
Chapter 509 Three Chaos Clans

For a while, the new biological clock in the entire little chaos, when they saw the three of them, they avoided them far away, and did not give them any benefits.

And these species that have lost their companion magic weapons are robbing other people's magic weapons in groups.

Just like that, the chaos in the entire little chaos continued, and the chaotic airflow was berserk.

On this day, Yuechen opened his eyes.

His eyes were clouded with gray, and his whole body was wrapped in the chaotic airflow, and his breathing was long.


Yuechen exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, and there was a burst of turmoil in the chaos in front of him.

"If I want to join the Dao, I need to combine the laws of Yin-Yang and Five Elements into one to transform chaos, and only then can I join the supreme Dao of Chaos."

Yue Chen muttered to himself, and began to plan for the road to harmony in his heart.

Harmony with the Tao means that the body and spirit are both wonderful, and the truth is in harmony with the Tao.

At this point, it is necessary to determine the direction to go in the future.

Which kind of Dao you cultivate, you must conform to that Dao.

There are thousands of paths, and there is only one path you can take.

Moreover, on this road, hundreds of boats compete and thousands of sails compete.

And if you want to reach the supreme realm of Dao ancestors, you need to defeat everyone on this road.

All those who practice the same path as you are your enemies.

Unless you can find another way and take another path.

For example, Yue Chen practiced the Great Five Elements Yin-Yang Sword Jue and Shenxiao Thunder Method, he can combine the Way of Yin-Yang, the Way of Five Elements, and the Way of Thunder.

However, with his incomparable confidence in himself, he is only willing to conform to the unique way of chaos.

This is infinitely more difficult than Shanhe.

It must be known that chaos contains the laws of all things, so where does he have so much time to comprehend the laws of all things?

Fortunately, he was lucky enough to be sucked into this little chaos.

This place was tailor-made for him.

The air of chaos is free for him to absorb, and the countless laws are free for him to comprehend.

Moreover, chaos does not record years, and time seems to have stopped here.

Yuechen has been trapped here for an unknown number of years, and has learned a lot about various laws.

For Hedao, there is already a clear idea.

He made a tactic with both hands, and shouted softly: "Come back!"

The face of Yuanshen Dharma Body, who was traveling through the chaos with Kong Yu and Sun Houzi, suddenly changed.

"I gotta go!"

After he finished speaking in a hurry, he turned into a streamer of light and quickly disappeared in front of a person and a bird.

Sun Houzi blinked, and the golden light in his eyes flashed away.

"This kid, I'm afraid he's about to join the Tao. How about you?"

He asked Kong Yu.

Kong Yu held up his feather crown and said confidently: "This Emperor will definitely be ahead of him! Let's go first!"

After saying that, with a flick of his tail feathers, the five-color divine light shot up into the sky, split the chaos, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"My old grandson knows that this guy really has hidden his hand!"

Monkey Sun sneered, and the golden light of his eyes rushed out, shining on Chaos.

After a while, he murmured to himself: "They're all gone, my grandson is the only one left, and I'll find a place to nest and sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!"

As soon as the words fell, the hozen made a somersault in the air and disappeared in place in an instant.

Time flies, I don't know how long it has passed, and the battle in Little Chaos has become more intense.

Countless species have been wiped out physically and mentally, and their flesh and blood have become the rations of others.

Under such circumstances, many species had no choice but to huddle together, forming forces one by one.

On this day, a piercing voice like the knocking of gold and stone resounded in everyone's ears: "I am the Chiyu Tianpeng, and today I am regarded as the head of the birds. Many birds must obey my orders. If there is any disobedience, It must be cut!"

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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After saying that, the air of chaos surged, and a huge roc shadow covering the sky and the sun struck the chaos.

Its wings were burning with raging flames, and when the wings fluttered, the flames fell into chaos, like cold water pouring into an oil pan, and there was a bang!

Chiyu Tianpeng's power had just been revealed, when the roars of each other shook Chaos.

"I am the nine-headed dragon, and I am now regarded as the master of the scale armor. Many scale armor clans must obey my orders, and those who disobey will be killed!"

The huge dragon that winds thousands of feet, with nine huge heads opening its bloody mouth, roars to the sky!

Its coercion shook Chaos, and Chaos calmed down for a moment.

As soon as the nine-headed dragon finished roaring, a voice of gods and demons also let out a loud roar, not to be outdone.

"I am the Armed Demon Ape, and today I am regarded as the leader of the beasts. The subordinates of many beasts must obey my orders, and those who disobey will be killed!"


The full-armed demon ape is thousands of feet tall, like a giant standing upright, holding a purple gold horned dragon stick, its power is terrifying.

As soon as he finished speaking, Sun Houzi, who was in an unknown place, suddenly opened his eyes.

The hozen's eyes burst out with golden light, and the monkey's mouth opened wide: "Hey! I finally told my grandson to wait!"

The monkey was about to rush forward happily, but it gave a sudden meal.

He shook his head like a rattle, and murmured: "Not good, not good! My old grandson is not as good as before, and he is alone and alone. I'd better wait for those two to leave the customs, and then make a long-term plan!"

After thinking it through, the monkey took a deep breath, put away all his thoughts, and went to retreat by himself, leaving only a trace of mind, always paying attention to the movement outside.

Since the formation of the three-legged confrontation in the chaos, the fighting has gradually decreased, giving many species a time to recuperate.

Time flies, after Chiyu Tianpeng three beasts set the cauldron in chaos.

Not too many years later, in this small chaos, a person suddenly emerged.

This person calls himself the ancient emperor, his strength is transcendent, and he often wanders among the three clans.

However, because of this, many enemies have been formed among the three clans.

On this day, when the Qing Emperor was jointly pursued by the three clans, there was nowhere to escape.

He was angry in his heart, and said fiercely: "Since you don't want to make it easier for the poor, you might as well break it up!"

After saying that, Qinghuang raised the ancient emperor's green stick in his hand, and slashed fiercely at Chaos in front of him!

In an instant, the chaos seemed to be torn in two, the earth, water, fire, and wind kept churning, and the sky was full of thunder!

"You dare!"

The people of the three clans were shocked and angry, shouting and cursing one after another.

They were born in chaos and grew up in chaos. If they left chaos, they would only die.

In just this moment of effort, many people from the three clans died under the thunder of the Void God.

The Qinghuang laughed loudly, and worked harder to split the chaos.

The clear air rises, the turbid air sinks, and the divine thunder of the void shatters the desolation.

"Go! If you don't kill him, Chaos will not be guaranteed!"

Chiyu Tianpeng, the Armed Demon Ape and others also surrounded him, and the magic weapons in their hands kept attacking the Qinghuang!

At this moment, Yue Chen and Monkey Kong Yu, who were retreating, all opened their eyes.

"The time has come!"

The three whispered in unison.

Monkeys are the most impatient.

His golden hair kept shaking, and his breath rose rapidly.

In just a moment, this monkey was full of fighting spirit, raising its hands and feet, as if it could shake the sky!


The golden monkey jumped up, and blasted out the golden stick in its hand!

"Give my grandson to die!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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