
Chapter 598

Inside the cave, Master Taizhen looked at Yue Jian who was frozen into ice, and raised his eyebrows.

Immortal Tai Lin slapped his head and sent a letter to Ao Lin, asking her to unblock Yue Jian.

Ao Lin received the message and came here soon.

She stretched out her jade fingers and lightly touched Yue Jian's body.

Visible to the naked eye, covering Yue Jian's body, the chilling icy divine light returned to Ao Lin's body along Ao Lin's fingers like a stream flowing backwards.

Ao Lin turned around, bowed to the three elders, and then asked: "Master Taizhen is sure?"

Master Taizhen looked carefully for a moment, then nodded, then shook his head.

"Oh! What's going on, senior brother give me a correct sentence."

Immortal Tai Lin was anxious to see, and asked repeatedly.

Master Taizhen glared at him, and said slowly: "Pimpao can only heal his injury, but he has injured his soul and needs a rare medicine to heal him."

"Wonder medicine?"

Ao Lin murmured it once, raised her eyes and asked, "I don't know what kind of strange medicine it is, can Master Taizhen tell me?"

Master Taizhen nodded: "It's nothing to hide. This time, the small world has suffered heavy casualties. There are many cases like Nephew Yue's. The major sects are also trying to find a way to cure them."

"Is there a cure?"

Daoist Tai Lin hurriedly asked.

"After confirmation by Master Pindao and several alchemist masters, this injury can be cured only because of the lack of a strange medicine. Therefore, it has not succeeded."

Master Taizhen did not hide anything, and informed everyone one by one.

Master Tai Lin's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

With Tai Lin's ability, can he find the miracle medicine that no major sect has been able to find?

However, since I have already asked, at least I have to ask clearly.

What if, with his shit luck, he happens to have it in his hand?

"Ghost Zhi, if you can find Ghost Zhi, Nephew Yue's injury will be cured immediately."

Master Taizhen said categorically.

He looked at Daoist Tai Lin with some hope in his eyes.

With the luck of this junior brother, it may not be certain that he will be able to find it.

Master Tailin frowned, thought for a while, and said, "Senior brother, where did this ghost mushroom grow? How come junior brother has never heard of this treasure."

Ao Lin also moved her brows and eyes slightly, with some suspicions in her heart.

Master Taizhen sighed: "This ghost Zhipindao has only been mentioned by my teacher, but I have never seen it.

It is said that this treasure grows in the underworld and is rarely spread out. Therefore, almost no one has ever obtained it. "


Master Tai Lin was shocked and exclaimed.

No one in the world knows that Emperor Youming made a rule that strangers are not allowed to enter Youming.

Who would dare to disobey the words of Emperor Youming?

Ao Lin is sure.

She wanted to say that she would go to Jiuyou by herself, but feeling the uneasiness of the little guy in her belly, Ao Lin had no choice but to give up this idea.

However, she finally said: "Master Tailin, this disciple suggests that you tell Senior Brother Xuan Ce about this matter, and he will have a solution."


Daoist Tai Lin was puzzled at first, and then suddenly realized.

Apart from the head teacher, only he and Ao Lin know that his disciple has a magical avatar who works as a ghost messenger in the underworld!

Daoist Tailin nodded: "That's right, I'll call him right now, Pindao."

Although Master Taizhen didn't know what kind of charades these two were playing, it was not easy to ask.

If there is a way to find Ghost Zhi, it will be a good thing for the monks of Chixingxing.

Soon, the sound of howling swords crossed the space, golden light fell, and a golden spirit dressed in gold appeared.

"Disciple Xuan Ce, I have met some senior uncles!"

Jin Ling raised his golden eyes, glanced at Ao Lin's towering belly, and quickly looked away.

"Senior nephew Xuan Ce, Pindao has something to ask my nephew to come over."

Daoist Tai Lin now also has the realm of Yuanshen Dharma Body, facing Jin Ling, who is also in the Dharma Body realm, he speaks truthfully.

Jin Ling didn't refuse, and replied: "Uncle Master, please give me instructions!"

He and Yue Chen are as close as brothers, on this God Thunder Peak, it is like his own home, and he naturally obeys Tai Lin's words.

Master Tailin had a smile on his lips, nodded slightly, and said: "Your brother Yue is unconscious and needs a ghost to save you. This ghost can only be found in the underworld..."

Before he could finish his words, Jin Ling had already comprehended the words, and said: "The disciple already knows, so let's go to Jiuyou!"

After finishing speaking, he bid farewell to everyone, and wanted to go to Jiuyou to find Yuehui.

However, when he passed by Ao Lin, he paused slightly and looked at her.

Ao Lin understood what he meant, and shook her head lightly, then Jin Ling stepped up and left the cave.

Taizhen really watched a charade, a little boring.

"When you find the ghost zhi, go directly to the Alchemy Peak to find a teacher!"

After finishing speaking, he flicked his sleeve robe and strode out of the cave.

Master Tailin shook his head, pointed at Yue Jian again, and said, "Seal him up again, when will he be healed, and when will he be unsealed again!"

After only a short while of effort, Yue Jian's spirit became a little weaker again.

Ao Lin nodded, and did the same thing, using the Ice Soul Divine Light to freeze Yue Jian into a lump of human-shaped ice.

Let's say that Jin Ling hurried all the way, passing through Yuejia Village without stopping, went straight down to Jiuyou, and went straight to Lidu Prince's Mansion.

Coincidentally, King Shanguan was also discussing matters in the Lidu Palace. After several people greeted each other, Jin Ling directly explained his intention.

"I want to see you more and more!"

He stared at Li Du Ghost King with cold eyes, waiting for his response.

"Fellow Daoist Xuan Ce has an order, Li Du will naturally not refuse!"

Li Du Ghost King nodded with a smile on his lips.

"Fellow daoist, sit down for a while, this king will come as soon as he goes!"

Li Du Ghost King stood up and cupped his hands.

Jin Ling nodded slightly, and just closed his eyes without saying a word.

The king of Shanguan wanted to talk but was too embarrassed to disturb him, so he had to scratch his head to guess Jin Ling's purpose.

Jin Ling was not worried about Lidu Ghost King's tricks at all.

Every soul transfer place in every world must have a way to connect with the ghost.

Ghost kings like them can be regarded as non-staff members of Hades, so they naturally have many ways to contact Hades.

After a while, Lidu Ghost King turned around.

Jin Ling turned his head to look, he nodded, and said: "This king has already contacted the Hall of Impermanence, and passed the news to him, fellow daoist, just wait patiently."

Jin Ling nodded, closed his golden eyes slightly, and fell into silence again.

Li Du Ghost King didn't care either.

He has long been accustomed to Jin Ling's character.

Jin Ling waited for half a month in Lidu Palace.

He is not in a hurry.

Anyway, he can't go to Nether, and he will come to meet him when he gets the news.

But he said that in the underworld, after a month of powerful missions, Yue Hui had just returned to his office to catch his breath when he heard someone calling him.

"Go back, come to me!"

It was Pei Xin's voice.

He looked over suspiciously, and saw Pei Xin waving at him.

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