
Chapter 529 Thunder Punishment

The black-clothed Taoist's sleeves were fluttering, and he was about to go after King Jinpeng to cut the grass and roots, but he suddenly stopped.

He looked up at the rapidly gathering dark clouds in the void, and frowned.

Immediately, he rolled up his sleeve robe and brushed Chasing Sun Xun Fenghu off.

"Get out!"

Chasing Sun Xun Fenghu was in a daze when he was suddenly pushed away, he was naturally startled.

However, the calm and mellow voice of the Taoist in black made it feel certain, and it didn't feel scared anymore.

The tiger was puzzled, not understanding how he could trust an outsider so much.

The strength of the black-clothed Taoist is gentle but does not allow it to resist.

Therefore, Chasing Sun Xun Fenghu had no choice but to be pushed thousands of miles away by this force.

Those creatures who were startled by this sudden situation immediately retreated thousands of miles when they saw this situation, surrounded by Chasing Sunda and Fenghu, and began to inquire.

"Tiger King, what the hell is going on? That Taoist is really so powerful that even King Jinpeng retreated?"

"What kind of realm is this Taoist, does Tiger King know?"

For a while, all kinds of voices were clamoring, making Tiger King very annoying.

It let out a tiger roar, suppressing all the voices around it.

"When you have eyes, don't you know how to see?"

The Tiger King held his head high and looked towards the black-clothed figure in the distance.

The ancestors of all ethnic groups were immediately choked by it.

They stared at Chasing Sunda Fenghu fiercely, if they were not afraid of its strength, they might charge up and beat it up.


The loud noise that shook the sky awakened these creatures, and they looked into the distance in horror.

I saw a thunder that pierced the sky and fell from the nine heavens quickly. Judging from its posture, I am afraid that it will smash the Taoist in black to pieces!

"I'm afraid this isn't thunder tribulation, is this thunder punishment?"

Someone said with a trembling voice.

Chasing Sun Xun Fenghu also trembled, almost unable to stand still.

No wonder the Taoist pushed it thousands of miles away, such a mighty thunder would kill all living beings within a radius of several miles.

It looked worriedly at the Taoist in black, hoping that he could survive the terrifying thunderstorm.

In fact, the black-clothed Taoist was very rarely scolding his mother in his heart.

When the sky was opened, so many creatures rushed out from the small chaos, and none of them were going to be punished by the sky. How did they come to him to have this "honor"?

He couldn't figure it out, so he had to give up.

Then he shook his body, his aura soared into the sky, and he even dispersed the dark clouds that filled the sky for a moment.

The menacing sky thunder was also shocked by this Taoist's terrifying aura and disappeared.

This aura is as majestic as a prison, shocking the world, and all the creatures in the ancient imperial world are weak-legged, wishing to kneel down and worship.

The Sun Chasing Xun Fenghu and other creatures who are thousands of miles away from this place are the closest.

At this time, they couldn't hold on any longer, and they knelt down on the ground in a 'thud plop' to show their respect.

The black-clothed Taoist fought against the thunder with only his own breath, and dispersed a thunder, which shocked the hearts of the two gourd babies who were hidden in the void.

"This guy must have joined the Tao!"

Calabash Baby said with certainty.

Ling Xiao nodded: "Yes, it is not far from the master's realm."

As the Yuan Ling of the pure yang magic weapon, he is naturally of a higher level than the gourd baby, and his eyes are much more vicious, and he can see the reality of Megatron at a glance.

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That's right, this majestic black-clothed Taoist is none other than Megatron, the magic weapon of the Soul-Suppressing Monument that has returned from reincarnation.

However, when Ling Xiao looked at Calabash Baby, the deep meaning in his eyes made him feel a little embarrassed for a moment.

Calabash Baby touched the back of her head, and said with evasive eyes: "Perhaps, yes, he was implicated by me?"

Ling Xiao curled her lips, maybe, should she?

This guy has offended the way of heaven, so he has no points in his heart?

However, he also appreciates such a brave behavior.

Therefore, he didn't say anything, but he was a little worried about whether Megatron could survive this calamity.

Cucurbit Baby was also a little worried.

Before Megatron was reincarnated, he gave the soul-suppressing stele to the master to support the cave, and I don't know if he has anyone on hand to use it.

While the two were worried, Megatron survived two more thunderstorms with momentum like a rainbow.

Above Tianlei, in the unknown space, Tiandao was gnashing his teeth and looking at the gourd baby hidden in the magic weapon realm, and instantly fixed his eyes fiercely on Megatron.

It couldn't bear the gourd baby, so it took Megatron, who had a good relationship with him, to vent its anger, and wanted to give him a good look!

In an instant, Tianlei gave no time to breathe, and rumbled twice in succession, shaking the hearts of the nearby creatures.

Until now, Megatron has not brought out any magic weapon to resist the thunder disaster, which is surprising.

Chasing Sun Xunfenghu's eyes moved, and an incredible guess surged in his heart.

It stared closely at Megatron, as if to see clearly.

Nine is the extreme number, Megatron has gone through five thunder tribulations by now, and his blood is also surging.

He was waiting for a short rest so that he could go through the rest of the thunder tribulation smoothly.

However, the dark clouds in the sky quickly piled up, and amidst the lightning and thunder, a thicker thunderbolt than last time struck down.

Megatron's brows and eyes immediately stood up, Tianlei didn't want to give him a way out at all!


At this moment, a strange sound emanated from Megatron's body, which actually suppressed the unstoppable tribulation thunder for a moment!

Afterwards, he soared into the sky, scattered the temporarily stopped thunder with one punch, and rushed into the robbery cloud again, striking violently with his fists, what a wild meal!

The Dao of Heaven is extremely angry, and he originally only wanted to give him some flair, but he was so angry that he changed his mind.


The purple thunder pillar seemed to destroy the sky and the earth, and blasted towards Megatron.

Where the thunder light passed, the void burst, and black holes loomed, like plowed ravines, terrifying and ugly.


Inside the Lingxiao Treasure Ship, Cucurbit Baby stood up abruptly, and said through gritted teeth, "Shenxiao Zilei!"

This purple thunder pillar is clearly the Divine Firmament Zilei that will only appear when thunder punishment strikes.

Of course, the Purple Thunder from the Heavenly Dao was more than a thousand times more powerful than the Purple Thunder from the Heavenly Cloud that Wang Ming had cultivated.

"It seems that the way of heaven is to remember to eat but not to fight. Today, my gourd baby must give you one!"

Gourd baby bitterly authentic.

He took off the red silk around his waist, and was about to rush out of the treasure ship aggressively, but was pulled back by Ling Xiao's quick eyes and hands.

"Look, what is that?"

Ling Xiao stretched out a light-white jade finger, pointed into the distance, and said in amazement.

Gourd Baby looked at it with some doubts, and in just a moment, the thing was already close in front of him, and it was reflected in the eyes of the two Gourd Baby very clearly.

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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