
Chapter 975

"The poor Taoist helped Kui, and I met fellow Taoist Tongtian."

The person who came was none other than the Daoist Good Fortune of the Immortal Sacred Sect, Taoist Fukui!

Hearing this, Master Tongtian looked at him, bowed back to him, and said indifferently: "It turns out that he is a fellow Taoist Fukui of the Immortal Sacred Sect. How about fellow Taoist Yudai of Guizong? Why?"

The implication is that for the sake of Taoist Yudai, I don't care about you.

But if you don't know what's interesting, you can't blame the poor.

Unexpectedly, Taoist Fukui shook his head when he heard the words, and sighed: "Fellow Daoist misunderstood. The poor Taoist has no intention of being an enemy of Fellow Daoist, just"

Speaking of this, Taoist Fukui hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "It's just that fellow Taoist has gone too far this time. No matter what, Taoist Heguang is the Taoist priest of creation in my Qingwei Great World. Practicing the Tao is related to the face in this world, fellow Taoists really shouldn’t be so heavy-handed, it’s embarrassing for me.”

"So what? Is it possible that Fellow Daoist Fukui is going to make an enemy of the poor Taoist, and come to rescue this trash?"

A gleam of coldness flickered in the eyes of Master Tongtian, and he said in a cold tone.

"Tong Tian, ​​you have deceived me so far, and the poor will not live with you!"

Daoist Heguang was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, it was a great shame that the dignified Daoist fell into such a situation.

However, the Master of Tongtian Sect ignored him, and just stared at Taoist Fukui coldly.

Taoist Fukui has a calm expression from beginning to end, as if everything is under his control, giving him the feeling that he is very similar to the Taiqing sage.

This alone made Master Tongtian's palms itch, and he couldn't help but clenched the Qingping sword tightly, wishing to give him a sword right away.

Taoist Fukui shook his head slowly: "Pindao has already said that he has no intention of becoming an enemy of fellow daoists. He only hopes that fellow daoists will be merciful and let fellow daoist Heguang go out for the sake of pindao."

"For your sake? Is Pindao familiar with you? It's easy for Pindao to stop."

Master Tongtian cast his eyes on Daoist Heguang, and said with disgust: "As long as he swears not to intervene in the battle of fortune and dynasty in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and will not be an enemy of Pindao in the future, Pindao will let him go!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Gritting his teeth with Guang Daozun, he shouted loudly.

This time he suffered such a big loss, he lost all his face, if he didn't take revenge severely, his thoughts would not be clear.

Taoist Fukui glanced at him coldly, and he fought with Daoist Guang violently, and dared not say anything more.

"Fellow Daoist, don't go too far, it's better to accept it as soon as you see it."

Taoist Fukui looked at Master Tongtian again, and said calmly.

These words were a blatant threat. With the violent temper of the leader of Tongtian, how could he bear it?

Even Ao Qianmiao, who stayed in the formation without making a move, couldn't help but her pretty face turned frosty, and her anger rose.

This old thing is really a dog meddling with a mouse!

But Tongtian Sect Master suddenly grinned, pointed to the big formation, and said with a smirk, "Fellow Daoists want to rescue him, it's easy, if this formation is broken, the poor Taoist will naturally return to the prehistoric world, and will no longer interfere in this world's calamity. thing."

Hearing this, Taoist Fukui's calm and calm face finally showed a crack.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Master Tongtian would not give him this face and provoke him to break the formation.

He has been here for a long time, and he naturally sees the changes in the Jade Immortal Formation.

Without the four killing swords, it is impossible to say that this Zhuxian sword formation is not indestructible!

Thinking of this, Taoist Fukui looked at Master Tongtian in his eyes, and immediately changed.

"Since Fellow Daoist Tongtian has kindly invited you, Pindao will try it out today, and see what is so extraordinary about this number one killing formation in all heavens and myriad worlds!"

As he said that, he flicked the fly whisk in his hand, and took the lead in calling the Master Tongtian.

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

This Taoist Fukui seems to have no lethality with his whisk, but with a flick of it, it is like a silver thread falling from the sky, strangling towards the leader of Tongtian!

Master Tongtian raised his eyebrows, his wrist trembled, and the Qingping sword slanted lightly, turning into a sword light and sweeping across, cutting off all the silver threads immediately.


The remaining power of the sword energy swept over the wounded body of Daoist Heguang, and he was immediately bleeding from the mouth, and one of his arms was cut off.


Daoist He Guang was extremely aggrieved, and roared wildly in his mouth.

He was mad with hatred, ruthless in his heart, struggling crazily.

For a moment, his body shook, let out a mournful roar, suddenly broke free from the blockade of sword energy, and pulled himself out of the void!

Afterwards, the wound on his body that had been pierced by the sword energy began to squirm and recover.

"This old boy is cruel enough!"

Shengzhen Yaojun smacked his tongue and muttered in his mouth.

Ao Qianmiao frowned immediately, and said worriedly: "He Guang Dao Zun got out of trouble, and now it's two against one. I don't know if Master can do it?"

As soon as the words fell, Qingpingjian paused strangely, and then the sword light that was struck suddenly became three points fiercer, and the sword light roared, forcing Daoist He Guang who had already escaped from the shackles to retreat.


"The master is as domineering as ever!"

"Yes, the sage, you can't say no!"

Niu Kui and Shengzhen Yaojun said in unison.

Looking back at the two Taoist monarchs, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly.

Ao Qianmiao looked at them both in surprise, wondering why they suddenly flattered their master.

How did she know that as long as he was a man, no matter what his identity was, he could not question him.

However, this did not prevent her from worrying about her master.

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation already lacked four killing swords, and its power was greatly reduced. It was only because of the fierceness of the Master Tongtian that he would be able to suppress and fight Daoist Guang.

Now that there is another Daoist, together, the pressure on Master Tongtian will inevitably increase sharply.

Ao Qianmiao pondered for a while, then suddenly raised her head, staring at the empty portals in the sword array with burning eyes.

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