
Chapter 527 Overbearing King Jinpeng

But the gourd baby took the Lingxiao treasure boat and rushed to the filthy place excitedly, for fear that she would not be able to catch up with the fun if she went late.

I also know that such a big movement must have gathered many kings or powerful people, and there will be a vicious fight.

Calabash Baby was very excited and urged Ling Xiao to fly faster.

Ling Xiao was so angry that he rolled his eyes.

I don't know why he, the reincarnation of Yuan Ling, a magic weapon of space, is so aggressive!

However, thinking that everyone will gather soon and return to Chiming Realm, Ling Xiao's mood also jumped up, and he couldn't help flying even faster.

The treasure ship of Lingxiao disappeared directly, and within a few jumps, it arrived at the filthy place.

Looking at the dark head and monsters all over the ground below, Calabash Baby rolled her eyes and said, "Let's just hide in the dark like this, and catch him by surprise at critical moments."

Ling Xiao had exactly this intention, and what Calabash Baby said coincided with him.

At that moment, the two met a tacit look.

Suddenly, there was a commotion below.

The two hurriedly looked at it, but saw a golden light coming from a distance, and it came to the front in an instant.

The sky darkened all of a sudden, the golden brilliance soared, and an overwhelming terrifying coercion frightened the scene, causing the monsters present to dare not move at all.

It was a giant golden bird. It was spreading its wings soaring to the clouds at this time, and the golden spirit on its body was constantly wandering. Just standing there, it was like a god, with a kind of aura of supremacy, looking down on all directions.

This is the arrival of the king of the Jinpeng clan.

There was a moment of silence in the arena, and all the creatures were silent, and they didn't know whether they were afraid of King Jinpeng or had other plans in their hearts.

But King Jinpeng turned his two golden vortex-like pupils, looking towards the filthy place below.

It snorted coldly, and its voice was cold: "The treasures here belong to our Jinpeng clan, and the idle creatures retreat!"

These words are extremely overbearing, completely treating the creatures below as nothing.

Immediately, the Blood Flood Dragon Clan who was hostile to Pengniao stepped forward.

This is a blood-red dragon with a length of several hundred feet.

Under the sunlight, the blood-colored scales on its body are like gorgeous rubies, brilliant and eye-catching.

"King Jinpeng acts like this, does he take all the races in the world into consideration?"

Xue Jiao coldly snorted implying provocation.

As soon as it said this, it immediately resonated with the creatures present.

The Jinpeng family is used to being arrogant and domineering by relying on their extreme speed, and now they do not conceal their domineering nature.

It would be fine if it was an ordinary treasure, but no one would think that it was an ordinary thing when they saw the power of the beam of light piercing the sky.

At that moment, the creatures present united together and refuted King Jinpeng's dominance one after another.

The blood flood dragon was delighted in his heart, now that King Jinpeng had aroused public anger, it could fish out of troubled waters.

However, King Jinpeng turned his eyes to it coldly, opened his mouth to spit out a golden beam of light, and attacked the blood dragon.

"Junior, how can you speak here, if you disrespect the elders so much, you should be killed!"

After King Jinpeng launched the attack, he said in a calm tone, and the reason he was looking for was also extremely strange.

Among the ten thousand races, under the hostile forces, it is ridiculous where the elders come from.

Seeing the golden light attacking, the blood flood dragon was shocked.

It is not as high as King Jinpeng, let alone its extreme speed, so it is difficult to avoid King Jinpeng's attack.


The sound of a sharp weapon passing through the flesh sounded, and the body of the blood flood dragon was cut into two by the golden Shen Xi.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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