
Chapter 904 Who is harming me!

Lu Qiao's old way is powerful, treacherous and cunning, and his methods are cunning and cunning, which is really hard to guard against.

"What's so strange about this Bone Erosion Soul Seizing Curse?"

After a while, Zhao Yu finally couldn't bear it and asked curiously.


When it comes to the spells at the bottom of the box at home, Lu Qiao's old man immediately regained his spirits.

He took out a golden elixir, swallowed it painfully, and said slowly: "This Bone Erosion Ecstasy Curse, as the name suggests, is to make the bones and flesh melt away, the soul dissipates, and the true spirit does not exist. If you want to be resurrected, Apart from condensing the true spirits and reentering reincarnation, there is no other way to go."

The old Taoist smacked his lips in pity, and said: "It's a pity that the old Taoist's realm is not enough, otherwise, his true spirit will definitely die forever!"

Hearing this, the two of Gao Lin suddenly shuddered for no reason.

Why does this spell sound more vicious than that book of seven arrows on nails?

This old man is really ruthless, and he must not be provoked in the future.

Otherwise, who could stand him doing this behind his back!

Gao Lin and Zhao Yu looked at each other, and they both checked their bodies carefully, not even a single hair could fall off.


Seeing this, the veteran Lu Qiao rolled his eyes towards the sky, and said sullenly: "It's too late to think about this now!"

Gao Lin and the two suddenly wept, wanting to cry but not crying.

Now that's all right, when I'm with this old man in the future, I always have to worry about offending him, so I don't feel as comfortable as before.

Seeing the two of them downcast, Lu Qiao secretly smiled triumphantly.

In fact, he didn't have the blood and hair of the two of them in his hand, it was just to frighten them.

Rabbits still don't eat grass at the edge of the nest.

cough cough...

He Lu Qiao is a man of high character and integrity, and his righteousness is so low. How can he be such a person with unbearable morals?

When Lu Qiao and the other three were relieved and waited patiently for help, Wu Gan grinned wide on the wild holy mountain, revealing a mouth full of white teeth, with a fierce smile.


His deep eyes spanned the distance of space, looking at the huge altar in the Grand Canyon, showing a bit of disgust in his eyes.

Most of the barbarians are straight-minded, and they don't like the various tricks of the monks the most.

What's more, this altar is covered with charms, which always looks a bit evil.

Wu Gan took a step forward, stretched out his scarlet tongue, and licked the corner of his mouth. His eyes suddenly turned red, as if two flames were burning.

Then, he clenched his fist violently, the muscles all over his body swelled instantly, and his figure suddenly became huge, as if a chaotic god and demon descended.

"Damn Faxiu, uh... poof!"

Wu Gan's complexion changed suddenly, and he suddenly opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of black blood, and his momentum declined sharply.

In just a split second, like a deflated ball, he shook a few times and recovered his original figure.


Wu Gan hurriedly took a few steps back, almost falling to the ground.

"Who! Who is killing me!"

His eyes were wide open, and his whole body was full of murderous aura, as if he had turned into a bloodthirsty beast, which was daunting.


He raised his head and roared, wanting to gather his strength again.

Unexpectedly, just as he pulled himself together and stood up, his flesh and blood began to mutate. The flesh and hair fell off together, hitting the ground, corroding the ground into large holes.

Obviously, an unimaginable mutation has taken place in his flesh and blood, which is already highly poisonous, and he will never return to his former divinity.

Wu Gan suddenly became hoarse, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

He made a quick move, sealing the big acupoints all over his body, stopping the reversal of the blood vessels and melting the flesh and blood.

Who, who killed him?

Suddenly, Wu Gan's eyes were shocked, he raised his head, and looked in the direction of the Great Zhou Dynasty, his eyes were full of blood.

Such insidious means, except for those Dharma practitioners, don't think about it.

The appearance on the altar flashed in his mind, further confirming the guess in his heart.

"Da Zhou! This king swears against you!"

Wu Gan gritted his teeth, and was about to summon the barbarian army when his eyes suddenly went dark and he fell headlong.

"King! Come on!"

The barbarians who were stationed at the gate of the palace suddenly shouted in panic when they saw the barbarian king fall.

At the same time, in the Qianqiu Palace of the Great Zhou Imperial City, Yue Heng's only remaining guard knelt down and pleaded guilty to the Zhou Emperor.

After hearing what happened, the queen's complexion turned pale, and she almost couldn't stand still.

She stabilized her mind, grabbed Yuechen's arm, and asked eagerly, "My son, what happened to your brother? Why didn't he come back with you?"

When asked about Yue Heng, Yue Chen couldn't help showing embarrassment.

In fact, he didn't know what Yueheng's situation was like now.

How would he answer this?

Seeing that his expression was wrong, the empress's face suddenly changed drastically, and her mind was buzzing as if it had been blasted.

Seeing her body swaying a few times and about to fall backwards, Yuechen quickly supported her.

"Queen mother, don't worry, Tianzun has something to say, my brother is fine, and there is another chance."

Yue Chen hastily explained.

After a pause, he said with shame on his face again: "It's just that my younger brother's whereabouts are unknown now. I have searched the entire battlefield outside the region, but I can't find him. I still hope that my mother will punish me."

He lowered his head, like a child who made a mistake in front of the empress, seeing Ao Lin's heart ache.

"Mother, the situation at that time was extremely dangerous. Everyone was caught in the tide of heavenly demons. If it wasn't for my husband's action, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to come back."

Ao Lin couldn't help but stepped forward and said something nice for Yue Chen.

Ao Qianmiao also stepped forward, supported the empress on the other side, and comforted: "Grandmother, don't worry, what Master said is sure to be right, you, just wait for uncle to come back with peace of mind."

After repeated comforts, the Empress finally came back to her senses.

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