
Chapter 947


Hearing what the Southwest Marquis said, the herald took the order and went away. A moment later, the horn resounded through the sky.

"Look! The enemy is retreating!"

"The enemy has retreated!"

Hearing this news, the defenders looked up at the bottom of the city wall, and suddenly found that the Zhou army, densely packed like an ant colony, was receding like a tide.

"The troops are withdrawn!"

"Finally withdrew!"

"Great! We won!"

However, before the Yunan Pass defenders cheered and celebrated, they discovered that the retreating Zhou Dynasty army suddenly turned around and gathered in front of the city gate.

What made them even more terrified was that a group of barbarians with unusually tall stature and naked upper body suddenly rushed out from among the soldiers.

These savages are all bronze-colored and muscular, and each of them is carrying a huge bronze chain hammer!

The speed of the barbarian charge was so fast that they rushed under the city gate in the blink of an eye. Immediately, they all shot together, and the huge bronze chain hammer slammed on the solid city gate.


Accompanied by a heavy and trembling muffled sound, the entire thick stone city gate was smashed to pieces in an instant, exposing the dark city gate opening.

These barbarians looked down at the city from a high position, and some of them at the front even pointed at the city tower with a bronze chain hammer, roaring something loudly.

"Damn! How did these barbarians appear?"

As soon as the city gate was broken, the defenders immediately exploded.

"Never mind! Fight!"

The Yunan gatekeeper's face changed for a while, and finally he gritted his teeth and gave the order.

In an instant, countless archers raised their crossbow arrows and aimed at the barbarians.


In an instant, the rain of arrows poured down all over the sky!

However, when the rain of arrows fell on those barbarians, it seemed as if they were hitting a steel plate, making the sound of gold and stone, which was impenetrable at all.

On the contrary, these barbarians, after being baptized by a wave of arrows, suddenly raised their heads to the sky and screamed, and then rushed forward, frantically waving the copper hammer in their hands, beating on the huge stone city gate.

"bang bang bang"

One sound after another, deafening.


The sound of a brick breaking could be heard clearly.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of cracking rocks continued to sound, and the crackling continued.


Accompanied by heavy knocking sounds one after another, the hard city gate was finally smashed open by these barbarians, revealing a passage that could allow people to pass through.

Afterwards, countless barbarian warriors swarmed in.


Some ordinary soldiers were caught off guard, screaming and falling down the city wall.

The patriarch of the Xiongman tribe took the lead in rushing into the Yunan Pass city, sweeping across it all the way.

The rest of the barbarians followed closely behind and rushed in mightily.



The city suddenly fell into chaos. Some timid people dropped their weapons and turned to flee, but more were chased and killed by barbarian soldiers, with blood spattered three feet.

"Hmph! It's just a bunch of lowly ants."

Looking at the chaotic scene in the city, the Taoist Hexuan who rushed over stood in mid-air and said indifferently.

After all, he made a tactic with both hands, and a giant sword phantom

Immediately, it appeared out of thin air, and Ling Kong slashed fiercely at the barbarians who rushed into the city.


Facing Taoist Hexuan, a formidable enemy at the level of a Taoist monarch, Patriarch Xiongman did not dare to neglect, and with a roar, the bronze sledgehammer in his hand suddenly rose sharply, turning into a huge hammer shadow more than ten feet long, flying straight towards Taoist Hexuan. The sword smashed away.


When the two magic weapons collided, there was a violent metal clanging sound.

A terrifying wave of air rippled across the city, and many ordinary soldiers on the tower were overturned and fell to pieces.

Fortunately, the city wall was thick enough, except for a very small number of ordinary soldiers, the vast majority of people hid at the bottom of the city wall safe and sound.

"Kill it!"

Taking advantage of this gap, the remaining defenders in the city immediately mobilized and took up weapons to fight the barbarian warriors who rushed into the city.

However, the defenders' resistance was apparently futile.

Although the defenders tried their best to stop them, they still couldn't stop the ferocity of the barbarians.


Taoist Hexuan's face turned red, and he swallowed a mouthful of old blood that was almost spurted out.

He stared at the patriarch Xiong Man, his pupils shrank sharply.

These savages are so powerful that it is not worth the loss to compete with his Daoist body.

On the other side, Patriarch Xiongman touched the cut scar on his face, his eyes widened.

These Niubi's skills are superb, and their swordsmanship is fierce, and they can even hurt him with just their sword energy.

Fortunately, he has rough skin and thick flesh, otherwise he will lose half of his head this time.

"Open the gates!"

Patriarch Xiong Man glared at Taoist Hexuan angrily, turned his head and roared, a layer of light yellow light appeared on the surface of his body, covering his surroundings like a shield.

And those barbarian warriors also roared in unison, a layer of grey-brown rock-soil aura emerged from their bodies, covering them like armor.

While roaring and charging forward, they swung the giant hammers in their hands and smashed hard at the city wall of Yunan Pass.


With the huge shock, countless gravels fell on the city wall.

"not good!"

Seeing that a few more gaps were smashed into the city wall, the morale of the defenders dropped again.

"It can't be done, the city has been broken, we are no match for you!"

"Fellow Daoist, if we keep the green hills, we won't be afraid of running out of firewood. Let's retreat quickly!"

Seeing the defeat of the Yunan Pass defenders, who had no more fighting spirit, they retreated one after another, and outside the city there was the Marquis of Southwest leading all the soldiers, and the monks who came with Taoist Hexuan spoke one after another, trying to persuade them.

Hearing this, Taoist Hexuan's expression was grim for a moment, then he sneered and said, "Hmph, how do you mere barbarians know the majesty of our orthodox monks?"

After finishing speaking, Taoist Hexuan lightly waved his palm, and immediately saw a bright sword light suddenly light up, piercing the sky.

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