
Chapter 995 Absorbing the Power of Heaven

"Master Xuan Ce..."

Just as Ao Qianmiao opened her mouth, she saw the curtain lifted, and the gourd baby jumped out from inside.

"Second Senior Brother..."

Just as she yelled, Cucurbit Baby glanced at Yujiao Mountain. Seeing that Yuechen had made the noise, she slipped into the tent again without even asking a question.

The whole process was smooth and fast, as if he had never appeared at all.

"never mind!"

Ao Qianmiao opened her mouth, but in the end she could only say so.

She finally understood that these people were all confident, and they were very reassured about her father. In this case, she might as well calm down and wait and see how things change.

At this time, on Yujiao Mountain, Yuechen was desperately absorbing the power of heaven.

The original thin layer of power of heaven suddenly became thick and tough at this moment.

However, Yue Chen did not give up.

He continued to absorb it unremittingly, and even accelerated the speed.

The Innate Innocent Dao Physique was deployed, and a vortex suddenly formed above his head.

In the past, this vortex was used by him to absorb spiritual energy during his cultivation, but now he has changed the object. The power of heaven gathered from Yujiao Mountain, fell into the vortex, was assimilated by the energy of chaos, and transformed into his mana.

The moment these dao aggregates were absorbed, they quickly dissipated between the heaven and the earth, but Yuechen didn't show any regrets, but showed excitement instead.

Sure enough, as he guessed, after he refined the power of the heavenly way, these powers of the heavenly way were integrated into his mana.

Then, he discovered that his mana had been contaminated with the Dao of Heaven, exuding a noble and heavy coercion, which was the effect of the power of the Dao of Heaven.

"In the future, when you fight against people, you can scare them away with just magic power!"

Yuechen is complacent and self-satisfied secretly.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look up.

I saw a huge vortex slowly rotating in the sky, and the power of that day was pouring in continuously, causing the whole sky to flash and thunder, and thunder and lightning fell towards him from time to time.

"Hey, look, this is Heaven's punishment. If he doesn't stop, he will definitely be chopped into ashes!"

Seeing this scene, Taoist Hexuan immediately gloated and said.

If Yue Chen died, Da Zhou would definitely have no time to attack, and the Hehuan Sect would be able to catch their breath, and the crisis would be resolved for the most part!

Hearing this, the monks below kept nodding, agreeing with his statement.

However, the next moment, he was completely dumbfounded.

I saw that although Tian Dao's offensive was fierce and fierce, it didn't hurt Yue Chen at all. On the contrary, all those thunders were blocked by the light that emerged from his body.

"Xianyi, he actually has top-level fairy clothes!"

Taoist Hexuan's face turned blue, and he gritted his teeth.

Top-notch fairy clothes, one of the few in the entire heavens and myriad worlds, with extremely strong defense.

Unless Daoist Venerable came in person, ordinary heavenly tribulations would not be able to do anything to Yuechen.

But at this time, the dark clouds above the sky became more and more concentrated, as if something terrifying was brewing.


There was a loud noise, and a thick purple lightning, like a long dragon, came straight to Yuechen.

"Hiss, this is the wrath of heaven, it is really angry!"

Someone yelled in horror.

However, before the purple thunder dragon got close to Yuechen, it was blocked by an inexplicable force, and immediately exploded.

This purple thunder dragon was the wrath of heaven, but it was easily resisted by Yue Chen's Fudo Immortal Clothes.

"This is Fudo Immortal Clothes!"

Someone recognized it, and the envious eyeballs were about to turn red.

The Fudo Immortal Clothes is said to be a top-level innate spiritual treasure conceived when the world first opened, with the ability of invincible defense.

This is a treasure that can withstand Daoist's attack!

Even if it's just a little bit, it's enough to shock people.

"Some time ago, Fudongtu Xianyi was born, and I heard that it was acquired by a mysterious woman. Now, it seems that the mysterious woman must be the Empress of Great Zhou, Princess Danyang!"

Someone remembered the rumors they heard not long ago, and said immediately.

"It seems that the eldest prince's status in Zhou Hou's heart is not low, not much lower than that of his youngest son, perhaps even worse."

Taoist Hexuan muttered to himself, with various ideas in his mind.


At this time, on Yujiao Mountain, the power of heaven became more and more intense, Yuechen's mana became thicker and thicker, and his cultivation base became more and more advanced. He was bathed in the gray and chaotic atmosphere, looking extremely mysterious.

Suddenly, there was a muffled bang, and the vortex above his head trembled violently. Immediately, a gray fruit, the size of a human head, suddenly flew out of the vortex, hanging on the top of Yuechen's head, blooming with gray shine.

This is his Chaos Dao Fruit!

At this moment, the Chaos Dao Fruit was hanging above his head, and strands of gray mist fell down, covering his body, making the void around him distorted, as if it couldn't bear the existence of his physical body, and gradually became blurred.

The power of the heavenly dao is continuously poured down, absorbed by its chaotic dao fruit, and gradually grows, making it more solidified.

Yuechen's aura became stronger and stronger.

In the end, the three flowers on his top suddenly appeared, and the three twelve-petaled golden lotuses fully bloomed. The three flowers were no longer illusory, but became more solid.

"This is a golden flower with twelve petals, and his aptitude is so heaven-defying!"

"It's such a terrible talent, I'm afraid some saints and saints will be compared."

"This is a peerless arrogance. It's impossible to say, maybe he can get through this test!"

Someone spoke suddenly, shocking all the monks of the Hehuan Sect.

Everyone was silent, unwilling to think about the one in ten thousand possibility.

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