
Chapter 835 Eight Claws


The Demon King's Halberd split the void and smashed heavily on Ao Qianmiao's body.

At the critical moment, the Qiankun Mirror radiated aura of aura, unfolded the space of the magic weapon, and absorbed the attack of the Demon King's Halberd.

However, the Demon King's Halberd is an intermediate innate spiritual treasure, so how can an acquired spiritual treasure like the Qiankun Mirror be able to resist it.

With just one blow, the Qiankun Mirror couldn't bear the huge force of the Demon King's Halberd, and it shattered into pieces.

Since then, this Acquired Spirit Treasure bestowed by Master Miaoran has disappeared.


Ao Qianmiao spat out a mouthful of blood, and the silvery blood flew like a dragon and snake, spraying the earth, nourishing the land.

Her face paled instantly.

The star iron battle suit on her body also showed cracks, about to collapse.

It was the Sun Moon Pearl protector who was eager, turned back quickly, knocked the Demon King's halberd away, returned to the top of Ao Qianmiao's head, and hung strands of brilliance to protect her tightly.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, Niu Kui only had time to slam Mo Kun's horns with a stick, and saw Ao Qianmiao spouting blood, looking sluggish.

He became angry in an instant, and the iron rod seemed to have lost its weight at all, and he danced into a piece, hitting the same position continuously.

Mo Kun was dazzled by his sudden violent rise, and was dizzy for a while. When he finally stabilized his body, he heard a "click", and the horns on his head were broken!

In an instant, countless black essence gushed out from the broken corner.

Mo Kun was stunned.

Why can the demon horn be used to refine the exorcism pill?

Naturally, it is because the essence of the demons are gathered in the two horns, which are a symbol of their bravery and also represent their status in the clan.

Now the pair of scimitar-shaped demon horns on Mo Kun's head that pierced into the sky were broken, and the energy leaked out, and the game was over!

He kept roaring, and the Heavenly Demon Halberd slashed out light blades frantically, and his subordinates attacked in a disorderly and chaotic way.

Of course, this is not over yet!

"hold head high……"

A high-pitched and majestic dragon roar sounded, and the huge silver dragon stretched for thousands of miles. The breath of the dragon in its mouth sprayed into the void, dousing the black clouds.


Niu Kui was shocked.

How can you show your real body after receiving a blow? Aren't you afraid that the blow will be too wide and you won't be able to withstand it?

He quickly looked up and was stunned.

Only a dragon claw is slowly stretching out from the belly of the silver giant dragon.

Silver gray, smaller than other claws!

Niu Kui blinked, and said softly, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!"

In an instant, his bull's eyes like copper bells widened suddenly, he turned his head quickly, and slammed down again with a stick!

He knew that the senior sister was transforming now, and she must not be disturbed. Therefore, this big sky demon, who was already at sunset, should die.

Here, Niu Kui showed his full potential, using both the Nine Turns Mysterious Art and the Shangqing Immortal Technique at the same time, and the Qingping Sword was hidden in secret, ready to be used just in case.

But Ao Qianmiao over there was not feeling well either.

After she was slashed by Mo Kun, she watched the mirror of Qian Kun collapse and was deeply stimulated.

Therefore, after she randomly took out a handful of pills and swallowed them, she couldn't control the boiling of her blood.

This was the result of her losing her mind and her blood reversing under the medicine pill.

Helpless, she had no choice but to forcibly constrict her blood, trying to forcibly suppress the boiling blood.

However, I don't know if it was God's will, the dragon body that was supposed to be transformed in the realm of the Taoist monarch, but under the reversal of the blood, there was movement.

Therefore, there was the scene just now.

After its eighth dragon claw fully grew out, it felt unobstructed and full of invisible mighty power. If it faced that big sky demon again, it would definitely be able to fight with his body and compete!

It breathed a sigh of relief, and the gushing dragon's breath blew away the black clouds in front of it, and its huge longan eyes looked at Mo Kun maliciously.

If you dare to kill this princess with a halberd, this princess will definitely...


Yinlong blinked his eyes like silver moons, looking at the pile of mud on the ground like a hill, he couldn't recover.

Is Junior Brother Niu Kui so powerful now?

But, soon, remembering the Heavenly Demon Clan's talent for looting, the silver dragon suddenly opened its mouth wide, spewing out a fiery red flame, which landed on the pile of pitch-black rotten flesh.

In an instant, the flesh and blood sizzled, and a scorching smell shot straight into the sky.

Niu Kuiti looked at the burning flesh vigilantly, just in case.

Sure enough, not long after, a black shadow rushed out from the burning flesh and headed straight for Ao Qianmiao!


The mountain-like shadow of the stick slammed down quickly, but before the stick arrived, the domineering majesty had already enveloped the black shadow.

Mo Kun's soul was terrified, but he was suppressed and could do nothing. In the end, his eyes went dark and he didn't know anything.

Niu Kui took back the iron rod, his bull's eyes gleamed, and he kept looking around to make sure that Mo Kun was gone.

And the silver dragon kept spewing flames from its mouth, falling on the hill-like rotten meat, burning it continuously.

The Great Heavenly Demon, who was comparable to the quasi-sage realm, was dead, but the essence of flesh and blood was still there, and it took a long time to burn before it was completely turned into ashes.

In the end, only a pair of broken horns, a dilapidated pitch-black leather armor, and a pitch-black shiny soul crystal remained on the ground.

Yinlong heaved a sigh of relief, his body rolled and turned into a human body.

Ao Qianmiao stretched out her hand and put the three things on the ground into the treasure.

"After we go back, let's divide the spoils!"

She brushed her flying silver hair and said with a smile.

Niu Kui also shrunk his figure, shook his head and said, "I don't want it, I will refine the magic weapon for you."

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked forward for a moment, and said with a serious expression: "This battle has already alarmed the other big demons, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled Ao Qianmiao and ran away quickly.

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