
Chapter 554

"What are you two looking at?"

The crisp and pleasant voice sounded, startling Shushu Liu back to his senses.

Shu Da quickly lowered his head, and replied: "Senior, I'm just curious that senior can also know the method of transformation passed down by ancestor Xuan Xiao, and has no other intentions."

"Bah! The Great Emperor was born with the method of transforming form, so he still needs to teach it?"

Peacock's sleeves fluttered, and a gust of wind was brought up, almost blowing Shu Liu away.


Shu Liu hurriedly hugged his elder brother's paw, and screamed in shock.

"Okay, look at you two cowards, let's go, the great emperor is going to meet the ancestor Xuanxiao you are talking about, you go forward and lead the way, and spare you not to die."

After all, the peacock didn't care whether the two gold-eating mice were willing or not, stretched out his hands, as if pinching two house mice, and teleported out of the underground space with one in each hand.

And at the moment when the peacock was born, the five-color divine light illuminated the world, like a god and demon descending.

Yuechen, who was far away on Shangyang Mountain, suddenly opened his eyes.

Its gaze seemed to pass through the space and landed on the peacock.

"Kong Yu, you finally came out."

Yuechen murmured.

That's right, this big colorful peacock is the former green-haired peacock, Kong Yu.

After the Qinghuang opened the sky, it swept away the innate five-element aura, and then found a random place to retreat and practice.

After it absorbed the innate five-element aura, it found that it was still a little short of evolution.

Fortunately, the heavens and the earth are still full of innate spiritual energy, so Kong Yu simply did not stop doing anything, and captured all the innate five-element spiritual energy within a thousand miles to the underground space for his own cultivation.

Later, there was this dry rock mountain with exhausted rocks.

If it wasn't for the rats and rats digging holes for six days and nights to wake it up, I'm afraid it will continue to sleep, and it won't wake up until the year of the monkey.

But the news of Kong Yu's birth just happened to startle the two parties who were fighting less than a thousand miles away from here.

It is said that there are two parties, one of which has a large number of people and is very powerful.

But the other team had only one young man with a gloomy face.

The young man was seriously injured at this time, coughing up blood from the corner of his mouth, but still stubbornly resisting.

"Fei Ya, if you escape to the ends of the earth today, you will not be able to escape from our pursuit, you should obediently kill yourself!"

On the side with more people, an old man with big golden wings on his back looked at the injured young man and shouted loudly.

This young man was transformed by the three-legged flying crow.

He was originally listening to preaching in Shangyang Mountain, but somehow he was hunted down and fled here.

Hearing this, the Three-legged Flying Crow's complexion became even more gloomy, and he sternly shouted: "Don't even think about it! You and the Jinpeng clan are so brutal, don't even think about ruling the birds of the world!"

After saying that, he gathered the remaining mana in his body, trying to find an opportunity to break out of the encirclement.

The golden-winged old man's eyes sharpened, and he shouted angrily: "If you are so stubborn, you really deserve to die, kill me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, suddenly, a mighty five-color divine light rushed from afar, startling both sides who were fighting.

The golden-winged old man was startled at first, then laughed loudly and said: "There must be a strange treasure born, so we are destined to wait for it!"

He looked at the three-legged flying crow viciously, and waved his big hand: "Kill!"

More than a dozen golden-winged rocs fluttered their wings together, firing golden blades, and slashed at the three-legged flying crow from all directions.

The overwhelming golden blades fell like rain, surrounding the three-legged flying crows, the situation was extremely dangerous.

Seeing that if he didn't escape, he was about to fall here, the three-legged flying crow let out a long cry, instantly igniting the power of blood in his whole body.


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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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A huge flame ignited, and from the flame, a three-legged flying crow that was covered in golden flames suddenly rushed out.

This flying crow is three feet long, covered in golden flames, very similar to the three-legged golden crow in the fire god bird.

This fire is not ordinary fire, but the top-level true sun fire, domineering and blazing, melting all the golden blades that come from beheading.

"The sun is really hot! Go back!"

The gold-winged old man looked at the three-legged flying crow in shock, and hurriedly shouted.

Jinpeng fluttered its wings and flew away from the range of the real sun fire in an instant, but it also revealed a gap.


The three-legged crow raised its head and screamed, flapped its wings, turned into a line of fire, and rushed out from the gap indiscriminately.

"Chasing! That flying crow has ignited the bloodline, and it will soon run out of fuel, so there is no need to fight with it!"

The golden-winged old man snorted coldly, and chased after him first.

The three-legged flying crow ran away in a hurry, and the Jinpeng family followed closely behind, flying hundreds of miles away in an instant.

The Jinpeng clan grew faster, seeing that the three-legged crow couldn't get rid of it, it looked around in panic, its eyes lit up suddenly.

With a sudden turn of the line of fire, the three-legged crow turned around and flew towards the five-color divine light.

Just as Kong Yu left the underground space with the two gold-eating mice, he was hit head-on by a huge golden flame.


Kong Yu dropped Shu Da, stretched out his big palm, and was about to blast out a five-element divine light, but stopped suddenly.

Immediately, he turned his palm into a claw, grabbing the rushing flame in his hand.


In the flames, there was a weak cry of a crow.

Kong Yu raised his eyebrows and slapped the firelight with his big palm.


The violently burning golden flame slid back, revealing the sluggish three-legged flying crow inside.

"Eh? No wonder it can release the real fire of the sun. It turns out that it is a three-legged crow with only the blood of the Golden Crow."

Kong Yu took a look at the three-legged flying crow in his hand, and clicked his tongue twice: "You little bird is lucky to meet this emperor, otherwise, depending on the extent of your burning blood, I'm afraid you won't survive for a while."

The Three-legged Flying Crow barely raised his head to look at Kong Yu, and then his blood flow reversed, his eyes darkened, and he passed out.

From far away, a stream of golden light flew towards quickly, and it came to the front in an instant.

"Hey Taoist, I advise you not to meddle in your own business, otherwise, my Jinpeng clan will be liquidated with you!"

The old man with golden wings pointed at Kong Yu and shouted.

His cloudy eyes quickly scanned for a week, and found that there was only one Taoist here.

Obviously, the treasure that was born must have been taken by this Taoist.

As for the two gold-eating rats, he completely ignored them.

"Sensible, hand over the treasure, the ancestor may spare you from death, otherwise, you can be a companion with this crow!"

The gold-winged old man shouted sharply.

Although he didn't see the realm of this Taoist with a quick scan, but most of the practitioners hide their cultivation.

Therefore, he did not take Kong Yu to heart.

Moreover, in his heart, the Jinpeng clan looked down on the ancient imperial world, and anyone who heard the name of the Jinpeng clan would give him three points.


Kong Yu suddenly raised his head, narrowing his eyes slightly to stare at the old man with golden wings, his gaze stayed on the wings behind him for a moment.


Kong Yu laughed out of breath, and a playful smile appeared on his handsome and indistinguishable face.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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