
Chapter 945 Yimu Qinglei

The Southwest Marquis was so worried that he kept pacing on the spot.

When Kong Yu and the others saw this, they curled their lips in disdain.

Compared with Duke Zhen, this Southwest Marquis is still a little tender and not calm enough.

Yue Chen nodded, and said: "What Hou Ye said is reasonable, but it seems that there has been a change in the formation, and wait for a moment..."

Before he finished speaking, the Thunder Sha formation in the distance changed again!

"hold head high!"

The melodious dragon chant sounded suddenly, and the silver-gray dragon that stretched thousands of feet shuttled wantonly in the dark clouds.


The giant dragon opened its mouth, and spit out a huge ball of blue thunder, which crashed into the cloudy sky full of thunder!

"This is... Princess Fengyang?"

The Southwest Marquis stared dumbfounded at the silver-gray dragon that was swallowing thunder, and stammered.

And Qin Shi, his staff member, also watched the dragon's actions in shock, and was speechless for a long time.

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Based on his attainments in the formation, it is natural to see that the giant dragon seems to be wandering around at will, but the places it passes are precisely the weak points of the formation.

It seems that what the Eldest Prince said before is indeed true, this Princess Fengyang is really proficient in formation techniques!

I just don't know, who did she learn from?

When Qin Shi was muttering all kinds of things in his heart, a chuckle suddenly came from his ear.

"That's right, it's the little girl!"

Yuechen nodded reservedly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be restrained.

The Southwest Marquis looked at him in shock, then at Ao Lin who was standing beside him, his eyes lit up immediately.

"This eldest concubine is really hiding her secrets, she is actually a real dragon!"

The Southwest Marquis muttered in his heart, and immediately had great confidence in Ao Qianmiao's breakthrough.

"The eldest princess is a real dragon, so the thunder method she used must be Yimu Qinglei."

The Southwest Marquis said the exact way.

Most of the five elements of the real dragon family belong to wood, and they are good at using Yimu Qinglei, and Yimu Qinglei controls all things to grow, and contains a strong aura of good fortune, which is the nemesis of all evil things!

Yin Lei is no exception!

Sure enough, as soon as Yimu Qinglei fell into the cloudy thunder, like a prairie fire meeting a torrential flood, the thunderous formation suddenly trembled violently a few times, and the original ferocious thunderstorm instantly weakened.


The silver-gray dragon took the opportunity to flick its tail, and slammed into the weak point of the formation!


With a few sudden soft bangs, the Thunderbolt burst broke!

At this time, the giant dragon continued to urge Yimu Qinglei to wipe out all the thunder in the entire Leisha formation!

With the passage of time, the black mist in the formation dissipated, and a black bead the size of a fist quietly floated in the air, surrounded by dark thunder, carrying a strong breath of death.

The giant dragon shook its body, turned into a human again, and grabbed the ink bead.

"found it."

Ao Qianmiao looked at the ink bead for a while, then put it in her bosom and put it away.

"Daddy, luckily my daughter survived, she has already broken the formation!"

Ao Qianmiao stepped on the golden lotus, and in the eyes of thousands of soldiers worshiping, she flew to Yuechen like a goddess.

The Southwest Marquis hurriedly went up to greet her, cupped his hands respectfully, and said, "The eldest princess is indeed a heroine, I will admire you!"

Yuechen nodded in satisfaction, and asked, "Can you see the people in the main formation?"

Ao Qianmiao rolled her eyes, and then said proudly: "The person who leads the formation is a disciple of the Nether Palace. He has been beaten to death by his daughter and turned into ashes!"

Anyway, Xueming is in her cave, isolated from the secrets of heaven, and without the cultivation base of Daoist, it is impossible to find out his whereabouts!


Yuechen looked at her small eyes that turned around, and was extremely speechless.

Anyone who sees this expression will know that there is a ghost in your heart.

"Cough! Since that's the case, this account should be settled on the head of the Nether Palace, and we will settle it after the war!"

Yuechen coughed lightly, took up the conversation, and covered for his daughter.

The Southwest Marquis didn't seem to notice the lawsuit between the father and daughter, so he took a step forward and said, "Your Highness, now that the formation has been broken, we should strike while the iron is hot and storm the Yunan Pass!"

"As Grand Marshal of Zhenxi, Lord Hou is the one who makes orders. This prince is only here to support and has no intention of making decisions for Lord Hou."

Yuechen chuckled lightly and said.

The Southwest Marquis laughed twice, and no longer declined, and immediately ordered to use all his troops to attack Yunan Pass!


Inside Yunan Pass, the General Army Mansion.

All the monks called by the Hehuan Sect gathered here.

Shen Gongbao was among them, and he was like a fish in water, and everyone praised him as a fellow Taoist.

At this time, with a look of resentment on his face, he was pouring bitter water in front of the new monk, scolding Emperor Zhou bloody.

"Fellow daoist, you don't know something. The emperor of Zhou disregarded human life, acted despicably, and had no morals at all. Fortunately, fellow daoists voted for our camp and chose a wise master. Otherwise, we will definitely follow the footsteps of poor daoists! "

Shen Gongbao scolded extremely vigorously, saliva splashing everywhere.

The Taoist might as well for a while, he was sprayed all over his face, he was angry, and was about to scold him a few words, when he heard what he said, he couldn't help showing resentment.

Xin Dao, Pin Dao is just looking at the generous rewards to get some benefits, so what does it have to do with him who knows the master but doesn't know the master?

However, with such an interruption, he forgot to bother Shen Gongbao, and instead became interested in the Zhou Emperor he was talking about.

"Why do fellow Taoists say that? But what's wrong with Emperor Zhou?"

The Taoist grabbed Shen Gongbao's sleeve robe, the light of gossip in his eyes was shining brightly, and he asked with great interest.


All the onlookers twitched the corners of their mouths, looking at Shen Gongbao's expression without words.

And Shen Gongbao pulled out the sleeve robe without any trace, but he didn't take it out, so he could only express his aggrieved voice: "Daoist friend, I don't know, that Emperor Zhou is really a son of man, he actually..."

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