
Chapter 520 Lie Yan, Your Opportunity Has Arrived

The gourd baby was born, naked, and let out arrogant words, which made the monsters onlookers couldn't hold it anymore, and burst into loud laughter.

"What are you laughing at! Be careful I'll clean you up!"

Gourd Baby said something fiercely, turned her head to look, and was startled by the black monsters.

The dark clouds gathered again, blocking out the sun, and the gourd baby suddenly felt a chill all over.

He lowered his head to look suspiciously, and suddenly screamed wildly, the sound waves shattered the dark clouds, revealing the blazing sun star.

Then, with a flash of white light, he disappeared.

In the same place, only a yellow skin gourd was left, floating in the void.

"My lord, is that kid a gourd demon?"

Lieyan Jinshi's eyes widened but he couldn't find the gourd baby, so he couldn't help asking the beast in the cloud.

"No, this gourd should be his companion magic weapon. Don't underestimate it. Don't be greedy, otherwise, if you lose your life, there will be no reason for it."

The beast in the cloud fluttered its nostrils, its eyes flashed, and warned.

It's not stupid, this kid has been hiding under its buttocks for tens of thousands of years, and it hasn't noticed it, so there must be incredible means.

Why establish enemies for no reason before you have determined your friends and enemies.

It is also due to the character of the beast in the cloud, it does not like to compete with others by nature, and just cares about being free and easy.

If it wasn't for these monsters who heard the news and came to join it, it wouldn't bother to care about these shit, and would have run away long ago.

Now, looking at this little cub, the beast in the cloud became somewhat interested.

However, it soon stopped laughing.

The Beast in the Cloud was horrified to discover that a purple-robed Taoist appeared in the arena with such a brilliant effort.

This person appeared so silently that even it couldn't detect it.

It can be seen that his realm is far above himself!

What shocked it even more was that the Taoist waved his hand lightly, and the yellow-skinned gourd with a terrifying aura fell obediently into his hands without even the slightest resistance.

There was silence in the field.

Even the little demon with the lowest level realized that something was wrong at this moment.

Although this Taoist didn't show any power, standing there made people feel depressed, and they couldn't even think of rebelling.

I didn't see that their big king, Yunzhong Beast, has white hair at this time, as if it is facing a big enemy.

The beast in the cloud was a little hesitant, not knowing whether this person was an enemy or a friend, and it was too late to escape now.

However, when it looked at the flaming golden lion who was turning half of its body, intending to block itself, its eyes warmed up, and finally gave up the idea of ​​leaving alone.

The monster recognized its cowardice and did not attack, which made Yuechen regret for a while.

If he doesn't make any moves, how can he stand up?

That's all, that's all, if you think about his dignified Daoist ancestor, you don't have to lose face if you try to embarrass these little monsters.

Just as Yuechen comforted himself, he heard a fearful voice behind him and said tremblingly: "This great god, is he here to subdue this treasure?"

He froze for a moment, turned his head curiously, and saw a flaming mad lion covered in golden fur, blinking big fiery red eyes, looking at him nervously.


Yue Chen was noncommittal, and looked at it suspiciously.

The golden-haired lion seemed to have misunderstood what he meant, and hastily explained: "This treasure is of high quality, and it should belong to the great god. I have the Cangshan lineage, and I have no intention of coveting it."

This is to express my position.

You'd better leave quickly after taking the things, don't scare us here.

Yuechen laughed loudly, nodded to the golden-haired lion, and said, "You little monster is quite interesting, one year later, let's come to Shangyang Mountain to listen to the sermon!"

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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After all, a divine radiance rose from his body, and the rays of light were overflowing, bright and astonishing.

The golden-haired lion and other monsters were stabbed so hard that they couldn't open their eyes, and hurriedly closed their eyes.

When they opened their eyes again, they saw that there was no one there, and even the gathering dark clouds in the sky had dissipated.

"This is too strong!"

The Golden Retriever Lion muttered to himself, saying in disbelief.

It remembered what Yuechen said before, and hurriedly asked the beast in the cloud: "My lord, could this Taoist be the one who wants to preach in Shangyang Mountain?"

The astonishment in the eyes of the beast in the cloud lasted for a long time.

At this time, when Lieyan Jinshi asked, it immediately nodded its huge head, and said with certainty: "It must be him!"

Others closed their eyes and couldn't see clearly, but it barely opened its eyes and could see clearly.

The Taoist just waved his hand like this, scattered the dark clouds in the sky, stretched out his hand to catch the brewing thunder, and swallowed it in a lump!

What a terrifying power this is!

It has been conscious since the beginning of the world, and it has never seen a creature with such power.

Thinking about it now, there is no one else except Taoist Xuanxiao who announced to the world that day to preach!

It's ridiculous that the group of colorful dragon pythons and Jinpeng sit in a well and watch the sky, thinking that they are number one in the world.

But they don't know that other people have already penetrated the good fortune and become the supreme in this world.

"Lie Yan, your chance has come, you can set off today and go to Shangyang Mountain."

The beast in the cloud exhorted.

The Flaming Golden Lion immediately asked, "Isn't Your Majesty going?"

The beast in the cloud opened its huge mouth and let out a long breath.


This breath disappeared in a flash, and it rushed thousands of miles in an instant, bombarding the high mountains in the distance, making an ear-splitting explosion.

"My lord, the way forward is clear, just be free and easy! Go ahead!"

The beast in the cloud lazily lay down on the white cloud, and drifted to the depths of Lingcang Mountain.

Helplessness flashed in the golden lion's eyes.

It turned its huge head, stared at the monsters behind it and shouted: "You wait to catch up with the king!"

Only then did the monsters come to their senses, and rushed towards the depths of Lingcang Mountain like a torrent.

For them, if the baby is gone, they can find it again, and if they can escape, it is the Qinghuang's blessing!

The herd quickly ran away, leaving only the nine-tailed civet, watching the flaming golden lion hesitate to speak.

Looking at its tangled appearance, the golden-haired lion had a hint of cunning in its eyes.

It asked in a low voice: "Why, do you want to go too?"

The black jade-like eyes of the nine-tailed civet shone shyly, and said, "I, can I go together?"

After all, it hung its head a little ashamed.

The golden-haired lion burst into laughter immediately, and the sound shook the sky.

"Are you stupid? That Taoist has already declared to the world that any living being can go to listen to the Tao."

After all, it flicked its four hooves happily, and flew away a hundred miles in an instant.

The nine-tailed civet was left behind and jumped up angrily: "Okay, you golden retriever, you actually laughed at me, I can't finish with you!"

It was annoyed, and looked at the flaming golden lion going away, but it didn't dare to go alone after all, so it hurriedly chased after it.

However, Yuechen was holding the Nine-turn Qiankun Pot, and felt that he had found it again, and felt a lot more at ease.

However, he also knew that the yellow-skinned gourd was now the companion magic weapon of the gourd baby.

Not as good as before, he can control it at will.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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