
Chapter 818 This Kid's Appetite for the Emperor


Exclamations sounded one after another, and the dandies looked at Li Mingyu's expression and immediately stood up high.

"My lord, you are too powerful!"

The little dandy who persuaded him before raised his thumbs up and said with a proud smile.

What is a dude?

He fights dogs all day long, flirts with good women and young ladies, accomplishes nothing, does not work hard in cultivation, and just force-feeds pills to the realm of the primordial spirit, he is called a dandy!

Once upon a time, Li Mingyu was also one of them.

Now, seeing Li Mingchang's pale face and terrified expression, Li Mingyu is in a good mood, and feels that her efforts have not been in vain.

His good stepmother had tried her best to become a real immortal, and she would stop here and make no progress.

This good second brother is not even a true immortal now, a complete waste.

Thinking of these thousands of years of hard work, Li Mingyu's face turned cold, and she waved a flash of light, intending to bring Li Mingchang to Duke Zhen for punishment.

But he didn't want to, Zhao Jiye waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Stop him!"

In an instant, a figure suddenly appeared, blocked Zhao Jiye and the others, and punched Li Mingyu.

Both are first-class public, and neither of the two families is afraid of the other, as long as they can't be beaten to death, they don't have to pay for their lives.

It's just that this is a pain for Bai Fu who is standing between the two parties.

He didn't know how to hide, the mana fluctuations from the two real immortals all rushed towards him, scaring him so tightly that he hugged his head with both hands, motionless like an ostrich.

He was so shocked that he didn't even hear the exclamation of the audience around him.

As soon as Li Mingyu's eyes changed, the aura he shot turned around, and Bai Fu was wrapped up and thrown aside.

"Don't hurry up!"

Li Mingyu scolded.

This mouse spirit is too blind to see, and he doesn't know how to sneak away.

Naturally, the guards of the Protectorate are all veterans who have come down from the battlefield, and their fists and feet are full of killing moves.

Li Mingyu was originally planning to go to battle in person, so she could shake off the prestige of the number one dandy.

But after thinking about it again, wouldn't he give Zhao Jiye a face when he, a future Duke of the country, made a move with the guards?

Therefore, he also waved his hand, and a man in black jumped out from behind him, and met the guards of the Protectorate.

Now, the guards from the two mansions came and went, beating each other relentlessly, Li Mingyu didn't stay idle, and brought out his poisonous nature, and scolded Zhao Jiye and Li Mingchang, the two trash, together.

Not only did he curse, but he also crushed the two of them with all the pressure of the peak of the real immortal.

Therefore, in the eyes of the onlookers, these two were scolded by the Shizi for a wrong, and they dared not refute.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Mrs. Zhen Guogong to be such a snake-hearted person. It really opened our eyes."

"This is what the son of the world is saying alone. What if it is false?"

Li Mingyu's reputation is only a little better than Zhao Jiye's, so naturally some people don't like him too.

"You have bad eyesight. You didn't look at those two who were so scolded that they couldn't lift their heads. It's clearly a mistake. Don't dare to quibble."

The man shook his head. This man's vision is really not good. Since ancient times, there is no stepmother who is good to the first wife's son. Even if there is, it is very rare.

Zhao and Li, who were suppressed by the aura of the peak of the real immortal, couldn't hold their heads up: "..."

Li Mingyu also listened to it, like a rooster who has won a fight, she didn't care at all that her family's ugliness should not be publicized, and she revealed all the good things about her step-wife and Li Mingchang.

He is the first wife's legitimate son, the son of Lord Zhen Guo, who was proclaimed by the Holy Majesty, so he is not afraid of being blamed by Lord Zhen Guo.

Besides, he has now advanced to the peak of the real immortal, and he can be regarded as elated. Presumably his unreliable father, even if he wants to blame him, he still has to weigh it.

Li Mingyu's eloquence was eloquent, as if he was telling a story, he performed a live performance of the classic scene of how the elder son was clever, witty, courageous, wise and powerful, and turned defeat into victory.

He spoke happily, and the onlookers also listened to a drama about the ethics of a wealthy family. Their eyes lit up and their applause was thunderous.

Just like that, when Li Mingyu returned to the capital for the first time, with his own strength, he changed the people in the imperial city's view of him before, and they couldn't sympathize with him.

And Yuechen and the others who were hiding in the clouds couldn't stop laughing.

Kong Yu laughed so hard that he couldn't help but laugh, pointing at Li Mingyu below and said with a smile: "This kid is good, I like my appetite!"

Yuechen looked at Kong Yu, and then at Li Mingyu below, and had to admit that Kong Yu's vision was spot on.

These two are clearly the same rogue hob meat, is this called like flocking together?

There seems to be something wrong.

Yuechen shook his head, shook off the weird thoughts in his heart, and continued to listen to the single-person relationship.

However, before he could listen for long, a pitch-black sword light suddenly struck, cut through the space, and stabbed Li Mingyu straight!

This sudden change stunned the onlookers, even Li Mingyu, who was talking nonstop, didn't react.

It wasn't that he wasn't vigilant enough, but that this assassin was proficient in the way of concealment, and he was a great Luo Jinxian. Under the suppression of his breath, Li Mingyu was about to splatter blood on the spot.

At this moment, a pale palm suddenly fell from the air, and the back hair came first to pinch the sword light, and with a light grip, the sword light dissipated immediately.

The assassin hiding in the dark suffered a backlash, and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Then, the palm was lightly pressed against a place where there was no one, and a man in black with a blurred face suddenly fell out of the void and appeared in front of the people.

Seeing that the matter had been exposed, the man in black knew that he could not do anything, so he wanted to escape.

Only then did the onlookers come to their senses, and shouted loudly, wrapped in magic power: "There are assassins!"


Suddenly the whole city was in an uproar!

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