
Chapter 832 Exhausting this life!

This is a team of heavenly demons comparable to Daluo Jinxian, all of them are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, exuding a frightening aura.


With Yuechen shouting loudly, everyone shot together!


In just an instant, the two sides collided.

The Ice Soul Divine Light Sword slashed out soundlessly, and the chilling Ice Soul Divine Light swept across the battlefield, freezing the demons for an instant.

Afterwards, the sword light soaring into the sky was like a bolt of lightning, splitting the black and red sky and landing on the horns of the demon!

The gorgeous five-color divine light is like light silk, gently rolling over the body of the demon!

With only a sliver of the blazing red flame exposed, it exudes extreme ferocious power, skimming the thick leather armor of the demon like a hungry tiger.

The God of Myriad Tribulations Golden Cauldron burst out with a monstrous aura, erupting the aura of Myriad Tribulations, which poured down like a waterfall.

In a short time, there was no more Heavenly Demon in this small area.

There was silence in the field.

Mumba and Li Mingyu still maintained the posture of raising their fists and holding their swords, and looked at Yuechen and the others dumbfounded.


Li Mingyu swallowed, breaking the silence at the scene.

"My lord, have they always been this fierce?"

Looking at the handful of ashes that had been burnt by Tushi Shenyan, Li Mingyu wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked towards Yueyin.

Seeing Li Mingyu's frightened eyes, Yue Yin twitched his eyes, and replied truthfully: "They have experienced thousands of years of world war."

Li Mingyu suddenly realized, and murmured: "No wonder they cooperated so tacitly. I think that's how they fought in the world war."

He didn't know that when everyone was still weak, they kept fighting like this.

No matter what kind of enemy they encounter, they will rush forward, trust their backs to the people around them, and never be suspicious.

Li Mingyu and the others also saw this, and they were extremely envious of this precious friendship.

They sighed here, but they didn't know that the monks following behind everyone were so shocked that they lost their voices.

After a long while, someone trembled and said, "Who are those people? Why have you never heard of them?"

"I don't know, anyway, it's definitely not the servant of Li Dawan!"

"Could it be some faction's hidden arrogance, and now they are being sent out of the mountain gate?"

After hearing this speculation, many monks looked at each other in blank dismay, and they agreed with it very much.

Therefore, when Yuechen and others didn't know about it, they became the hidden arrogance of the major forces, and somehow they gained many admirers.

Of course, this is a good thing for Yuechen, at least it provides him with a lot of good and evil values.

The few people went all the way and killed many heavenly demons all the way, killing a deserted place alive.

The God of Myriad Tribulations Golden Cauldron added with Da Luo Xianjin is even more domineering, filled with chaotic energy, once the cauldron is smashed, the demons can't even escape their spirits and souls, and it becomes a pool of flesh and blood.

"Here, is this still the Great Luo Jinxian?"

The following cultivator couldn't believe his eyes, and asked in a low voice.

"They must be some hidden pride!"

"Everyone, seeing that there are more and more demons in the sky, and there are people standing in front of them, we have to fight hard to kill the enemy."

"Yes, yes, don't miss this opportunity, do it quickly!"

In an instant, the following crowd started to move, resorting to all kinds of means to kill in all directions.

Mumba smashed a demon with his fist, and shouted: "There are more and more demons ahead, they must have noticed us."

"Come and come, kill as long as you want!"

Kong Yu laughed out loud, the divine light in his hand kept on.

Yue Chen was somewhat puzzled: "Could it be possible that this clan of Heavenly Demons can't be killed?"

"That's right, but the First Prince guessed right. The reason why the Heavenly Demons are able to harass the worlds with the power of a clan and not fall down is because they can give birth."

Li Mingyu explained: "It is said that there is a pool of celestial demons in the land of the celestial demons, which can continuously produce celestial demons. These celestial demons have the cultivation base of the primordial spirit after they are born. Endless."

How did Yuechen and the others know that these heavenly demons were so difficult to deal with? One can imagine the shock in their hearts when they heard about these secrets for the first time.

"It would be great if we could destroy that Heavenly Demon Pool."

Ao Lin pursed her lips tightly, brandishing the Ice Soul Light Sword, dripping with sweat.

"It's easier said than done. I'm afraid no one except Dao Patriarch knows where the Heavenly Demon Clan is. Besides, Taoist Demons are like Yin and Yang.

Yue Yin shook his head and said: "Otherwise, if things go on like this for a long time, the world will be impacted by negative emotions and various calamities. When the calamities can no longer be relieved, the world will collapse and die."

Ling Ce continued, "At that time, we can only disrupt the earth, water, fire and wind, and recreate the world."

Yuechen's pupils shrank sharply, and his mind was shocked.

Recreating the world is easy to say, but it is also easy to do if you have the realm of Taoism.

I'm afraid that by then, things will have changed.

As soon as he thought of the annihilation of all things in Chiming Great World, and the death of Xianzong forever, he couldn't restrain the murderous thoughts in his heart.

No, he will never allow Chiming Great World to go to that point!

Dao Zun's realm is not enough, he will go to Daozu, and Daozu's realm is not enough, he will continue to go up.

He doesn't believe that, after exhausting this life, there will be no day of detachment!

No one knows, at this moment, Yuechen has set a goal that the world can hardly match.

"No matter what happens in the future, let's find Qianmiao first!"

Yuechen gritted his teeth, and the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulations blasted out again, killing a large number of demons.

"Qian Miao? But Princess Fengyang? She is also on the battlefield outside the territory? I left the capital a long time ago, but I haven't seen the princess yet."

Li Mingyu said with some regret.

Hearing this, Ao Lin gave him a sideways glance.

Based on her understanding of her daughter, if she meets Li Mingyu, who used to be known as the No. [-] rich man in the capital, she might not be as good as him.

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