
Chapter 845 I Just Have Weak Legs

Yuechen and the others stayed in the mountain belly for a while longer, treating Ao Lin with the magic dragon loach every few days.

Although the scene of the treatment is creepy, the effect is really good.

During this period, the battlefield outside the territory was surging, and many heavenly favored sons from the Qingwei Great World came here to fight against the heavenly demons.

Because of this, he helped Yuechen and the others share some of the firepower.

However, the Heavenly Demon who was closer to the hill did not leave.

Whenever Ao Lin was wounded and the dragon's body was dripping with blood, the demons outside the cave would riot, but they didn't dare to attack the mountainside as usual.

The reason is that they are afraid of the dragon loach.

However, Yue Chen also had some guesses about the reason why the demons surrounded this place.

Not only is there the influence of the real dragon's flesh and blood on the Heavenly Demon, I am afraid that there is also the command of the Great Heavenly Demon or the Heavenly Demon King in the dark.

Otherwise, the breath of the real dragon's flesh and blood is only transmitted nearby, so how could it attract so many heavenly demons to attack.

No matter what, after Ao Lin recovers, there will be another tough battle outside.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and during these days, the demon dragon loaches that were captured devoured the blood of the demon, and all of them grew fat and strong, and their growth was gratifying.

"This magic dragon loach is extremely restraining to the sky demon. We should each bring some. In case of powerlessness, releasing the magic dragon loach can also scare it."

Kong Yu has long been envious of these dragon loaches.

Others despise them as heterogeneous and ugly, but he has clear eyes and thinks this thing is very useful.

But it's no wonder that some goblins are already ugly. As a demon emperor, he has never seen any kind of monsters. Compared with them, it's hard to say that these demon dragons are still normal-looking.

"Extremely, extremely. I also felt that this thing was not very useful, so I fished some more, and that's why I attracted that one."

Cucurbit Baby nodded again and again, proud of her foresight.

"Alright, after Madam finishes training, we'll share some of it each. Once this thing is raised, it will be a great killer in this extraterritorial battlefield!"

With a wave of his hand, Yue Chen settled the matter.

Then, he bowed in the direction of Heishui Lake: "Thank you senior for giving me the magic dragon loach. I will definitely serve them with delicious food and drink, so that they won't starve and lose weight in this foreign battlefield!"

Kong Yu and the others looked at him dumbfounded.

Obviously it was caught secretly, but it must be said that it was bestowed by others. This guy's face is really getting thicker and thicker. Does this have something to do with that person?

"Good guy, ginger is still old and spicy, Gan Kong, why didn't you know how to say that at the time?"

Kong Yu laughed teasingly.

Gourd Baby curled her lips: "Why don't I be an apprentice!"

Everyone laughed, and the tension and dullness of the past few days immediately dissipated.

"Why are you so happy, fellow daoists?"

Ao Lin's voice sounded, everyone quickly stopped talking, and turned their heads to look behind them.

However, the giant dragon's original half-black and half-silver scales had returned to their former glory.

And its disfigured dragon tail, which was bitten by the magic dragon loach, has also healed, and it can't see the boney appearance before.

Ao Lin opened her huge longan eyes and looked at everyone suspiciously.

It had just woken up from a coma, and it didn't know what happened before. It only remembered that she was poisoned by the blood of the demon and was in danger.

However, it vaguely felt as if it had seen its daughter.

The longan turned slightly, and Yinlong was surprised in an instant: "Qianmiao! It's really you, my mother thought it was in a dream!"

"Mother, it's my daughter who came, and I blame her for running around, causing my mother to suffer this great crime."

These days Ao Qianmiao blames herself a lot, every time she sees the Demon Dragon Loach sucking the blood of the Heavenly Demon, she feels sad.

It made Niu Kui feel guilty all day long, wishing he could be invisible so that Yuechen and others could not see his existence.

"Ma'am, you have woken up. Now that we have a large number of people, we will definitely be able to avenge your shame and avenge you!"

Yuechen opened his mouth and changed the topic.

The thing has already happened, and it is useless to regret it, it is better to find a way to get it back with interest.

"Yes, this time we have the nemesis of the Heavenly Demon Race. As long as we don't meet the Heavenly Demon King, we can do whatever we want in this extraterritorial battlefield."

Cucurbit Baby patted her chest, and said brazenly.

"The nemesis of the Sky Demon Race? What is that?"

Yinlong asked in surprise.

"Hey, this is it, it's a good thing to help your wife heal your injuries."

Cucurbit Baby took out a magic dragon loach, and shook it in front of Yinlong's eyes.

The silver dragon was stunned, for some reason, it always felt a little pain in the tail.

"Okay, Madam's injuries have healed, we are ready to go out."

Yuechen gave Cucurbita a sideways look, motioning him to shut up.

Gourd Baby closed her mouth embarrassingly, and swallowed back what she hadn't said.

The master is also too careful, tell the master what's wrong, she is not annoying like ordinary girls crying...

No one knew the slander in Cucurbita's heart, but at this moment Yinlong raised his head, and the cave immediately rang.

Afraid that the cave would collapse, Yinlong quickly stopped moving, and after a burst of silver light flickered on the spot, Ao Lin lay on the ground.


Ao Qianmiao immediately stepped forward and helped her up.

"I'm fine, it's just that my legs are weak for a while."

weak legs...

Everyone secretly looked at each other, their expressions were not natural.

The tail was bitten back and forth several times by the magic dragon loach, so it must be weak in the legs.

"Cough, Master, this is the elixir of strengthening the foundation and cultivating the essence, you take a few pills, and you will be fine soon."

The gourd baby patted the yellow-skinned gourd on her waist, and a green medicine bottle flew out and fell straight into Ao Lin's hands.

"it is good."

Ao Lin readily pulled out the cork, put the mouth of the bottle to her mouth and poured it down.

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