
Chapter 951 Battle

Seeing that Yuechen had already entered the gourd, Ao Lin, Kong Yu and others turned into Dao Dao aura without hesitation, and followed in likewise.

The rest of the people looked at each other with unpredictable expressions.

Daoist Zhengqing glanced at the Nine Turns Qiankun Pot with his deep eyes, and suddenly his figure moved, and with a wave of blue light, he rushed into the gourd.

Seeing this, all the cultivators breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other, and followed in.


Fifty miles outside Yujing city.

Ripples suddenly appeared in the void, and suddenly, a smooth and white hand stretched out from the void, swinging a space crack.

Then, the big hand grabbed the crack in space and tore it violently!

In an instant, the void shattered, the big hand slowly disappeared, and in the crack, the figure of Gourd Baby suddenly appeared.

"This is Yujing City?"

Looking at the city not far away, the gourd baby blinked, and then threw the yellow gourd in his hand into the air.

In an instant, the originally peaceful yellow-skinned gourd suddenly burst into bright golden light, and immediately after, a ball of brilliant light burst out from the mouth of the gourd.

"Puff puff……!"

The Nine-turn Qiankun Pot continuously spits out spiritual light.

Afterwards, all the monks jumped out of the gourd like dumpling.

Everyone took a deep breath, smelled the strong medicinal fragrance on their bodies, and looked at the yellow-skinned gourd enviously.

On the road of practice, wealth, law and land are indispensable.

A gourd that integrates space and time like the Nine-turn Qiankun Pot, and can also grow elixir for alchemy, is a treasure that all monks dream of.

"Not far ahead is Yujing City, please be prepared."

Under the envious eyes of everyone, Cucurbit Baby put away the Nine Turns Qiankun Pot and reminded her.

"This is Yujing City?"

Everyone had just landed, before they had time to observe the surrounding environment, they were shocked by the majestic scene in front of them.

This Yujing City is a relatively prosperous city in Southwest Prefecture. Although it is not as good as Fengyang Imperial Capital, it is definitely not bad.

The most important thing is that on the city wall, there are dense formations, and the defense is extremely strong.

On the top of the city wall, there are still many soldiers in armor and holding sharp weapons, patrolling vigilantly.

"This Yujing city is actually heavily guarded, it is worthy of being an important border town!"

"Hehe, so what, we have so many fellow Taoists, we are afraid of being an egg!"

"That's right, even if the guards in Yujing City are strict, if we fight together, can't we still take down this mere Yujing City?"


The words of these casual cultivators are not exaggerated. Most of their strength is in the late stage of true immortals, but there are also some cultivators who are in the realm of Daluo. If they really fight, Yujing City can't stop them at all.

But Yuechen pondered for a moment, and suddenly said: "Fellow daoists, my prince knows that speed is the most important thing in attacking Yujing City this time, so I must go all out when I get up, and don't hold back."

"Otherwise, if the other party is prepared, it will be unknown who will win."

His eyes were like eagles, he scanned the crowd and sounded a warning.

These monks are all smart people, and after understanding his hint, their expressions suddenly became solemn.

At this time, they had no way out and could only fight hard.

"Okay, let's fight!"


In an instant, everyone roared and rushed forward to kill.


In Yujing City.

Above the tower, the guards guarding the gate were startled when they saw the many monks suddenly appearing below the tower, and quickly shouted: "Enemy attack!"

However, those monks ignored them and rushed towards the city gate.

The prohibition near the city gate roared, but in front of this group of monks, it was as fragile as paper, and fell apart in an instant.


Seeing that the restraint was shattered, the leader of the defenders cursed angrily, drew his sword and slashed at the crowd, shouting: "Quickly open the defense formation!"

"call out!"

A stream of silvery white light flew towards the city gate and exploded immediately.


As the buzzing sound spread, a terrifying wave suddenly swept across the entire city.

This is the start of the moat formation!

However, as soon as this layer of protective formation was activated, a bright five-color divine light suddenly rushed over, brushing across the light curtain above the city!


The divine light passed by, and a big hole appeared in the light curtain immediately.

It was Kong Yu who made the move and used the Five Elements Divine Light to break through the formation.

This five-element divine light specialize in breaking the formation, as long as it is within the five elements, it will be restrained by the divine light.

Seeing this, Yue Chen was unambiguous, and also displayed the five-element divine light, like a five-color dragon, brushing towards the large formation of the city guard!


The two rays of divine light intertwined, destroying a large formation in just one breath.


The sound of the sword resounding through the soul resounded, and everyone felt a chill in their bodies.

The next moment, a dazzling golden light shot up into the sky, almost blinding everyone's eyes.

This shocking sword, like the overturning of the sky, with a devastating attack, slashed fiercely on the large formation protecting the city!


There was a clear cracking sound, and the moat exploded!

"not good!"

Seeing this situation, the defenders panicked immediately, and they sacrificed their magic weapons one after another, and threw them at Yuechen and the others.

However, Yue Chen and the others were not afraid of the magic weapons that came overwhelmingly. Instead, they activated the evasion technique and rushed towards them like wolves and tigers.

"Clang! Clang! Clang...!"

For a moment, the sound of shouting and killing, and the sound of the collision of weapons mixed together, like ten thousand horses galloping together, it was deafening.


Yue Chen stood on the golden cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations, with his black hair flying, he shouted sharply and commanded the barbarian army to come forward.


The patriarch Xiong Man gritted his teeth, roared angrily, and led the barbarians under his command to rush towards the city gate of Yujing indomitably!

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