
Chapter 507

This is simply better than any panacea in the world!

Yue Hui couldn't help being overjoyed, and rushed forward, holding Ao Lin's jade hand tightly, not letting go!

Seeing Yue Hui's movements, Yue Ke immediately stopped worrying.

As soon as his eyes stood up, he didn't care about the fear and turned back.

Yue Hui stretched out five fingers, and pulled Yue Hui's claws out of Ao Lin's palm abruptly!

"Boy, I'm your brother!"

The corners of Yue Hui's eyes twitched, and he said speechlessly.

Yue Ke rolled his eyes, said in a cold voice, "You two are not alone! My brother disappeared and hasn't come back yet!"

Feeling helpless, he had no choice but to grab Ao Jun and ask, "Is this all right? How long will it take to recover?"

Ao Jun shook his head and sighed: "She had consumed too much before, and she lost a lot of soul, essence and blood. She needs to be recuperated slowly. With the help of elixir, she should be able to recover quickly."

The more happy I am in my heart, the better I can be saved.

However, after thinking about it, he hurriedly asked again: "Then what should the fourth princess do if she encounters this situation again?"

However, he knew that it would take a long time to conceive a dragon egg, and he was afraid that Ao Lin would not be able to hold on again.

"will not!"

Ao Jun said firmly.

"I gave her the Dragon Ball of the Silver Dragon Clan. It must be more than enough to give birth to this dragon cub!"

Only then did he let out a sigh of relief.

"It's too difficult to give birth to this dragon cub, I have to tell the main body in the future, tell the fourth princess not to get pregnant again!"

Yue Hui murmured.

The words fell into Ao Jun's ears, causing him to raise his eyebrows immediately.

The West Sea Dragon Palace is looking forward to Ao Lin being able to have more offspring and to carry forward the Yinlong clan.

How can we stop here?

Ao Jun squinted and said, "Do you think she fell into a coma after giving birth to an heir?"

Yue Hui waited for someone to stay for a while, looking at him inexplicably.

"Before now, she had been consuming all her energy, relying entirely on her own willpower."

Ao Jun explained.

"Now that she saw you and knew that your body was fine, she relaxed her mind and passed out."

"I don't want her soul and mana to be consumed too much, so she can't recover by herself."

Ao Jun sighed: "To untie the bell, one must tie it!"

Hearing this, everyone realized.

However, there was another burst of sadness in the blink of an eye.

None of them knew when Yuechen would return.

Maybe for a moment, maybe for a few years, maybe for thousands of years.

Who can know?

"Perhaps, before your body returns, you should stay by her side."

Ao Jun's shocking words shocked everyone.

Especially Yuehui.

He has just been promoted to first-class ghost messenger, and it is time for him to have a bright future.

At this time, if you put down the pick, I am afraid that it will be difficult to promote.

Moreover, he hadn't heard that the errand could ask for leave.

Especially since his vacation seemed so far away.

However, seeing Ao Lin's haggard look, he finally let out a long sigh.

"Prince, I have a few important matters, you have to help me solve them.

Otherwise, I will always worry about it in my heart, and feel uneasy! "

The more he sighed back.

Ao Jun kept staring at his expression, and when he saw what he said, he laughed immediately.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will help you get it done. If the crown prince doesn't have that ability, there is still the ancestor!"

What Ao Jun said was extremely domineering.

Thinking about it, no matter it is the underworld or the heavens and myriad realms, they should give the real dragons some face.

The more he returned, he was overjoyed, and he hurriedly told his few troubles.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"First, you are going to the Hades to ask for a leave of absence for me. You can't take away my quota of first-class ghost messengers. Is this a holiday? It counts when you go back!"

The corners of Yue Ke and the others' mouths twitched.

His original thoughts of not wanting to go back and stay were all washed away by his shameless words.

This is really a typical case of occupying the latrine and not shitting!

Unexpectedly, Ao Jun waved his hand and said indifferently: "Small idea!"

The way everyone looked at Ao Jun suddenly changed.

Li Du Ghost King looked at Ao Jun with a deeper meaning.

Seeing that the first thing was done, Yue Hui continued: "Second, there was a battle in the underworld last time, which caused one of my seniors to be reincarnated into the wild world."

"That's all, but his soul is incomplete after reincarnation. For this matter, the Nether Palace must be responsible, and the soul of my senior brother must be gathered together!"

This time, not only were everyone speechless, even Ao Jun was shocked by his words for a moment.

This is too strong and unreasonable!

Can't the soul blame the Hades?

It's clear that he blew himself up and lost his soul?

To be able to leave a ray of soul reincarnated is already a noble hand from the Hades.

Besides, the turmoil in the underworld was not caused by people from the Hades.

This is really forced to take the blame!

However, what kind of dragon is Ao Jun!

The title of Long Batian is not for nothing.

For the sake of the blood of the Yinlong clan to prosper, he will go all out!

Ao Jun pondered for a while, then nodded slowly.

He said: "Don't worry, I will go to my ancestors after I go back, and I will definitely solve this matter for you satisfactorily!"

He said this on his lips, but he thought in his heart: "If Hades doesn't make a move, he will force the old ancestor to make a move. Presumably he won't sit idly by!"

Thinking in this way, Ao Jun straightened his chest, and said confidently: "Give me the message of your senior brother!"

Yue returned to a rare grin.

He hastily told Ao Jun all the information about Man Chen, fearing that he would make a mistake, so he kept telling him.

"Prince, you might as well bring Yinchai Shitong with you, he knows about this and is not afraid of making a mistake."

Ao Jun nodded and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Yuehui pondered for a moment, then sighed: "Then I'm looking for my parents from the previous life."

Ao Jun knew about this matter, and sent a message to the real dragon world, and asked someone to help find it, but there is no news yet.

He took out a storage ring from his pocket and threw it to Yue Hui.

"Here are all miraculous medicines. They should be useful to the fourth princess. Take them and give them to her after consideration."

Ao Jun confessed.

Yuehui held the ring tightly, like holding a treasure, and carefully put it into his arms.

Seeing that the matter was done, Ao Jun beckoned to Yue Ke.

In Yue Ke's heart, he was still immersed in the shock that Yue Hui wanted to find his parents in his previous life, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Could it be that the elder brother has awakened the mystery of the womb, learned of the past life, and wants to find the parents of the previous life?

Then will he leave us and never recognize us again?

No, it won't!

Brother is not like that!

Yue Ke was so confused that he didn't even respond to Ao Jun calling him.

It was Jin Ling who patted him on the shoulder before he came back to his senses.

"Senior, you called me?"

Yue Ke pointed at himself and looked at Ao Jun in confusion.

Ao Jun looked at him in a daze, and smiled: "That's right, come and tell me, how many people are there in your family, and how did your brother disappear?"

The more Ke asked this, his heart trembled.

He looked at Ao Jun, and said in his heart: "The serious brothers-in-law in the East Sea Dragon Palace will ask about this in the future, but this cheap brother-in-law from the West Sea Dragon Palace in the underworld is very caring!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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