
Chapter 584 Luck Golden Dragon

With just one glance, Manager Anfu was stunned.

He stepped back two steps, stared back in disbelief, and stammered, "This is this?"

Others don't know that he has served the empress for hundreds of years, and it can be seen at a glance that this man is five points similar to the empress and the emperor.

This is a big deal!

Director Anfu looked at Yuehui nervously, eagerly waiting for Princess Jinyang's answer.

He raised his eyes more and more, his starry eyes were like swords, quietly looking at the chief manager in front of this mother.

"Like, really too similar"

Chief Anfu muttered to himself.

The princess of Jinyang covered her mouth with a chuckle, and said pointedly: "Who does the manager think he is?"

After Chief Anfu got excited, his eyes sharpened, and he shouted in a cold voice: "Don't be joking, Princess, don't mess around with this matter!"

Princess Jinyang was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Could the manager think that Jinyang is joking?"

She stroked the hair on her sideburns, and said with a light smile, "Don't worry, Jin Yang isn't that stupid!"


Director An Fu took a step forward, his eyes were shining brightly, and his momentum soared, like a sleeping tiger suddenly awakening, which was extremely frightening.

In an instant, outside the imperial city, the wind was surging, and the thick cloud light oppressed down, with a monstrous momentum.

"puff puff"

All those present, except for the frame of Princess Jinyang, General Luo Ding and the two top real immortals, all fell to their knees on the ground.


Princess Jinyang exclaimed.

Yuechen was also shocked, this chief executive is so powerful, he has the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian, it is really terrifying.

Although I don't know why the manager suddenly changed his face, but he is holding the Emperor's Order in his hand, but he is not afraid.

Director An Fu stared coldly at him for a while, seeing that his expression was as calm as ever, without the slightest hint of panic, so he withdrew his momentum.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Chief Anfu laughed loudly, the laughter was full of joy and resounded throughout the imperial city.

In the palace, the empress was comforting the baby for a nap, and she couldn't help shaking her head when she heard the laughter of the head of Anfu.

"This Anfu, why is he so happy to ask him to pick someone up? It can be seen that Jinji has won his favor."

She patted the young son on the couch with her tender hands, and reprimanded softly.

The maid standing on the side stepped forward and responded with a smile: "Your Majesty, Princess Jinyang, as her niece, naturally has a bit of her demeanor. It is understandable that Chief Anfu loves her."

"You can talk!"

The Empress gave her an angry look, sighed, and said: "According to what I know, Jinyang's situation in Daqing is not good."

"Now that she is in front of Bengong, she is always Bengong's niece. She shouldn't be asked to fall into that situation again."

The maid hurriedly got back on her body, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, be merciful!"

The empress's eyes instantly showed grief, and she said bitterly: "What's the use of mercy, my child's whereabouts are still unknown."

"If possible, I would rather slaughter the whole world than find my child!"

Her tone was stern, and her eyes showed a cold light, showing her domineering power.

The maid knelt down with a "plop", not daring to say another word.

In the imperial city, the ministers who are familiar with the head of Anfu are also extremely surprised, wondering why this old guy is so crazy and so careless.

Manager Anfu didn't care what others thought of him, he looked back with joy, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, this subordinate was just trying to test it out just now."

"It's been countless times before, and I'm afraid of being deceived!"

Chief Anfu sighed.

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Princess Jinyang said in surprise, "How can the blood of Da Luo be confused? Are there really such people who are not afraid of death?"

"People die for money, birds die for food, there are always people who take risks, but the end is not good."

Manager Anfu spoke lightly, but Princess Jinyang shuddered for no reason.

Her watery almond eyes glanced at Yuehui, seeing him sitting on the futon with the old god, she immediately felt relieved.

This guy is not afraid, she has nothing to be afraid of!

However, Manager An Fu looked at Yuehui's impermanent attire, and held back what he wanted to say.

As long as someone is found, even if it is a ghost, it will be a kind of comfort to the empress.

What's more, for Da Luo Jinxian, there is no difference between a human and a ghost, and there are always all kinds of means to bring him back to life.

"Princess, it's time for us to see the empress!"

Chief Anfu led the way with a smile on his face.

"it is good!"

Princess Jinyang breathed a sigh of relief, and sat back in the chariot.

The guard of honor of the princess got up again and headed towards the interior of the imperial city.

In just a few moments, the news that Princess Jinyang of Daqing was a stunning beauty spread throughout the imperial city of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Some people said: "The empress is all over the country, and her own niece and daughter are naturally not bad."

This statement won the approval of most people.

But there are also people who speculate: "Will this Princess Jinyang become the next queen of our court in the future?"

Some people nodded at this.

Although the current little prince is only two years old, among monks, age is never considered, only qualifications.

There was even a person with a dirty mind who secretly poked and said: "I don't know if our emperor will see the meaning of sex, so come and accept it with an aunt and nephew?"

When someone heard this, he immediately gave him a pooh face, and called others to beat him up.

"Bah! My emperor is wise and powerful, and I only dote on the empress. How could you, a bastard, slander me? I'll see if I don't beat you to death!"

There is also a basis for this statement.

Generally speaking, there is no man who does not cheat. The landlord's family has surplus food and wants to ask for more wives and concubines.

But the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty was different.

Maybe it is because I feel sorry for my wife for losing the eldest son, or maybe it is because the wife's family can regain their foothold in times of crisis.

Anyway, the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty had an empty harem, only the queen.

Until now, there is only one prince under his knees, and no other heirs.

This is also one of the reasons why Emperor Daqing wanted to send a princess to be the queen's daughter.

The imperial city is huge, and the roads are paved with jade, and more than ten horse-drawn carriages can run in parallel, so it is extremely wide.

The houses are spacious and bright, built side by side, and the shape is quite grand.

The people in the imperial city all had smiles on their faces, and they felt a sense of confidence and joy from the bottom of their hearts.

The more I look back, I nod secretly in my heart.

The national conditions of a country can be seen from the situation of the people, so it can be seen that his father is still very popular.

The imperial city was huge, but the horses they rode were all exotic beasts, and their footsteps were naturally not slow, and they soon arrived in front of the imperial palace.

Yue Hui looked up and looked at the luck golden dragon entrenched above the palace, and couldn't help grinning.

Although the Great Zhou Dynasty was first established, the Golden Dragon of Luck is not weak, and it is now in the period of vigorous growth.

At any moment, luck from all over the country gathers to promote the growth of the luck golden dragon.

What's more, Yuehui clearly saw that there were traces of luck that did not belong to the Great Zhou Dynasty, but were also absorbed by this luck golden dragon.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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