
Chapter 821 Is Your Father Going To Rebel?

The Great Zhou Dynasty has been flourishing these years, and it stands to reason that the subjects should have asked for a prince to establish the country.

However, there is only the queen empress in the harem, and although there are two princes, the eldest prince does not know anyone and has never shown his face in the imperial city.

And the little prince is so well protected, he has never even been out of the imperial city, and he has never had experience, how can he bear the heavy responsibility of a country?

Therefore, the subjects of the Great Zhou Dynasty panicked.

The country that was so hard to conquer must not be followed by no one.

Therefore, the appearance of Yuechen is like a bright light, illuminating the smoggy road ahead of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

On the street, the emotions of the people were high and spread rapidly. More and more people knew that the First Prince was coming back, so they all came here as soon as possible.

The crowd surrounded him tightly, directly blocking Zhao Jiye's escape route.

Seeing that the situation was not good, his guards wanted to protect him and escape, but being stared at by Kong Yu, it felt like a net had been laid, and there was nowhere to escape.

Zhao Jiye calmed down after a while of panic, not knowing what to rely on.

At this time, Yue Chen had already greeted Princess Jinyang: "Yue Chen has met Jin Yang's cousin."

Is it more dusty?

Princess Jinyang blinked and showed a more genuine smile.

"Ma'am, Qian Luo, come to meet Jin Yang's cousin."

Yue Chen greeted.

Only then did Ao Lin stand out from behind, and Prince Qianluo followed behind his mother, and they met Princess Jinyang together.

Both of them have the breath of a real dragon, intimidating and intimidating.

Ao Lin has a charming and charming posture in her graceful and luxurious appearance. As soon as she came up, she took Princess Jinyang's hand and said that it was too late to meet each other.

Princess Jinyang blinked, and there seemed to be some indescribable meaning passing between the two of them.

Prince Qianluo is a junior, so Princess Jinyang will naturally give a meeting gift after the ceremony.

Looking at the heroic Prince Qianluo, and thinking about the overprotected little cousin in the palace, Princess Jinyang sighed slightly.

This eldest cousin has both sons and daughters, all of them are adults, and all of them have extraordinary talents.

And although the little cousin has married the imperial concubine, but has no heirs yet, no matter how you look at it, he is getting farther and farther away from that position.

She was also generous, and directly gave an Houtian Lingbao, which was a water-attribute bead, and it would have some effect on the genus of the real dragon.

It wasn't that she didn't want to give the Xiantian Lingbao, but that even she herself had only one Xiantian Lingbao to protect her body, and it was a reward that she had accompanied the Queen's aunt for thousands of years and served her attentively.

Prince Qianluo took it with both hands, and thanked him solemnly, his words advanced and retreated with restraint, and he was extremely polite.

Princess Jinyang was about to praise him when she heard a report from someone nearby.

"Elder Prince, this subordinate has something to report!"

Yue Yin has finished searching for the soul, now to report the situation.


Zhao Jiye raised his head abruptly.

He has been paying attention to the assassin's situation, and now seeing that the assassin's mouth is crooked and his eyes are slanting after being searched for soul, he knows that he is already stupid.

He breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he later denied everything that person said, no one dared to do anything to him.

Zhao Jiye's calculation was pretty good, but he didn't want Yuechen to not do what he thought.

Yuechen glanced around the crowd and said, "You take him with you, we will hand him over to Father."

"Subordinates obey!"

The more hidden sleeves were rolled up, and the assassin disappeared in an instant.


Zhao Jiye shouted a step too late, and his face was red with anxiety.

He shouted angrily: "Who knows who you are and where you are going to take this person? What if you are in the same group?"

As soon as these words came out, even Li Mingyu looked at him with pity.

A Daoist Daoist, if you want to kill him, one finger is enough, why send an assassin?

"Zhao Jiye, don't you just jump over the wall in a hurry and plant someone when you see them?"

Li Mingyu sneered.

The people from the Imperial City Division looked at Zhao Jiye ready to move.

As long as the adult speaks, they will immediately arrest people.

Sure enough, Yueyin raised his eyelids and glanced at Zhao Jiye for the first time.

This look was cold, as if looking at a dead person, Zhao Jiye's whole body was cold.

Yue Yin snorted softly, and said slowly: "This person offended the First Prince and spoke up for the assassin several times. I suspect that he and the assassin are in the same group. Are all the officials in the imperial city dead? Are you still arresting them?"

He said lightly, but the people in the Imperial City Department did not dare to neglect, and quickly pleaded guilty: "My lord, forgive me, and those who are inferior will be arrested."

After speaking, these people walked towards Zhao Jiye.

"You dare!"

Zhao Jiye really panicked, he didn't expect this person to have such great power, and he could order the people of the Imperial City Division to do things.

It's also because of his lame eyes, bullying men and women all day long, and not doing his job properly, so naturally he doesn't know Yue Yin, the head of the secret guard.

Seeing that the people from the Imperial City Division really came to arrest him, Zhao Jiye hurriedly threatened: "My father is the Lord Protector, if you dare to arrest me, my father will not let you go!"

"I bother!"

Li Mingyu didn't know how happy he was now. Seeing Zhao Jiye's stupidity, he opened his mouth and pressed him to death directly: "How dare your father resist the order of the Imperial City Secretary's arrest and want to punish the Imperial City Secretary? Is your father going to rebel? Or Say, how many of you men despise the imperial power at home?"

As soon as these words came out, no matter whether it was floating in the sky or standing on the ground, they all stared at Zhao Jiye.

Behind him, Li Mingchang shrunk his head, thinking that Duke Protector is over, this idiot has more success than failure!

Zhao Jiye's lips trembled, confused by Li Mingyu's question, he didn't know how to refute for a long time.

The hat was too big, if his father found out, wouldn't he want to beat him to death?

Until then, Zhao Jiye didn't realize the seriousness of the matter.

In his eyes, Duke Protector is omnipotent, and even the emperor has to be courteous, but he never thought that this is a fairy dynasty where imperial power is supreme!

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