
Chapter 531

Tiandao consciously wanted to take back the thunder punishment in a hurry, but because of too much castration, he couldn't take it back for a while.

It could only watch helplessly as Mieshileipun bombarded Zhenhun, who was full of merit, in a destructive posture.


What is the situation when the day's Dao Lei Punishment meets the Dao Merit?

Now the creatures in the ancient imperial world can be regarded as seeing this unheard-of scene.

Until many years later, they still vividly told their descendants about this wonderful scene.

"That day, the Thunder Punishment looked ferocious and terrifying. However, as soon as it encountered the merits of the Great Dao, it was just like the fire meeting the sea water. It was instantly wiped out without leaving any traces!"

"Grandfather, is Dao really so powerful?"

"That's natural. This day when the Dao of Heaven meets the Dao, it's like you met your old man. You have to keep your skin tight at all times to avoid being beaten."

The hairy children who heard the story stopped talking for a moment, leaving only those ancestors who had seen the scene after that, their eyes full of shock.

At that time, after Zhenhun opened up the purgatory world, auspicious clouds of merit and virtue gathered everywhere in the ancient emperor's world.

If you don't understand, you will ask, it is obviously the soul-suppressing stele to transform Jiuyou, why should you thank the soul-suppressing?

At this time, a mighty power will appear and warn the world that if you listen to its name, you will know that this soul suppressing is the magic weapon of the soul suppressing stele.

It is equivalent to losing the body of Zhenhun, and it will be difficult to go further.

How did they know that the suppressing soul has long been reincarnated, and it doesn't matter much without the suppressing soul tablet.

However, that's not the case on the avenue.

It not only bestowed merit, but also bestowed a pure yang magic weapon.

A whip about four feet long and divided into nine segments floated down from the air. It was neither gold nor wood.

The whip seemed to have eyes, and fell straight into Zhenhun's hands, no creature dared to snatch it.

Zhenhun looked at this strange whip carefully, and saw three ancient seal characters written on the top of the whip.

He smiled, this is what was lost and what was gained.

Lost a soul-suppressing stele, but instead got a magic whip. I don't know what is so strange about this magic whip.

He bit the tip of his tongue, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and landed on the whip.

While refining this whip, Zhenhun finally grasped the function of this magic whip.

This whip is designed to beat the primordial spirit of living beings. Even a monk whose realm is one level higher than himself will only eat ashes when he encounters this whip.

Moreover, this whip can also grow as he advances, it is really a rare treasure.

Because it is a gift from the Great Dao, this magical whip does not require desperate refining, and it is easy for Zhenhun to fully grasp this treasure.

In just a short while, the purgatory world has been opened up, and the next step is to repress the soul and enter the purgatory.

However, his eyes turned cold, and he instantly met the retracting consciousness of heaven.

Purgatory was opened up by Soul Rescue, so it can be said that it is on an equal footing with Fang Tiandao.

After he obtained the great merit, he was also punished by the Heavenly Dao with a thunderbolt, and there was a death feud between the two.

According to Yue Chen's sect's instinct to take revenge as early as possible, since the Dao of Heaven has come, don't leave.

Soul Suppression suddenly erupted, exerting endless suppressing power, space and time seemed to stand still, and paused for a breath of time.

The consciousness of heaven, which was fleeing to the unknown place, was shrouded by this suppressive force, and there was a momentary pause.

It looked at Zhen Hun's cold eyes and cried out in his heart.

However, as soon as the breath passed, the consciousness of heaven was about to escape, and a fiery breath came, and it instantly lost its soul.

Tushi Shenyan!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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How did it forget that plague god!

Thinking of the horror of Tushi Shenyan, the consciousness of heaven can't care about anything else.

It instantly hides itself in the depths of the space, hoping to avoid the burning of Tushita's divine flame.


A crisp child's voice sounded, and the consciousness of heaven found itself trapped in a strange space.

"This is where?"

The consciousness of heaven was a little panicked.

It turned its head and looked towards where Tong Yin came from.

But he saw the gourd baby was holding a red silk with one hand on his hip, and looked at it with a sneer.

And in front of him, there was a yellow gourd floating.

The gourd is swallowing a hazy white light, releasing the space boundary, covering this place.

Heavenly Dao Consciousness is sure, if it is the Tushi Shenyan, it will be a little bit afraid.

But although this gourd is a pure yang magic weapon, it is not perfect, how can it be trapped?

The consciousness of the way of heaven rushed out with confidence.

With the space ability of the Nine-turn Qiankun Pot, it really can't trap the consciousness of heaven.

After all, no matter how you say it, it is a way of heaven, how can it be sealed by a pure yang magic weapon.

However, the purpose of the gourd baby is to trap it for a while.

The consciousness of the way of heaven rushed out of the gourd space very quickly.

Before it could be overjoyed, a sharp pain that pierced its heart came.

Tiandao let out a silent howl, and quickly stepped on his hind legs.

However, a force of sealing the town suddenly came, and the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven was suppressed for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, there were attacks one after another, constantly greeting the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven.

It rose up to resist and summoned the creatures of this world to attack Cucurbit Baby and Zhenhun.

In the ancient emperor's world, all the creatures watched the great battle in the void with dumbfounded.

Although they couldn't see the consciousness of the way of heaven, they knew from the bottom of their hearts that it was the consciousness of the way of heaven in this world that was pressed and beaten by the soul suppressing two people.

What absurd thing this is to them.

That is the supreme ruler of this world, he has no concrete image at all, only a touch of consciousness.

How shocking it is to be beaten and fled in a hurry now.

The creatures of the Ancient Emperor Realm stared blankly at all this.

Suddenly, an invisible consciousness rose in their hearts: "Come and help me!"

The hearts of the creatures froze, and some came back to their senses immediately, and rushed to the sky.

This is for the purpose of 'rescuing the driver', so that I can get some benefits from Tiandao in the future.

Among them, the Jinpeng family is included.

King Jinpeng was almost killed by the soul-suppressing blow, and fled in defeat, feeling extremely hated in his heart.

Now that he has been instructed by the Dao of Heaven, he immediately took chicken feathers as arrows and summoned many affiliated races to attack Zhenhun and Huluwa.

There were also many creatures who watched the Void War in a daze, and stood silently in place without moving.

For these weak races, Heaven has never been an umbrella to protect them.

There are so many creatures who die in the Great War of Ten Thousand Clans every year, but they have never seen Heaven come out to stop them.

Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

Seeing the arrival of help, the consciousness of Heavenly Dao was excited.

This time, it pinned all its hopes on King Jinpeng and the others, as long as King Jinpeng and the others could restrain the gourd baby for a moment, it would be able to get away.

As long as it can return to that unknown place, Zhenhun and the others will never find it!

The consciousness of the way of heaven thought of it with confidence.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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