
Chapter 907

Mumba was impatient, so he showed it on his face.

Seeing Niu Kui, he laughed and said, "Brother Meng, do you want me, Lao Niu, to take you for a ride?"

Mumba's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly.

This is a saint's mount, so the speed is naturally not a problem.

"That's easy, you just owe my old cow a favor."

The light in Niu Kui's eyes flashed, and he said tentatively.

Mumba glanced at him suspiciously, and after thinking about it, it was the desire to compete with the barbarian king that had gained the upper hand.

He said: "As long as it doesn't harm the interests of the giants, it doesn't matter."

Niu Kui laughed: "Don't worry, I just want to call you to help out when I want to fight, it has nothing to do with the giants."

At most, it's just asking you to help beat up those bald donkeys, Niu Kui thought to himself.

"Fight well, just come and find me!"

Mumba slapped his chest with a "bang bang" sound, and immediately responded.

For the giant race, fighting is the best way to practice.

Poor Mombaduo, a simple person, how could he know that the little Jiujiu in the heart of this old cow was finally taken by him to the thief boat that intercepted the teaching.

The two sides reached a consensus, and they hit it off immediately, and they worked together, cough, it was a two-phase cooperation.

In a flash, Niu Kui turned into a huge black buffalo, which was lifted off the ground by five-color auspicious clouds.

Mumba sat on its back and waved to everyone, "Let's meet the barbarian king first, and you guys will come later."

Yue Chen and the others watched with envy.

The saint's mount is not something anyone can sit on if he wants to.

Niu Kui also has the cultivation base of a Daoist Lord. When fighting, the two Daoist Lords go up together. Even if the barbarian king Daojun is perfect, they will not be at a disadvantage.

"Okay, don't be greedy, come and try Pindao's car!"

Yuechen felt relieved, patted the treasure ship of Lingxiao, led the crowd into the sky, and headed straight for the outside of the imperial city.

This Lingxiao treasure ship was originally a low-level Houtian Lingbao. Later, Yuechen added some Sunda Fengshen stones from the list of good and evil in the heavens, and added them to it.

This time the treasure ship has seen the light of day again, and its speed is simply not the same as in the past.

Even in the Great Thousand World, the Lingxiao Treasure Ship seems to be unrestricted by the gravity of space, and its speed is very fast.

"Husband, shall we go directly to Dongjiang?"

Ao Lin asked with a frown.

Even if she has never led troops in battle, she also knows that Yue Chen has a different status now, as the commander, at least he has to show his face in the army, and he can't just walk away casually.

"No, of course I will go to the army first."

Yue Chen smiled.

Time flies, Lingxiao treasure ship galloped past the imperial city and landed outside the city.

At this time, the army outside the city has been assembled, and just waiting for his coach to come, he can directly dispatch to help Eastern Xinjiang.

Zhou Huang allocated him a 30 magic strategy army.

Don't think that there are very few of these 30 Shence troops. Each of them has a strong cultivation base, has experienced many battles, and has made countless contributions to the expansion of the territory of the Great Zhou.

This is a true iron-blooded division.

If it is not necessary, Zhou Huang is not willing to call them easily.

After all, these soldiers sacrificed their blood for the Great Zhou, and they are commendable for their loyalty and bravery. If it weren't for the moment of life and death, I really couldn't bear to hurt them.

But the current situation does not allow him to hesitate.

Because the barbarians had already sent troops to attack the border, Da Zhou was in danger from the enemy.

Zhou Huang had no choice but to transfer the 30 elites to the border to resist.

However, besides the Shence Army, those waiting outside the city at this time were also the people from Dazhou who came spontaneously.

These common people also have cultivation bases, and after being recruited by the commander of the Shence Army, they formed the rear army, led by a Daluo Jinxian monk.


The Lingxiao treasure ship landed on the ground.

Immediately, there was a sound of uniform footsteps, and 30 elite soldiers came up in a neat square formation.

Looking at the densely packed black figures, the surrounding air seemed to freeze.

"At the end, I will see His Royal Highness the First Prince!"

"Your Highness is mighty!"

"All the officers and men are free from courtesy."

Yue Chen stood at the bow of the ship, his eyes swept over 30 elite soldiers, and finally stopped on a middle-aged man in black armor: "General Zhang, you are the commander of the Shence Army, and this time you will lead the Shence Army to Dongjiang."

Zhang Wenyuan cupped his hands and said, "Yes, the general will obey!"

After a pause, he raised his head to look at Yuechen, his gaze swept over the saber at his waist, and he couldn't help being stunned.

Immediately, he bowed his head in a more respectful posture than before and said, "The eldest prince will not wait with me?"

Yue Chen shook his head: "The speed of the army is too slow, the barbarians are rampant, and the eastern border is in danger. My Highness is one step ahead. Please hurry up, don't delay."

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, sweeping across the army.

Zhang Wenyuan knew his character, so he didn't persuade him too much, and agreed with his hand: "The last general will obey the order."

Yuechen nodded, turned around and urged the Lingxiao treasure ship.

A moment later, the Lingxiao treasure ship vacated, turned into a white rainbow and shot towards the eastern border.

After he left, the surrounding air instantly relaxed, and the oppressive feeling gradually disappeared, replaced by a heavy chill.

After watching Yuechen leave, Zhang Wenyuan turned to the generals and said, "Let's go!"


All the generals clasped their fists together to respond, and then followed Zhang Wenyuan and boarded the spirit boats one after another.

Inside the treasure ship of Lingxiao, Yuechen stroked the Tai'a sword at his waist, closed his eyes and meditated.

He was clear-sighted, and from the expressions of the people around him, he could naturally see that this Tai'a sword had a special meaning.

With a sigh, he knew that the sword was already in his hands, so it was useless to think about it, so it was better to refine it first.

He held the scabbard and looked at it carefully.

On the black scabbard, a few strangely shaped cloud patterns were simply outlined, like the traces formed after countless years of precipitation, which was inexplicably mysterious.

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