
Chapter 601

Mentioning the tigress, the black-robed man instantly stopped pretending to be pitiful.

He scratched the back of his head, and said with a chuckle: "Then the king will go and return early, and the little one is waiting for you to come back here in purgatory!"

Zhenhun nodded, and repeatedly urged: "Don't be careless, no matter what happens, the stability of Purgatory is the most important thing!"

Heipao's heart trembled, and he nodded heavily: "Yes, this subordinate obeys!"

Zhen Hun took a deep look at him, and strode out of the hall: "Let's go!"

"You go back first, don't meddle in what's going on here!"

Seeing that Yuehui was still staying where he was, Yuechen instructed.

Thinking that I have little strength alone, and it would be useless to go there, Yuhui had no choice but to give up the idea in my heart.

He pursed his lips, took out a talisman from his pocket, and handed it to Zhenhun.

"If you have something to do, you can use the talisman to find me in the land of purgatory."

The more I confessed.

Zhenhun put away the talisman and nodded.

Yue Hui only took one step and turned his head three times, and left uneasy.

"Let's go!"

Yuechen sacrificed the treasure ship of Lingxiao and soared into the sky.

Shangyang Mountain.

The master's voice suddenly came from the ears of the major disciples who were cultivating.

"Come and see me as soon as possible!"


Everyone felt something, knowing that the time had finally come!

Kong Yu, who was training Rat and Rat Six in the Demon Emperor's Palace, burst out laughing.

"Sky Fiend and Fei Ya quickly come to see me!"


Inside the Demon Emperor's Palace, two terrifying auras shot up into the sky, directly shattering the wind, thunder and fire above the nine heavens, and frightened the little demons near the Demon Emperor's Palace to tremble.

"My lord Demon Emperor summoned the two young lords, there must be something big about to happen!"

A wise man from the Yaozu shook his head and said.

"Perhaps, the time has come!"

Someone in the know asserted.

"No matter what, I'll just follow in the footsteps of the ancestor and the emperor."

"Yes, I'll just wait for the news."

These news reached Yuechen's ears verbatim.

He nodded in satisfaction, his heart is available.

"Master, but the time has come?"

A few figures rushed into the hut, Cucurbit Baby asked impatiently.

Yue Chen nodded and said: "Don't worry, we will discuss it together when the Demon Emperor arrives."

Now Kong Yu is on the other side of Shangyang Mountain, earnestly becoming the Demon Emperor.

Yuechen couldn't call him by his first name directly, so he had to call him Yaodi in front of others, but he laughed three times straight away if he was proud of that guy.

As soon as he finished speaking, Kong Yu's voice sounded like a beating: "This emperor is here, so don't hurry up and greet Patriarch Xuanxiao!"


Yue Chen hadn't spoken yet, but Calabash Baby poohed disdainfully and rushed out.

"What are you calling out for? Hurry up and come in. Master has been waiting for a long time. It's really ink!"

Calabash Baby stepped forward to teach Kong Yu a lesson, not afraid of the might of his demon emperor at all.

Kong Yu's face darkened instantly.

He instructed the two apprentices: "You go and capture him for this emperor, the emperor must teach this kid a lesson today!"

Standing on his left, Tian Sha, who was full of evil spirits, kept his face cold and motionless.

Fei Ya, who was standing on his right, moved his footsteps at first, but seeing that his senior brother was indifferent, he also stepped forward and withdrew back.

"You two traitors!"

Kong Yu was so angry that he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to teach his apprentice a lesson.

"Okay! Don't make jokes, come in."

Yuechen's helpless voice came out, and Kong Yu stopped unconsciously.

He glanced at the eldest disciple with his nostrils upturned, and entered the hut with his sleeves flung.

Tiansha didn't fear him at all, and followed him into the house swaggeringly.

Fei Ya looked at his brother adoringly from behind, and followed him into the hut.

"You are the patriarch of Hedao, why are you still so out of tune?"

Yue Chen looked at Kong Yu and said helplessly.

Hearing this, Kong Yu stiffened his neck and said, "Who's out of tune? Who's out of tune!"

Yuechen didn't talk much to him, looked at Tiansha who came in and smiled slightly: "Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, for finally returning from a calamity, from now on, the journey of immortality will be eternal!"

Facing Yue Chen, Tian Sha withdrew his evil spirit, and smiled: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist!"

This Tiansha was Kong Yu's portable magic weapon, the reincarnation of Yuanling, the magic weapon of the Shenri Tiansha Sword.

I don't know if it's because he has too much evil spirit or bad luck, but he has been asleep for many years without waking up.

Originally, Kong Yu was still a little worried and was going to find his hiding place.

Unexpectedly, just after the five disciples of Yuechen finished rectifying the ancient imperial world, Tiansha suddenly appeared.

The might of this guy when he was born shocked the entire ancient imperial world, and some timid creatures were so frightened to death!

No wonder!

Tian Sha fell asleep for many years, absorbing all the evil spirits that had been produced in the entire ancient imperial world over the years, and only woke up when the ancient imperial world was stable and he had no more evil energy to absorb.

This also created his extremely strong strength, even in the face of his former master and current master, Tiansha is not afraid at all.

Seeing that everyone has arrived, Yuechen said: "Red Star will be in great trouble now, we need to act as soon as possible, combine the power of one world, and open up the passage between the two worlds, wait, is there anyone who is unwilling?"

He looked at the disciples under his seat and asked with serious eyes.

"Disciple is willing!"

Huluwa, Taiyi and the others immediately nodded in response.

What a joke, how much preparation they have made for this day, the throne has been handed down, how could they give up halfway!

Yuechen nodded slightly, and gave an order: "Since that's the case, wait for the order to pass, and all the monks above the golden core in the entire ancient imperial world will be integrated, and I will issue orders!"

"Yes, Master!"

Taiyi and the others trembled with excitement, rushed out impatiently, and called on their subordinates.

"Master, what else do we need to prepare?"

Cucurbit Baby looked up at the empty starry sky, and asked with some doubts.

But Yuechen asked back: "Prepare? What more preparations do you need, just blast all the way through!"


Calabash Baby couldn't help smacking her tongue.

Originally, he thought that Master was going to spend his money and use treasures to break open the passage.

But he didn't expect that he actually planned this.

However, after thinking about it, Calabash Baby understood.

To be able to break through the passage between these two middle-thousand worlds, I am afraid that one must have an innate spirit treasure?

However, this middle thousand world doesn't even have an acquired spiritual treasure, let alone a congenital spiritual treasure.

The appearance of the good and evil list of the heavens flashed in Cucurbita's mind, and was erased by him in an instant.

"Bah! What good things are you thinking about? That's Master's secret treasure. How can you reveal it at will?"

Cucurbit Baby scolded herself secretly.

After hearing Yuechen's words, Kong Yu also summoned the entire ancient imperial world's monster clan.

He turned into a giant of thousands of feet, pointed at the starry sky, and shouted sharply: "This emperor wants to go to another great world, are you willing to follow this emperor to break through the starry sky and open a road to reach the sky?"

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