
Chapter 928


Along the way, Niu Kui set off bursts of smoke and dust wherever he went, constantly causing disturbances among the herd of animals along the way.

In this chaos, Niu Kui finally approached the Bi Fang tribe.

However, what he saw made him feel cold all over, and he almost backed away uncontrollably.

I saw corpses lying outside the originally peaceful and peaceful tribe, the ground was stained red with blood, and the strong smell of blood filled the tip of my nose.

And in front of those corpses, a huge Bi Fang corpse was lying in front of the tribe.

At this time, two divine birds of Bi Fang lowered their heads and lightly touched the body of Bi Fang, and the beaks of the birds kept making mournful sounds.

"What's going on?" Niu Kui was confused.

The defense measures of the Bifang tribe are extremely strict, and ordinary tribes will absolutely not be able to attack unless


The sound of ox horns sounded, and the people of the Bifang tribe noticed Niu Kui's arrival and blew the horns.

In an instant, the whole tribe was boiling.

One after another spiritual patterns were opened, and the spiritual light shot up into the sky, turning into a huge Bi Fang, Qiqi rushed towards Niu Kui!

"You guys, are you courting death?!"

Seeing this scene, Niu Kui was furious, and rushed forward waving the iron rod.



In an instant, the trampling sound of the cow's hooves was deafening, and the shadows of sticks filled the sky. Accompanied by the sound of violent collisions and screams, one after another fell to the ground.

Niu Kui, on the other hand, took advantage of the situation and rushed forward, constantly crushing the front line of the Bifang people and driving them to the depths of the tribe.

Ao Qianmiao didn't make a move at all.

Her eyes were slightly fixed, and her eyes were fixed on the two weeping and whining Bifang divine birds, her expression did not relax.

From her eyes, she can naturally see that these are two real Bifang divine birds, and they are not imaginary patterns.

An existence of this level is also a peak monster in the Primordial Continent.

But three heads suddenly appeared here!

"The situation is not good!"

Looking at the dead body of Bi Fang, Ao Qianmiao frowned and muttered secretly.

Obviously, the dead Bi Fang had a close relationship with the other two Bi Fang, most likely a family of three!

Suddenly, an accident occurred!

"Bi Fang!"

"Bi Fang!"

Two mournful screams sounded, and then a dazzling red light burst out suddenly.


Wherever the red light passes, a prairie fire erupts, regardless of enemy or friend, intending to burn the entire world!

For a moment, the earth was engulfed by raging flames, and countless barbarians howled and struggled in the sea of ​​flames.

And amidst the blazing flames, two pairs of huge wings soared into the sky!

"Bi Fang" two bifang divine birds wailed and flew up into the sky with flapping wings.

They looked up into the void, and their mournful cries became more and more shrill, almost piercing the sky.


The mixed iron rod was thrown across the air, and with a force of ten thousand jun, it smashed head-on towards Bi Fang at both ends!

"Bi Fang, Bi Fang!"

Bi Fang screamed at both ends, as if he had suddenly found his target enemy, both of them turned around, staring at Kui Niu with blood-red eyes!

"Two flat-haired beasts, what are you looking at! Grandpa Niu won't let you go!"

These words were like adding fuel to the fire, and Bi Fang at both ends suddenly went crazy, and rushed towards Niu Kui crazily!

In an instant, flames filled the sky, and wind blades flashed out of thin air, all cutting towards the big black cow!

In an instant, Kui Niu suffered a disadvantage!

Its size is huge, and it can't escape the surprise attack of the wind blade for a while.

Fortunately, it has rough skin, thick flesh and lots of hair. The wind blade fell on its fur, which offset a lot.

However, just this one blow really set Niu Kui on fire!

Its body swayed and turned into a normal size to reduce the hitting area.

At the same time, the mixed iron rod suddenly grew bigger, and swept towards Bi Fang at both ends like a giant mountain peak!



There were two loud bangs in a row, and the Bifang Divine Bird, which was swooping in from both ends, was caught off guard and was struck again and again. Its body was thrown over a thousand feet away and landed in the dense forest, crushing a large area. trees.

At this moment, the accident happened again!


A sharp cry pierced the sky, and then a huge colorful peacock fluttered out of the dense forest!

It spread its wings high, covering the sky and covering the sun, and its huge multicolored feathers shone brightly in the sun.

Then, I saw the peacock flick its tail feathers, and the mighty five-element divine light rushed out of its body, brushing towards Bi Fang at the two ends without saying a word!

Seeing this, Ao Qianmiao was slightly taken aback, and then she understood.

It turned out that Kong Yu wanted to use Niu Kui as a bait to lure the two Bi Fangs ahead so that he could continue the sneak attack!

I have to say that only he can do such scolding things

And Niu Kui also saw Kong Yu's purpose at this time, and couldn't help saying bitterly: "This guy is too hateful! How dare you use my old cow as a spearman!"

It really wanted to rush up and give the peacock a stick, to let it know how powerful the old cow is!

However, the two divine birds of Bifang in front of them have already lost their minds, they regard it as the enemy who killed their children, and are pestering it and won't let it go!

Under such circumstances, how dare it relax.

Ever since, the two Bi Fangs were chasing the big black bull in the air, chasing after each other, attacking each other constantly, spewing out divine fire, divine wind, and divine thunder from time to time...

Seeing this, Ao Qianmiao couldn't help but secretly clicked her tongue, it seemed that the two Bi Fang had lost their minds and only regarded Niu Kui as an enemy.

In this case, no matter how powerful Niu Kui is, he might not be able to escape!

Thinking of this, Ao Qianmiao finally stopped watching.


The Heavenly Demon battle sword was unsheathed, and quickly slashed towards Bi Fang at the two ends with an unrivaled momentum!

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