
Chapter 808 Ling Ce's Knowing Father

However, I don't know whether Kong Yu forgot or what, but he didn't pay respects to Kong You again.

Yuechen and the others couldn't help but touch their foreheads when they saw it.

While receiving gifts, this guy still holds grudges like this, and he doesn't know how to save face.

Kong Yu didn't care so much, anyway, he didn't plan to live in the True Phoenix World for a long time, so what the hell!

Kong You's face turned cold, he was humiliated in front of his brothers, how could he let it go.

"Third brother!"

Kong Zhen frowned and scolded softly.


Kong You flicked his sleeve robe, stood aside angrily, and fell silent.

Kong Yu, however, continued to walk towards the fourth prince, Kong Yan, as if nothing had happened.

As soon as he stood still in front of Kong Yan, he heard a forceful voice say: "My nephew, hurry up!"

Then, a cold breath came, and the frosty light came into his hands.

He hurriedly took a closer look, and saw that in his right palm lay a flame exuding the brilliance of a bright moon, but also carrying an icy aura.

"Red Moon Profound Flame!"

Ling Ce exclaimed, his face involuntarily showing some surprise.

"Brother Ling, what is the effect of this Chiyue Xuanyan? How come this emperor has never heard of it?"

Kong Yu hurriedly asked without shame.

Kong Yan also raised his eyebrows, and looked towards Ling Ce.

This kid is quiet, but he has extraordinary insight and good eyesight, so he must have some background.

Ling Ce smiled and said: "This Chiyue Xuanyan is a kind of precious flame that grows on the Lunar Star. It is extremely yin and soft. Although it is a flame, it is extremely cold. A single strand can freeze the soul. This kind of The flame is specially aimed at the soul of the primordial spirit, and its power is infinite."

In short, this is a real gem.

"Your friend is very knowledgeable, but where did you learn from?"

Kong Yan laughed, and asked about Ling Ce's background.

Ling Ce cupped his hands and said proudly: "The prince is from Yuheng Immortal Palace!"


The Peacock King couldn't help but look sideways.

Several peacock princes also looked at each other in blank dismay.

There is only one prince in Yuheng Immortal Palace in Weilan Great World, and he is Taoist Yuqing.

Isn't this age right?


"Your mother is Linghua female fairy?"

A cold female voice came, and Ling Ce turned his head to look over.

It was Kong Su, the Seventh Princess, who was frowning at him.

Ling Ce was a little puzzled, how did the Seventh Peacock Princess know his mother's name?

"Exactly! I don't know how the Seventh Princess knows my mother's name?"

He nodded and asked back.

Kong Su's complexion was a little indescribable for a moment.

After hesitating for a moment, she said: "A few days ago, I met a seriously injured human cultivator in the foreign battlefield. He was chanting Ling Hua's name while he was in a coma."

Ling Ce's complexion changed instantly, and his mind was shocked.

He quickly asked, "What happened next?"

Kong Su shook his head and said: "I rescued him, and asked about Ling Hua, he only said that he was from Yuheng Immortal Palace. Later, I went back to the Real Phoenix World and inquired about her, only to find out that Ling Hua is a fairy .”

A light flashed in Ling Ce's eyes, and he asked for proof, "Did he say what his name is?"

"Jiang Hongxi, he said it himself."

Kong Su said lightly.

Ling Ce's breath was stagnant, and then he asked again: "Does the Seventh Princess know his current whereabouts?"

Kong Su gave him a strange look, and said, "You know him? I left after saving him. Now I don't know where he is, whether he is dead or alive."

Ling Ce pursed his lips tightly, feeling confused.

Although he knew that they just met by chance, he still couldn't help but wanted to ask Kong Su if he was doing well now, and if he was safe.

Mumba, the only one who knew more about his background, couldn't help but widen his eyes, and shouted: "Friend Ling, could that man be your father?"

Ling Ce lowered his head and remained silent.

Seeing this, there is still something people don't understand.

Linghua female fairy of Yuheng Immortal Palace, her deeds have spread all over the world and are widely known, providing vigilance for the giants who love their daughters.

Unexpectedly, this confidant actually recognized another story, and unexpectedly met the son of Linghua Fairy.

I don't know if the little prince of Yuheng Immortal Palace will go to find his father.

There was a hint of interest in the Peacock King's eyes.

He pinched his fingers quickly, and then suddenly said: "This person is still on the battlefield outside the territory, and the situation is not very good."

Ling Ce's eyes widened immediately, and his expression flustered for a moment.

But he didn't know what he thought of, and he hid all kinds of expressions, and restored his previous expressions.

Seeing this, Mumba scratched his head again, and said, "Brother Ling, do you want to save your father? If you want to go, we will accompany you!"

He looked a little excited, he hadn't been to the foreign battlefield, so he thought it would be a fun fight!

Yuechen also nodded and said, "If Fellow Daoist Ling wants to go to the battlefield outside the territory, I will definitely accompany you!"


There was a sneer from the side, Yue Chen looked at it coldly, but Kong Lan was not hiding his contempt, and said sarcastically: "A group of bumpkins, have you ever been to a foreign battlefield?"

He said this to Yuechen, but he included them all.

Mombat suddenly became furious: "Boy, who are you talking about bumpkins?"

Ling Ce's expression also changed, his eyes were extremely cold.

But hearing a delicate smile, Ao Lin's vermilion lips parted slightly, and said with a smile: "Indeed, what are we and other major ethnic groups in the eyes of this young master Kong Lan? He is an invincible opponent who has fought all over the world. genius."

Kong Lan, who was beaten dizzily by Kong Yu just now and became a prisoner, said, "..."

Yue Chen and the others laughed unabashedly, full of irony.

Although this is in the land of the Peacock Clan, I am afraid that no old guy with no eyesight will jump out and slap them to death.

After all, it involves the True Dragon Clan, Giant Clan and Yuheng Immortal Palace, neither of which is easy to mess with.

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