
Chapter 570 Fighting Ao Shen


The old dragon king of Xihai shouted in a deep voice.


Ao Jun was a little anxious, afraid that he would suffer more if he went late.

"Look again!"

The old Dragon King pointed at the barrier, signaling him not to worry.


Ao Jun turned his head in doubt, and was immediately taken aback.

I saw that Yuehui looked like a hell demon god, with flying hair, pale and bewitching complexion.

The reincarnation clock floated in front of him, with mysterious lines appearing on it.


Yuehui slapped the reincarnation clock with his palm, and poured all the mana in his body into the reincarnation clock.

He practiced the Hunyuan Immortal Scripture, and his mana is extremely strong, and new mana is continuously produced in his body, which is also his confidence in fighting Ao Shen.

Not only that, when the silver light of the reincarnation clock was released, the more eyes were fixed, and without hesitation, he plunged into the reincarnation clock.

People and clocks are one!

In an instant, the reincarnation clock was spinning non-stop, and a dark, deep and mysterious passage was formed from the inside of the clock, sweeping towards Ao Shen.

Others didn't think much of it, but Ao Shen, who faced the reincarnation clock, changed his complexion drastically.

In his perception, the passage exudes the smell of reincarnation, life and death are intertwined, and the rules of the netherworld are everywhere.

Before it got close, it almost pulled him into the cycle of reincarnation.

The frightening thing is, it seems that as long as he falls into that channel, he will fall into the six reincarnations, and there will be no chance of becoming a dragon.

But after this passage appeared, the four old dragon kings sitting on the throne were suddenly startled, and looked at the big silver bell with strange expressions.

"Brother, am I right? That is, is that the channel of reincarnation?"

The old Dragon King of Beihai stammered.

The old Dragon King of the East China Sea shook his head solemnly: "You read that right, it is indeed the passage of reincarnation."

He looked at the old Dragon King of the West Sea, and said with a half-smile: "Third son, your son-in-law seems to have an extraordinary background and is quite mysterious!"

The old dragon king of Xihai was also shocked in his heart, but his face was light and calm, and he said calmly: "So what, after all, he is my son-in-law of the Dragon Palace, and he can't run away!"

The corners of the mouths of the other three old dragon kings twitched at the same time, feeling that this old fellow was showing off faintly.

However, they also pay attention to the battle situation in the enchantment from time to time.

It's okay to compete, if one of them accidentally falls, the loss outweighs the gain.

Inside the barrier, Ao Shen's expression became more solemn than ever.

He raised one hand high, and a two-winged Linglong ax exuding terrifying power emerged in his palm.

This is also an acquired spiritual treasure.

Holding the spirit treasure in his hand, Ao Shen regained his earlier self-confidence.

He held up his double-winged Linglong axe, smashed Huashan Mountain with all his strength, and slammed it into the reincarnation passage.

But it is to break the law with strength and forcibly break the cycle of reincarnation.

Inside the reincarnation clock, Yue Hui looked ferocious, his eyes glaring angrily.

He doesn't know if he can beat Ao Shen who also has the acquired spirit treasure, but he will never back down!


Ao Shen shouted loudly, and slashed fiercely on the dark and mysterious reincarnation passage with his two-winged Linglong axe.

At the same time, within the reincarnation clock, Yuehui also shouted loudly: "Open!"

In an instant, the channel of reincarnation twisted, and suddenly opened, and Ao Shen was enveloped in the pocket.

And Ao Shen's powerful and heavy ax slammed into the passage of reincarnation.

With a muffled sound, the channel instantly distorted in an irregular shape, revealing a few cracks, and it was about to burst.

Within the reincarnation clock, Yue Hui clenched his teeth tightly, and his eyes burst out with blood.

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Oh town!"

He raised his head and roared like a madman.

At this moment, all the mana in his body was poured into the reincarnation clock, and his meridians dried up. Even if the Hunyuan Immortal Scripture kept running, it couldn't keep up with the speed of his consumption.

But he didn't seem to realize that the magic power was not enough, and the spirit came to fill it up, and he must teach Ao Shen a lesson!

The power of the soul rushes into the core of the reincarnation clock, in order to exert the effect of the reincarnation clock as much as possible.

The more he turned back, the paler his face became.

However, his control over reincarnation is getting deeper and deeper.

The precarious samsara channel gradually stabilized.

Inside the passage, Ao Shen suddenly showed an anxious look, and the Linglong ax with two wings slashed frantically, shooting out bursts of cold light, making the passage shake for a while.

The more he turned back, the more ruthless he was, the power of the soul poured out violently, and the reincarnation clock burst into bright silver light, pulling Ao Shen into the passage.

"hold head high!"

Ao Shen let out a thunderous dragon chant, and the Linglong ax with two wings instantly grew bigger, firmly resisting the passage of reincarnation.

Afterwards, he struck out continuously with both fists, hitting the passage wall, punch after punch.


The channel shattered, turned into specks of black light, and dissipated in the air.

Inside the reincarnation clock, Yue Hui spat out a mouthful of blood, looking sluggish.

However, his eyes were astonishingly bright, as if they were on fire.

"Boy, you can force me here as a ghost, I have to say, you have two brushes."

Ao Shen looked back, his expression was cold.

"However, if you want to use this to defeat me, it is a delusion!"

After the words fell, Ao Shen's body flew into the air, and the Linglong Yue with two wings bombarded him again.

"clang clang"

The reincarnation clock rang sharply, and collided with the Linglong Yue with two wings, a huge air wave erupted, and the barrier that hit it shook for a while.

Outside the barrier, the sons and grandsons of the whole hall watched this great battle, and they truly recognized Yue Hui from the bottom of their hearts.

The Dragon Clan respects force, if Yue Hui is scolded and obediently confesses, no one in the world will think highly of him.

But he made a bold move, even if he couldn't beat Ao Shen, his arrogance made people look up to him.

Now he is even more admirable by relying on the spirit treasure to fight against Ao Shen.

However, there are also some dragon girls in the arena who are very concerned about Yuehui.

Seeing that he was in a slight decline, he couldn't help exclaiming again and again.

Several dragon sons and grandsons in Xihai who were familiar with Yuehui were also indignant and scolded Ao Shen.

"Hmph! It's fine if you win again, otherwise, I will go up and challenge that guy and tell him to taste my fist."

"Yes, yes, isn't he a bitch, pull out his teeth and tell him to spit shit out of his mouth again!"

"According to me, let's take turns to beat that guy until the Dragon King of the East China Sea doesn't even know him!"

"I don't know how long Yue Hui can last. Don't be seriously injured by Ao Shen."

Until now, no one thinks that Yue Hui can beat Ao Shen.

After all, the innate conditions are there, there is a big difference in the realm, how can it be so easy to overcome.

If Yue Hui hadn't relied on the reincarnation clock, he might have been defeated long ago.

The old dragon king of Xihai sighed in his heart, this kid would not admit defeat, it seems that when necessary, he must take action.

However, just as he thought this way, the reincarnation clock changed again.

In the middle of the day, when Yue Hui's spirit was sluggish, a very mysterious feeling came suddenly.

He froze for a moment, then ecstatically.

This feeling is all too familiar to him, and it is clearly a sign that he will advance again.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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