
Chapter 901 Empress Yumei

"Sovereign, what happened before, did Dao Zun really appear in the Great Zhou Imperial City?"

A glamorous middle-aged woman frowned slightly, and asked worriedly.

Empress Yumei stared forward with beautiful eyes, as if traveling through time and space, she saw the scene in the Great Zhou Imperial City.

After a long time, she let out a sigh, and said with red lips: "That's right, but I have waited for countless years to arrange, how can I shrink back just because Dao Zun appears."

"That's right, even if the Daoist is here, we don't have a chance of winning. Don't forget, the empress has a good relationship with the Daoist Heguang!"

Another elder, with a charming face like a girl, glanced at Empress Yumei, and hummed coquettishly.

This is Empress Yumei's old rival, a strong contender for the position of suzerain back then, and now Elder Yujiao.

Asked what Elder Yujiao said, the other elders smiled knowingly, and they didn't care that much about the Daoist who appeared in the Great Zhou Imperial City.

That Daoist He Guang is the patriarch of the Xingluo Sacred Sect, with tens of thousands of disciples, his power is unparalleled.

And this Xingluo Sacred Sect is the largest array cultivation sect in the Qingwei Great World, ruling over hundreds of millions of miles of territory, and its strength is extremely strong.

The Xingluo Sacred Sect's sect is located on an endless Xingluo River that traverses the Xinghai Sea.

Its Zongzong Formation, Sun, Moon and Star Formation, is unparalleled in power, and it is the number one formation in this world.

Thinking of Daoist He Guang, Empress Yumei smiled triumphantly, even if there was still a trace of uneasiness in her heart, she forced herself to suppress it.

It was too far away, and they didn't know that it was the Lord Tongtian who appeared.

Otherwise, even with Daoist He Guang as the backer in the dark, I am afraid that he will be in trouble.

After all, compared with the No. [-] killing formation in the heavens and myriad worlds, the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the Sun, Moon and Star Formation is still a little bit worse.

The members of the Hehuan Sect didn't know the inside story, so they all expressed their opinions that they would fight Da Zhou to the death as soon as possible.

"Since the empress has made a decision, I will do my best to assist the empress."

"Yeah, I just hope that Dao Zun will appear as soon as possible, and the country will be settled as soon as possible."

All the elders expressed their opinions one after another.

Empress Yumei nodded slightly, then asked again: "How is the war now?"

An elder in red replied: "According to reports from spies, the Great Zhou Dynasty has assembled more than forty barracks, and is ready to send reinforcements to the four borders of the southeast, northwest, and north at any time. Including the imperial guards, there are at least five or six hundred people."

After a pause, she said with an ugly expression: "Besides, there are many Loose Cultivation Sects cheering for Da Zhou. The situation is not good for us."

Empress Yumei frowned when she heard the words: "These damn loose cultivators dare to openly stand in line with Da Zhou!"

An elder in white robe said: "Your Majesty, don't worry. In terms of background, we are definitely not inferior to Da Zhou."

Empress Yumei pondered for a moment, nodded in agreement and said: "That's true, if we fight for consumption, we will definitely not be afraid of Da Zhou."

She paused, and then said: "However, in order to prevent any changes, we need to take action first, and try our best to wipe out all the sect forces that have taken refuge in Da Zhou, so as not to cause trouble in the future!"


at the same time.

Hundreds of millions of miles away from Dazhou in the other direction, a desolate place.

A majestic giant mountain stands on the top of the clouds, standing between the sky and the earth like Optimus Prime.

This is a giant mountain as high as ten thousand feet.

The entire mountain is composed of countless mysterious metals, glowing with a faint silver glow, as if cast from divine iron.

This is the holy mountain in the barren land.

On the top of the mountain stands a palace.

The palace is extremely simple and desolate, as if it has existed for endless years.

At this time, in the palace, sitting cross-legged was a burly young man in a grass skirt with red hair.

His eyes were closed tightly, his whole body was glowing with dazzling brilliance, the surrounding void was distorted and deformed, and there were faint flashes of thunder, as if some kind of earth-shattering vision was being conceived.


The young man opened his eyes, the black pupils were deep and vast, like a galaxy in the universe, and an inexplicable force was released from them, causing the surrounding space to tremble violently.


He waved his hand in the air.

In an instant, the wind was surging.

The entire giant mountain suddenly burst into dazzling golden light.

This golden light pierced the sky, illuminating the endless distance.

"Finally broke through." The young man murmured.

As soon as the voice fell, Ju Yue's trembling sound gradually subsided, and everything was completely silent, as if everything that happened before was an illusion.

The young man got up slowly, walked out of the palace, and looked into the distance.

It was the country of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it was hundreds of millions of miles away from the barren land.

This young man is none other than the current barbaric ruler, the barbaric god Ugan.

"Great Zhou dynasty? Hehe, a mere second-class dynasty deserves to be adjacent to my barren land?"

Wu Gan smiled coldly, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, as if he could chop everything into pieces.

Immediately, he stretched out a finger and pointed towards the east.


In an instant, the fingertip shot out a bright golden light, which turned into a ray of sharp edge, piercing through the endless void.

The speed of this golden light was so fast that it traveled hundreds of millions of miles in the blink of an eye, hit the eastern border of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and landed on a majestic pass.


Accompanied by a deafening bang, the entire giant pass instantly collapsed and turned into ruins.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light continued to fly south.

In just a few breaths, this ray of sharp edge pierced through seven or eight border cities, destroying countless places where mortals lived.

Until the end, the golden light stayed in a grand canyon.

In the center of the canyon, there is a vast altar covering a vast area, densely carved with runes.

And in the very center of the altar, there are three men in gray sitting upright.

The first person has a white beard and hair, a childlike face with white hair, and an imposing manner as deep as the sea.

"Who is this? He dared to attack my Great Zhou Dynasty!"

The three of them shouted angrily, their faces gloomy and frightening.

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