
Chapter 596

Ordinary monks, which one is not careful when crossing the catastrophe, for fear that if they are careless for a while, they will be lost forever.

But the eldest prince of his family is lucky, he really has plucked his feathers, and he doesn't care at all that he is crossing a catastrophe.

Although this Xingtie is also a one-in-a-million genius, but it can't be compared with his own life, right?

Yue Yin twitched the corners of his mouth, wishing he could show up and give a good lecture.

Fortunately, as a secret guard, he is used to being reticent, so he can bear his temper.

In the starry sky, the wind is getting stronger and stronger.

For a moment, the void was blown apart, and the wind howled like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

After Yuechen threw out the Golden Cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations, he ignored it and let Dao Jie do what he did.

He sticks to Yuan Yi and waits for the doom to come.


Like a dark ghost, the soul-stirring scream sounded suddenly from the whirlwind above.

Yuechen suddenly raised his head.

I saw a seven-foot wind snake in the ten thousand zhang wind whirl above, shaking its head and tail, strangling towards Yuechen.

Seeing this, Yuechen didn't dare to hesitate.

He made a formula with both hands, and instantly tapped on the door of his house!

"Wugou clears Qi, protects my primordial spirit, protects my body from chaos and formlessness. Swallow the door, open!"

Yuechen yelled loudly, and endless chaotic energy instantly surged from his body, enveloping his entire body.

And in his primordial spirit, bursts of innate qi emerged, protecting his primordial spirit within it, and telling him to keep clear at all times.

As if he couldn't wait any longer, Bifeng crazily crawled towards the top of Yuechen's head.

At this moment, under his thick black hair, bursts of spiritual light shone.

An invisible door opened!

For a moment, like a shark that smelled blood, the Fengshexin writhed crazily and slammed into the wide-open door like a bamboo.


A silent roar echoed in the starry sky and in the heart of Yue Yin not far away.

Yue Chen's complexion was distorted, and the veins on his forehead popped out.

His arms were slightly open, his hair was flying, and he was sweating profusely from the pain, but he didn't make a sound.

The chaotic energy around him surged, protecting his body from being instantly melted by the wind.

As long as he doesn't die immediately, he can use this to hone a stronger physical body, and when he passes through the flesh and blood calamity in the future, he will be sure.

At Yuechen's Ximen, a long gray snake about seven feet long was twisting and twisting, trying to completely enter his body.

And this was just the beginning of the catastrophe of the wind, but it had caused Yuechen terribly painful.

Fortunately, his primordial spirit was enveloped by innate qi, which prevented him from fainting directly.

After that, the wind will pass through the Ximen, blow into the six internal organs, twist through the dantian, and then pass through the nine orifices!

Wherever the wind passes by, the soul is difficult to reunite, and the flesh and blood melt away.

If you can't make it through, you will naturally lose your soul and lose your flesh and bones, and everything will cease.

If it passes through, the three flowers on the top will fully bloom, relying on each other, and the power will increase greatly since then, with incredible magical effects.

Fortunately, Yuechen is protected by the energy of chaos, and everything is born of chaos, and this wind is naturally among them.

He let go of the control of the Ximen, and let the wind blow into his soul, like a bone-scraping steel knife, cutting his soul inch by inch!

In Yuanshen, Xiantian Qingqi constantly repairs the damage caused by the wind.

Every time it is repaired, his primordial spirit becomes stronger.

Just like that, when the wind blows over the five viscera, his primordial spirit is already as solid as a pool of soup, shining golden light.

Yuechen gritted his teeth and endured the baptism of the wind, and used the chaotic energy to restore his physical body.

I don't know how long it took, when Yuechen was sweating profusely, and his whole body suddenly lightened, he realized that it turned out that the wind disaster that made people look pale, and how many Hedao ancestors were killed, has survived like this.

He squeezed the magic formula with his hands, and formed a small waterfall, washing away the filth that was forced out of his body when he crossed the catastrophe.

After that, he stood in the starry sky, looking up to the sky and laughing.

"I have survived such a terrible wind disaster, so why not fear the calamity in the future!"

He smiled very happily, but Yue Yin looked at the black lines all over his head.

Looking at the time and reaction of his surviving the tribulation, I feel that there is nothing unusual about this storm disaster.

It's completely different from other monks' reactions when they crossed the storm!

Back then, he had all kinds of treasures bestowed by the emperor who was still Prince Mu at that time, and he was still close to death, almost unable to survive.

The eldest prince did not rely on any external objects, and easily survived the storm, yet he still felt that the wind disaster was terrifying?

Yue Yin, a majestic Luo Jinxian, curled his lips for a rare occasion, found a new seat and sat down, ready to wander into the void again.

As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind!

However, before he could close his eyes, Yuechen made another move.

But he sat cross-legged in the void again, muttering in his mouth: "Now I know the key to pass through the five qi, so I should take this opportunity to go all out and go through the calamity of flesh and blood!"

However, when Yuechen was overcoming the wind disaster, he was inspired by the energy of chaos and innate clean energy, and felt that there should be no major problems for his family to survive the catastrophe of flesh and blood and soul.

No wonder he felt that way.

At this point, ordinary monks will go through the simpler five calamities first, and then go through the three tribulations after accumulating enough.

But he was lucky enough to do the opposite, to get past the three calamities first, and only then to ponder over the five calamities.

Moreover, he has grown the three flowers of heaven, earth and man now, but because the five qi have not yet grown, he can't show the three flowers, and he is really aggrieved.

He felt that his thoughts were not clear, so he had to remove the obstacles and reach the state of three flowers gathering at the top in one fell swoop, and the five energies in full swing!

Yue Yin was shocked by his boldness.

Reluctantly, he stood up again, ready to save someone at any time.

However, Yuechen made a decision, and he even used a few big circles to fill up his mana before releasing his aura and arousing Flesh and Flesh Tribulation.

As the name suggests, this flesh and blood catastrophe is for monks to induce their own catastrophe energy and melt their fleshy bodies. This is extremely easy for Yuechen who has survived the three disasters.

He only needs to wrap his body with the Qi of Primal Chaos, and let the Qi of Calamity wear down his body.

This Primal Chaos Qi is simply the source of all things. Yuechen's body was melted a little, and was instantly repaired by the Primal Chaos Qi.

Compared with the wind disaster, this flesh and blood catastrophe is really trivial.

Soon, Yue Chen passed through the flesh and blood calamity without changing his face, and the degree of condensing his physical body increased greatly.

Yue Yin, who was hidden in the darkness, was speechless.

This cultivator who has practiced the way of chaos is really domineering when he survives the tribulation.

Fortunately, monks who practice this way are rare in the world, otherwise, it would really be impossible for others to survive.

Yuechen didn't give up after going through two catastrophes in a row, and directly started to go through the Primordial God Tribulation again.

After he survived the hurricane, the soul already had some golden nature, and it couldn't be easier to survive the catastrophe of the soul that could cause the soul to collapse.

He wrapped the primordial spirit with the innate qi, then closed his eyes and stood still, allowing the calamity qi to wreak havoc.

The details here are almost the same as when crossing the wind disaster, so I won't describe them one by one.

As if for a long time, and as if for a moment, Yuechen let out a long sigh, flicked his sleeves, and stood up.

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