
Chapter 937 Letting Go

Zhou Huang said, the hearts of the generals in the city lord's mansion are like mirrors.

This is not acting on the order of the emperor, it is clear that the emperor is afraid that the eldest princess will have a bad reputation, so she came to make up for her.

Everyone looked at the old god in front of her, who was not at all moved by the eldest princess Fengyang.

She was dressed in black, with a battle sword on her back, and looked at Yang Ling calmly, her cherry lips parted slightly: "I also ask Commander Yang to go back and tell Grandpa Emperor that Qianmiao doesn't care about this matter, and she can calm down the wilderness at the least cost. I am very relieved!"

Hearing this, everyone changed their colors.

Only then did they discover that the eldest princess Fengyang was not as arrogant and domineering as the rumors said, and she didn't know the rules!

Although she is a girl, her kindness and responsibility are rare in the world!

For a moment, there was complete silence in the city lord's mansion.

"it is good!"

Suddenly, Ao Lin stood up, stood beside Ao Qianmiao, smiled and said: "My son is really responsible, and my mother is also very relieved!"

After all, her beautiful eyes flowed, as if containing countless stars, and swept across the faces of the generals!

The corner of Yang Ling's mouth curled slightly, he withdrew the imperial decree, cupped his hands and said, "Then my subordinates will leave first!"

Princess Fengyang said indifferently: "Go slowly."

Yang Ling bowed again, and quickly left the City Lord's Mansion.

The generals looked at his leaving back, and their expressions became complicated.

"As expected of Her Royal Highness, this kind of courage is not something that ordinary women can possess."

"Yes, even those female cultivators in the Tianzong Shengzong may not even have half the courage of the eldest princess."

"Not bad."

The generals discussed a few words in a low voice, then ignored them, and bid farewell to Ao Lin one after another, preparing to return to the station and listen to the dispatch of troops by the First Prince Hou at any time.

Looking at the backs of this group of people, Ao Lin frowned slightly, and then turned to look at her daughter: "Qianmiao, what you did just now was a bit inappropriate, how can you refute your grandpa's will in person?"

If it was someone else, Ao Lin would certainly not say that, but she is her own daughter, so Ao Lin naturally prefers her.

"Mother, don't worry, the child cares about himself."

Ao Lin was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

She looked at the sky in the distance, and said faintly: "You have really grown up, mother should really let go."

Hearing this, Ao Qianmiao turned her head abruptly, looked at her mother in surprise, her almond eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe her mother would say such a thing!

Seeing this, Ao Lin just gently stroked the top of her daughter's hair, and explained in a warm voice: "Mother just doesn't want you to be too tired."

She has always known that her daughter bears the burden of past and present lives, even if she doesn't show it on the face, she knows that her daughter is Mo Ruomu, Ao Lin can always see the loneliness in her heart.

Hearing the meaning of her words, Yuechen frowned and looked at Ao Qianmiao.

Seeing her drooping eyebrows and eyes, she seemed to be a little absent-minded, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

He sighed and stroked the top of her head.

"Qianmiao, both father and mother hope that you will be happy. You must remember that no matter what kind of difficulties you encounter, we are your eternal backing!"

"Father! Mother!"

The corners of Ao Qianmiao's eyes were slightly red, and she choked up and called out: "My child understands."

This is the first time a family of three has talked about this topic publicly since Ao Qianmiao recovered her past life memories.

In the past, this matter seemed to be a taboo, and no one had ever talked about it publicly.

Ao Qianmiao's mind trembled for a moment, and then returned to tranquility.

She looked at her parents in front of her, and secretly swore in her heart that she would never allow anyone to destroy her happiness in this life!


Although the wild land has been surrendered, there are still some stubborn barbarian tribes who are stubbornly resisting. Lord Zhen Guo is guarding the land of the eastern border. If the barren land is uneven, he cannot return to the dynasty!

In memory of Duke Zhen's contribution, and in order to preserve the only bloodline of Duke Zhen's mansion, Emperor Zhou decreed that the son of Duke Xuan Zhen would return to the dynasty, and conferred the title of General Habayashi, a general of the third rank.

The Habayashi Army is in charge of guarding the imperial court, which is equivalent to handing the Habayashi Army into Li Mingyu's hands.

It can be said that Jane is in the heart of the emperor!

With this emperor's order, the generals will look at Duke Zhen with envy.

Duke Zhen looked at his completely changed son and grinned.

As expected of him, Li Qingcang's seed!

Only Li Mingyu was very entangled with the imperial decree.

Yang Ling saw his entanglement, and asked strangely, "What's wrong with General Li?"

Li Mingyu looked at him, then looked at Yue Chen who was looking at him with a smile, and said with a lonely expression: "It's okay, I originally wanted to follow the eldest prince to the Southwest battlefield, but now it seems that I'm afraid it won't work."

"The southwestern battlefield is no different than the barren land. The forces are intertwined and very complicated. You should go back to the imperial capital first. When the prince's team returns to the court, there will be a day of reunion."

Yuechen couldn't help but persuaded.

Li Mingyu curled his lips and had no choice but to agree.

On the contrary, Duke Zhen couldn't help but look at Yuechen a few more times, his son was extremely rebellious, he didn't even listen to his father, but obeyed in front of the eldest prince.

It seems that this eldest prince should not be underestimated.

Originally, many ministers in the DPRK were ready to see the performance of the eldest prince and see how powerful he really was in this battle led by Yue Chen.

But he didn't expect that after arriving in Dongjiang, he sat firmly in the city lord's mansion, and never fought in wars, big or small!

All the monks under his command showed their talents, which disappointed the courtiers who were watching, and murmured in their hearts.

However, ginger is still old and spicy.

Even though Yuechen hadn't made a move in these years, Duke Zhen could tell that this eldest prince was absolutely extraordinary!

Not to mention anything else, his commanding talent is absolutely unmatched!

As an emperor, realm cultivation is secondary, but the most important thing is character.

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