
Chapter 828

"Senior Luo Tian, ​​I don't know where Qian Miao has gone, please quickly help me find her whereabouts."

As soon as he returned to the quiet room, Yue Chen called out Luo Tian urgently.

There was no movement for a while, and when Yue Chen was about to urge him again, Luo Tian suddenly said: "She went to the battlefield outside the territory."


These words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, instantly blasting Yuechen into a scorched outside and tender inside.

Extraterritorial battlefield!

Ever since I left Chiming Great World, I have always heard news about battlefields outside the territory.

Originally thought that these were far away from them, but didn't want to, wandered around, and still had to go in.

After Yuechen got the news, he went to Ao Lin and the others.

"This girl, why is she running around? I heard that the battlefield outside the territory is extremely dangerous. I don't know if she is injured?"

Knowing her daughter's whereabouts, Ao Lin immediately became anxious.

Talking about her daughter's disobedience, she began to count the supplies in her hands, preparing to enter the battlefield outside the territory.

"An extraterritorial battlefield?"

Ling Ce shrank his pupils, pursed his lips tightly, and looked a little troubled.

Could it be God's will that he should not be told to meet that man?

After so long, I don't know if he is still alive.

Ling Ce was a little confused.

Just as he was thinking about it, Kong Yu slapped him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "It's God's will, maybe this time you father and son can meet again."

"I don't want to see him."

Ling Ce was stubborn.

"What? Are you afraid? You don't want to ask that man why he is so cruel and ruthless, and he doesn't even eat his own child!"

Kong Yu deliberately provoked Ling Ce's face reddened and his breathing became heavy.

Yuechen also persuaded: "It's good to go and meet, your demons will be broken, and the road will be smooth from now on, without any obstacles!"

Ling Ce raised his head abruptly, looking at Yuechen in surprise.

"Don't look at me, your aptitude is about the same as mine, and your accumulation is enough. Why are they all advanced to Da Luo, while you are still a true immortal?"

Yuechen made his words clear and hit Ling Ce's heart directly.

The authorities were confused by the bystanders, since Ling Ce got the whereabouts of Jiang Hongxi last time, he became more and more silent, and Yuechen knew that this matter had entered his heart.

Maybe this knot has always been there, but he didn't realize it before, and it didn't explode until this time.

It doesn't make sense that the dignified prince of the Immortal Palace can't even match Qian Luo's cultivation progress.

Ling Ce's complexion suddenly turned pale, and for a moment he was embarrassed by what was going on.

"Let's go together, just so you can help me find that girl Qian Miao."

Yuechen made a final decision, Ling Ce could only nod awkwardly.

"Master, I have enough pills here. The Empress has given me many treasures, and I can refine some more advanced pills."

The gourd baby immediately opened the nine-turn Qiankun pot and took out the medicine bottle.

When several people visited the Emperor Zhou and the Empress, they all naturally received greetings.

In particular, I heard that the gourd baby is an alchemist, and the empress gave a lot of elixir, many of which are natural treasures that are not in the yellow skin gourd.

He has been immersed in alchemy these days, and he has not even come out.

At this time, when he heard that he was going to the battlefield outside the territory, he immediately took out the posture of logistics command like a conditioned reflex.

Apparently, in his heart, that kind of extraterritorial battlefield is not much different from a world war.

Several people counted the resources, each filled with storage space and magic weapons.

"We're going to see the queen."

After they packed up, they went to meet the empress together.

Knowing that they were going to the battlefield outside the territory, the empress was shocked immediately.

"Why do you want to go there? As you know, the battlefield outside the territory is full of battles every day, and there are demons from outside the territory."

the queen asked puzzled.

Yuechen sighed: "Mother, it's not that the son wants to go, but that girl Qianmiao has entered the battlefield outside the territory. I don't know what the situation is."


The queen was also anxious immediately.

Princess Qianmiao is her eldest granddaughter. They have been together for hundreds of years and are very caring.

"It must be a good thing that old cow did!"

The queen raised her eyebrows and scolded Niu Kui.

Seeing that she was so angry, Yuechen touched his nose, a little worried that what he said next would also provoke a scolding.

But seeing the pleading eyes of his younger brother, Yue Chen finally spoke up: "Mother, my son wants to take Yue Heng to practice together."


The queen's sharp eyes immediately looked over, and turned back and forth between the Yuechen brothers.

Yue Heng shrank his neck.

But soon, he straightened his chest again, and gritted his teeth to meet the queen's scrutiny.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he cannot back down, otherwise he will never be able to leave this imperial city.

"Mother, my son knows your worries, Qian Luo, come here."

Yuechen recruited Prince Qianluo to come forward, pointed at him and said, "Look, queen mother, even if neither of us brothers can come back, there is still Qianluo, and now our family is not a single seedling."

He said this to reassure the empress, but after the empress heard it, she slapped him on the forehead.


Ao Lin exclaimed.

Kong Yu and the others suddenly widened their eyes.

This was the first time they saw Yuechen being beaten, and they all watched as if they were curious.


Yue Heng stood up awkwardly, and called out anxiously.

The empress glared at him, then pointed at Yuechen and shouted: "What are you talking about! Why can't you both come back? Huh? But if one of you can't come back, do you still want me to live? They must all be returned to Ben Gong with all beards and tails!"

The voice changed too fast, Yue Heng almost misheard.

"Yes, we must all come back to see the queen!"

Yue Chen grinned.

Ao Lin breathed a sigh of relief instantly, it didn't matter if she was really scolded.

"Mother, have you promised your son to go out for training?"

The surprise came so fast, Yue Heng couldn't believe his ears.

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