
Chapter 567

On a deserted island, Yue Hui experienced the greatest opportunity in his life.

On the avenue, this is an even more wonderful opportunity than being transported by the innate spirit treasure!

"Hey, hehe, haha"

The more he pinched his thigh, he tried to control himself to be more stable, but he still laughed like a fool.

"Tsk tsk, put away your saliva, what does it look like!"

The idea of ​​the emperor's incarnation said with disgust.

Yuehui closed his mouth abruptly, and said cautiously: "Master, you also show up, so I can show my disciples?"

"Look, wouldn't it be embarrassing if you don't know Master after seeing Master?"

The more plausible the way.

"Well, no matter, since that's the case, I'll show up as a teacher."

This spiritual thought pondered for a moment, and finally answered.

At the same time, in the depths of the Nether Palace, the incarnation of the Nether Emperor who was wandering in the heavens, the current Lord Nether Emperor, opened his eyes.

He stretched out a crystal jade finger and tapped lightly in front of him.

In an instant, ripples appeared in the void, and a picture appeared out of thin air.

In the picture, Yuehui's handsome and clever appearance pops up, and his voice also comes out from the picture.

The Underworld Emperor snorted, and a flash of spiritual light popped out from his fingertips, submerging into the picture.

On the deserted island, when Yue Hui heard that Master promised to meet, he immediately cheered up and stared at the surroundings with all his attention.

Silently, a black figure suddenly appeared in front of Yue Hui.

Startled, he looked up.

I saw Lord Hades wearing a black crown robe, with his hands behind his back, a smile that was not a smile on his handsome face, and his phoenix eyes were squinting at him.

"Boy, don't think that you can do whatever you want in the underworld by worshiping me as your teacher."

The Emperor of the Underworld struck: "I have never accepted a disciple, and I don't plan to reveal your existence for the time being."

"You, you need to work hard on your own to reach the point of this seat's approval, and this seat will announce your existence."

Seeing Yue Hui's drooping face instantly, Underworld Emperor coughed lightly, and also felt that such an approach was a bit unkind.

He thought for a while, waved his sleeve robe lightly, and a black token suddenly fell into Yuehui's hands.

"This is the emperor's token. In times of crisis, you are allowed to save yourself."

Hades said casually.

Looking back at the token in his hand, he took a closer look.

This token is completely black, and even the only word "Ming" in the middle is also pitch black.

If it wasn't for the horrifying aura that exudes from the whole token, I'm afraid it would be thrown away as a piece of black charcoal.

"Hmph, the token is in the hands of the young master, when to use it, and when is the moment of crisis, the young master has the final say!"

The more he returned to his heart, he muttered.

However, he was overjoyed when he caught the message in Emperor Hades' words.

The Underworld Emperor has never accepted a disciple, and it is estimated that he will be the first and the last disciple.

This is really wonderful good news!

One must know that the Underworld Emperor, as the incarnation of the Nether Emperor, is no different from his real body, representing the Nether Emperor.

It can be said that Yue Hui really got lucky this time and climbed to a high branch.

His eyeballs rolled around, and he said with a sad face: "Master, the disciples will always recognize you in the future, if they were bullied by others before then, it would be embarrassing for you."

"So, can Master give some innate treasures for self-defense?"

He looked at the face of Emperor Hades who suddenly darkened, and hurriedly said: "Of course, even if it is the Houtian Lingbao, the disciples don't dislike it."

"Hmph! Your heart is not small. Even if you are given an innate spirit treasure, can you inspire it?"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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That being said, he is the only disciple after all, so he is different from others.

Therefore, the Underworld Emperor finally gave him a treasure.

This is an acquired spiritual treasure with 36 congenital spiritual prohibitions completed.

It has an extremely domineering name, called the Reincarnation Clock, and it is a practice work of the Underworld Emperor when he is bored.

However, this spirit treasure was endowed with the rules of reincarnation by the Underworld Emperor, which can force monks who are lower than his own realm into reincarnation.

However, it also depends on the ability of the owner of the treasure.

At the level of Houtian Lingbao, there is no such thing as magic treasure Yuanling.

At this time, the rules of the Dao of Heaven and the power of the Dao are used, and there is no magic weapon Yuanling.

When the pure yang magic weapon comes to an end, either the magic weapon Yuanling itself will leap and become an independent existence, using the main body as an accompanying magic weapon, just like the existence of those spirits that become spirits.

In this category, the most typical representative is the spirit beads next to the Nuwa Empress in the Great Desolate World.

It is a spirit bead that attains the Tao, breaks away from the precious body, and becomes an independent individual, not subject to others.

The other way is like the gourd baby and the soul-suppressing, abandoning the treasure body, the magic treasure Yuanling is reincarnated, and grows again with a flesh and blood body.

This method is the shortcut for many pure yang magic weapons.

After all, if the magic treasure Yuanling wants to take a leap, break free from the treasure body, and become an independent existence, it also needs a great opportunity, and there is no convenience in reincarnation.

However, even if the Yuanling is reincarnated, it is necessary to arrange the backhand properly in order to solve the mystery of the womb and awaken oneself.

However, God's will is unpredictable.

Even so, there are still many magic treasures who failed to awaken themselves after being reincarnated, sinking forever.

Cough, having said so much, I just want to emphasize that the Houtian Lingbao is equally precious.

Yue Hui hugged the reincarnation clock tightly, smiling so hard that his teeth could not see his eyes.

With the token of life protection and the magic weapon of body protection, this master is worthy of worship!

But he always felt that there was still one important thing to do, but he couldn't think of it for a while.

"Okay, I'm back, you're so good at cultivation, don't be lazy!"

The Underworld Emperor exhorted, and his figure gradually faded.

Suddenly, Yue Hui had a flash of inspiration, and hurriedly shouted: "Master, Dharma Jue, what kind of Dharma Jue is this disciple practicing?"


The figure of Emperor Hades gradually became clear again.

He reappeared and pointed at Yue Hui's forehead!

In an instant, an obscure and mysterious scripture was engraved on Yue Hui's forehead.

"This is the book of the underworld created by me. You go to study it yourself, and I am gone."

As soon as Hades Emperor's voice fell, his figure disappeared instantly.

The speed of his departure was so fast that he didn't even realize it.

Yue Hui rubbed his forehead, only to feel dizzy.

"Really, why are you running so fast!"

He muttered something.

Hearing these words, the incarnation thought possessed of him rolled his eyes.

If you don't leave, I don't know what he wants again.

"Hey, I've made a lot of money this time, it's different to have a master!"

Yuehui turned the reincarnation clock in his hand over and over to study it several times, and directly recognized the Lord.

Afterwards, on this deserted island, he carefully refined the Acquired Spirit Treasure.

He didn't put away the reincarnation clock until he was able to use this treasure roughly, and read the book of Ming from beginning to end again.

As expected of a mighty giant who shakes the heavens, this book of the underworld created by Emperor Youming is directed at Daluo, and it is the supreme practice method.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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