Shadow Beast, and the huge force tore off the half of the wing after melting, and blood gushed out.

Puff! !

Another ferocious claw pierced the shadow beast's chest, grabbed the huge one-eyed eye, and pulled it out abruptly!

Roar! ! !

Blood gushed out of the big hole in the shadow beast's chest like a fountain, and it immediately let out an extremely painful howl!

The blood splashed on the body of the zombie tyrannosaurus, and the scarlet blood stained the white bones, making it look even more ferocious and terrifying!

Despair, unprecedented despair...

The Shadow Beast was originally an evil Digimon that gained power by devouring the despair of others, but now, it actually feels a trace of despair and fear!

It cannot defeat this unkillable enemy...

In order to survive, it must escape!

The shadow beast turned its incomparably huge body and wanted to leave here.

It is now deeply injured, and only by successfully escaping, finding a new adaptor, and absorbing the despair in the opponent's body, can it heal its injury.

However, this battle has actually doomed its fate from the very beginning.

The enemy of the Zombie Tyrannosaurus has only one ending——

Right on the spine of the zombie tyrannosaurus, thick smoke and flames spewed out from under the huge organic system missile, and its huge body lay down. Then, the missile soared into the sky and flew high into the sky!

"Type Zero cruise missile!"

It was a shark-like bio-missile, and the missile opened its two eyes, locking onto the fleeing shadow beast below.

In an instant, this biological missile fell from the sky, falling towards the shadow beast with a destructive momentum!

Boom-! ! !

Accompanied by an earth-shattering bang, a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose over the Harlem area, and the destructive flames and shock waves instantly swallowed the shadow beast and everything around it! !

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