
Chapter 957

The Shengjiang River was surging, and a huge vortex appeared out of thin air, rolling in the rolling yellow sand, shaking the nearby ships, and even a warship was caught off guard by being caught in the vortex, and was instantly smashed into pieces.

"What a powerful formation!"

Everyone's face changed slightly.

"As expected of the Star Luo Sacred Sect."

Ao Qianmiao's eyes were cold.

At this time, a sharp crow sounded, and then a black crow with wings on its back pierced the sky.


The black crow let out a loud and long howl, fluttered its wings, and stayed on the river surface, overlooking the people below, with a look of disdain.

Seeing this, Ao Qianmiao's eyes flickered, and then she raised a mocking smile.

"A mere evil animal dares to face me directly!"


The black crow raised its head to the sky and croaked, and it flew up, bringing a gust of wind and waves.

The next moment, Ao Qianmiao pointed at the black crow, and shouted: "Cut this evil creature!"


With an ear-piercing cry, the black crow flapped its wings fiercely, and a cloud of black mist suddenly erupted, covering a radius of [-] meters in an instant.

The black mist filled the air, blocking everyone's sight, and at the next moment, a razor-sharp blade suddenly flashed and slashed at the black mist, tearing the black mist apart forcibly!


The sword was unmatched, with endless murderous intent in the snow, and it split the black crow into two halves!


The black crow uttered the last whine before dying, fell on the river, and the body was separated.

Amidst the chaos, Ao Qianmiao turned her head, only to see a bright color disappearing from the palm of the blood-clothed boy behind the crowd.

She raised her eyebrows, and she begged her master for the truth, and used the Qingping sword to cut off the seal on Xue Ming's body, and covered up the secret for him.

But at this time, once the black crow died, the surface of the river changed again.

Countless flags were rolled up, and the wind was blowing, and the vortex gradually stabilized and did not expand.


Suddenly, there was a slow and long whimpering sound from the vortex, which made people feel heartbroken.

Ao Qianmiao's complexion changed, and she shouted softly: "Keep your mind and don't fall into the enemy's tricks!"

After finishing speaking, she raised her wrist and pressed on the surface of the river, only to see that the entire surface of the river shook violently, and the river was surging, forming a monstrous wave, like an angry dragon roaring, slapping towards the whirlpool!


The river roared and hit the vortex, causing it to tremble violently, but immediately recovered.

Everyone kept their minds tight, looking at the strange river ahead with frowning faces, not knowing what to do.

"Princess, do you know the origin of this formation?"

Zhang Wenyuan asked with a frown.

Thinking of the elder prince's confession before leaving, he tightened his saber around his waist.

As a last resort, he could only lead the Shence Army to attack by force.

Even if he dies, he will never give in half a step!

Just when Zhang Wenyuan was concerned, he suddenly heard Ao Qianmiao say: "Water belongs to yin, and this formation is arranged on the river surface. It looks like a large formation of yin evil, but in fact it gathers yin to generate yang. If it is illuminated by yin evil, If you break through the big formation, you will definitely fall into the enemy's trap and suffer heavy losses."

"The person who set up the formation is so vicious!"

Zhang Wenyuan scolded angrily.

Ao Qianmiao waved her hand and said: "The two armies are facing each other, it's life and death. Commander Zhang don't need to get angry."

Zhang Wenyuan took a deep breath, swallowed the anger in his heart, and asked again: "Could the eldest princess break this formation?"

"This is the Yin-Yang Soul Locking Formation. It takes the strength of all the soldiers to pull up those formation flags at the same time. I can't do it alone."

Ao Qianmiao's eyes flickered, and she saw clearly the details of the Yin-Yang Soul Locking Formation.

"Since that's the case, the last general will go and gather soldiers and horses to enter the battle together!"

Zhang Wenyuan couldn't wait to speak.

"Wait a minute!"

Ao Qianmiao hurriedly stopped her: "This Yin-Yang Soul Locking Formation is extremely sinister, if you enter the battle rashly, you may lose your soul, I will wait until I find an elder to use it as a treasure."

Hearing this, not only Zhang Wenyuan was curious, but even Niu Kui and others looked over in surprise, wondering who she was going to ask for a loan.

But Ao Qianmiao turned her wrist, and a talisman fell on her palm.

Afterwards, she imprinted a few words with her spiritual sense, swiped her fingertips, and dripped a drop of silver-gray blood on the talisman.

Then there was a faint light flashing on the seal, and the light became much dimmed in an instant.

"Okay, just wait."

Ao Qianmiao calmly put away the talisman and sat cross-legged by the river.

"This, this will do?"

Everyone looked at each other in surprise.

I thought that Ao Qianmiao would invite some kind of expert to help, but in the end he took out a charm?

Although puzzled, they still waited patiently.

A day's work quickly passed.

During this period, the enemy troops on the opposite side of Jiang kept showing up to provoke them, trying to provoke them.

But Ao Qianmiao has been ignoring her with a cold face. Seeing this, Zhang Wenyuan and other soldiers can only choose to swallow their anger and turn a blind eye.

When night fell, there was a burst of ripples on the surface of the river, as if something was about to surface.

Seeing this, Ao Qianmiao was overjoyed and stood up immediately.

Niu Kui and Shengzhen Yaojun looked at each other, and looked over with great interest.

Zhang Wenyuan and other officers and soldiers of the Shence Army stared intently at the water surface, for fear of missing a trace of abnormality.


The water splashed and rolled continuously to both sides, forming a dark and deep passage in the blink of an eye.


The sound of iron chains colliding suddenly came from the passage.

Everyone's spirits tightened suddenly, as if they were about to come out through their bodies.

At the moment, they are even more guarded, not daring to be careless.


There was a hint of interest in the eyes of Shengzhen Yaojun, and he whispered softly.

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