
Chapter 535 On the Benefits of a Strong Mother’s Family

Ao Lin was very grateful for the care of the West Sea Dragon Palace.

If it weren't for the dragon ball sent by the West Sea Dragon Palace, she might have only one breath left now, how could she raise her baby so peacefully and comfortably.

"Thank you for the great love of the ancestors. Ao Lin will definitely protect herself and never fall into the previous field again."

She solemnly thanked Ao Jun.

Ao Jun waved his hand to signal her not to care.

"These things are all ashes in the Dragon Palace treasure house, and they pile up more and more. If you don't need to throw them away, they won't fit in the pile. Just open them up and use them!"

Ao Jun was smiling, not seeing his usual domineering appearance at all.

Ao Lin couldn't help laughing, but she also knew that what he said were comforting words.

Who in this world thinks there are too many resources?

Just like her, she had a lot of dowries, and at that time felt that she was extremely rich in the sect.

However, since she became pregnant, all kinds of spiritual things have been consumed continuously. Without the subsidy from the sect and the help of the two dragon palaces, she still doesn't know how difficult it would be.

This is the advantage of being strong.

Especially the Xihai Dragon Palace, who cared so much for her junior who had never met before, really moved her beyond words.

On the other hand, Yue Hui didn't show it on the surface, but he was a little bit entangled in his heart whether he should continue to do errands.

In case something happens to Ao Lin after he leaves, he will regret it later.

But, if he doesn't do the job, how can he find his parents and fulfill his duty as a son of man?

Heaven and man are at war in Yuehui's heart, and he doesn't know how to make a choice.

"You go, I'm fine, don't worry!"

Ao Lin's voice sounded, and she was so startled that she hurriedly looked back at her.

However, she saw that her eyebrows and eyes were slightly curved, her eyes were warm, but she was hiding some differences.

"I, I don't have to be a errand, really!"

Yue Hui shook his head quickly, afraid that she would think wildly.

That guy Ao Jun must have told her about it, and he gave Ao Jun a hard look, only to get two big white eyes in exchange.

Who would have thought that Ao Lin's next words would directly make him dumbfounded.

"I know you are you, he is him, in my heart, he is irreplaceable, and you are also irreplaceable!"

Ao Lin looked at him firmly, and said softly: "You are the one I grew up with, and you are unique in this world."

"So, you should do your own thing, and you shouldn't tie your life here."

Ao Lin's words hit Yue Hui's heart heavily.

He just felt as if he had lost something in his heart and understood something.

However, with Yue Hui's still ignorant mind, it is difficult to understand the meaning of this.

Looking at Ao Lin's resolute gaze, he had no choice but to sigh helplessly: "In that case, take care of your health. I'll be back after I finish the mission. It only takes three months."

Ao Lin's expression immediately softened a lot, and she nodded in agreement with a smile.

When he was sure that Ao Lin was all right, he solemnly entrusted her to Jin Ling, and walked away without turning his head.

When Mrs. Li learned that her son had left again, she immediately scolded him severely: "This is something that doesn't care about the family at all. How can it be important to have a wife and children?"

From the scolding to the scolding, it is not difficult to see her worry for her son from the frowning of her eyebrows.

At this time, you have to go further.

He gave full play to the spirit of self-sacrifice, sent himself to Li's hands, told her to look away, and cursed twice more.

"Look at you, how old you are, and you still don't know how to find a wife for yourself. When your brother was your age, your sister-in-law had already entered the door!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Li's family is a woman among mortals, facing her own children, she doesn't care about the fairy family's methods at all, and there is no one who has not been urged to get married by her.

After she finished talking, she began to worry more and more.

Mrs. Li sighed and said: "Your third sister has been married for several years, and there has been no movement until now. Will the in-laws despise her?"

Yue Ke was speechless, but he couldn't discuss his sister's affairs, so he looked at his sister-in-law for help.

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Ao Lin couldn't help but stepped forward.

She supported Li's arm and comforted her: "Mother, don't worry, the higher the monk's cultivation level, the more difficult it is to conceive an heir. No one will blame my sister for this."

What she didn't say was that many monks would hardly have offspring throughout their lives.

Cultivators practice qi all day long, and at the end they combine the energy and spirit of the whole body into one body, breaking through the limitations of human beings, so it is naturally difficult to conceive.

Of course, those monks who spend their days drinking and drinking all day long are not included in this list.

After hearing what her daughter-in-law said, Mrs. Li finally calmed down, no longer worried about her daughter, and held Ao Lin in awe for a while.

Yuewan, who could see that she was talking about going home, pursed her lips and smiled.

Speaking of which, Yue Wan is already in her twenties, but she is still unmarried.

The reason lies in her desire to recruit a son-in-law.

For a man, this is a marriage, unless the family really can't live on, who wants to go to other people's house to behave in a humble way.

Even if the Yue family is not the kind of host family that abuses others, there are not many people who are sincerely willing to marry.

The matchmaker came to the door and said a lot, but Yue declined all of them.

In her eyes, these men are either coveting the Yue family's foundation, or they want to climb up on the relationship with their uncles and aunts, and approach her purposefully.

Therefore, until she was more than twenty years old and became an old girl, she was still alone.

However, she practiced martial arts all day long, and now her level is even higher than that of her father, Lan Lie.

Ao Lin admired this little girl very much, and often persuaded Li Shi: "Mother, the daughter of our Yue family is no worse than the princess in the palace.

Sister Wan will not marry if she doesn't want to marry. With these relatives around, are you afraid that she will have nowhere to depend on? "

After several times of persuasion by Ao Lin, Yue Wan's ears finally became quieter.

No, she went home from the martial arts school a lot more times.

Let's say that after Yue Hui decided to do the task, he returned to the underworld and went to the Hall of Impermanence.

As soon as he entered the door, he felt that everyone's eyes were on him.

Yue Hui knew that this was the result of the old Dragon King standing up for him, but he didn't care.

For him, the main purpose of his errand is to find his parents.

After he finds his parents, whoever likes to do this job will do it, and he longs to be at ease.

The more he went back, he went straight to his boss, Pei Xin, to make excuses, and then, under his hesitant gaze, he left the Hall of Immortality.

He doesn't waste time choosing tasks anymore, he accepts them as soon as he sees them, in order to complete them as soon as possible so he can go back.

"Together with nine other first-class ghosts, go to the newly opened purgatory world under the ancient emperor's realm to pick up ghosts. Those who perform well will be rewarded with a thousand yin stones."

The more carefully he looked at the introduction instructions in the ecstasy token, he couldn't help feeling a little interested.

Thousands of Yinming stones!

He followed Shi Tong for so long, but he didn't get thousands of Yinming stones.

This time the Hades is very generous.

Moreover, the newly opened world must have many opportunities.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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