
Chapter 505 Three Overlords

Before the ghost gate closed, the silver dragon entered the sea of ​​clouds and disappeared in an instant.

Only the shivering ghosts were left on the ground, and the black and white impermanence with a stiff face, with a bull's head and a horse's face.

After a long while, someone murmured to himself: "That kid, is it the one that has been rumored recently, the son-in-law of the West Sea Dragon Palace?"

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw Niutou weeping and saying: "I showed his face last time!"

Black and white Wuchang's mouth twitched, he turned his head away, chased the ghosts all over the place, and started on the road again.

Only Ma Mian pointed at him with hatred and said: "You are a scumbag, you have a mouth, and you never lock the door. If you get into trouble, how will you treat it?"

Niutou covered his mouth and shook his head violently: "Don't say it again, I won't say it again!"

With his hands behind his face, he said leisurely: "In the future, when you see him, you just need to make a few more smiles. This kid has just become a first-class ghost messenger, and his foundation is not stable. It's time for me to show my favor."

Niutou's eyes widened immediately, and he said with a shy face: "You are still thoughtful, no wonder you are my brother Ma!"

The corners of Ma Mian's eyes twitched, he turned around, and stood guard at the gate of hell, ignoring this reckless guy any more.

However, after Yue Hui sacrificed the Silver Dragon Order, in the West Sea Dragon Palace, the ten thousand-foot silver dragon crouching in the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Palace suddenly opened its huge long eyes.

The longan, which looks like two bright moons, is full of doubts.

"What is this kid doing?"

With a movement of the silver dragon's body, the void rumbled, the silver light exploded, and the wind blew up.

When everything returned to calm, the majestic Old Dragon King of the West Sea stood in the void, his nine-clawed dragon robe like black satin moved automatically without wind.

"The action is quite fast, the ancestor, let me go out and have a look."

With a flash of the old Dragon King's figure, he left the forbidden area and came to the Dragon King Palace.

As soon as he took his seat, the gate of the Crystal Palace was broken open by Yue Hui.

Shrimp soldiers and crab generals roared in a pile behind them, yelling: "My son-in-law, don't be reckless!"

As he struggled away from the pull of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, he shouted sadly: "Old ancestor, help me!"

The old dragon king sitting on the dragon king's throne was stroking his beard and laughing. He was startled by his shout, and with a wrong hand, he immediately pulled off a dragon's beard.

"Hiss! Brat, why are you shouting! What's the matter, tell me quickly!"

The old dragon king stroked his chin and urged.

He squinted and looked back.

Well, this appearance is not too bad, barely worthy of being a princess of his dragon clan.

"Old Ancestor, the Four Princesses are dying, and they can't last much longer!"

The news dropped like a thunderbolt on the ground shook the entire West Sea Dragon Palace several times.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

The real dragons who were secretly watching Yuehui were shocked by the news.

They couldn't hold back anymore, they came to the Dragon King Palace one after another, pricked up their ears, and wanted to listen carefully.

Although they have never seen the fourth princess of the East China Sea.

But every son and daughter of their silver dragon clan is a treasure!

It's fine if it's the end of life, but the fourth princess is giving birth to an heir, so there's no room for negligence!

The old Dragon King's face was furious, the waves of the West Sea were surging, and the dark clouds oppressed the sea.

Countless sea creatures fled in panic, looking in the direction of Dragon Palace in horror.

"Tell me in detail!"

The situation in the old Dragon King's eyes was changing, he took a deep breath, and said word by word.

"Old Ancestor, this matter is a long story, can you find a way to cure the fourth princess first? I will tell my Ancestor in detail after I get back!"

Yuehui begged anxiously.

The old dragon king thought it was the same reason, so he glanced at his highness and ordered: "Forget it, Ao Jun, you bring some treasures, and follow him to the end, and you must rescue the fourth princess!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Ao Jun was about to listen carefully, it's okay to be cold, the old ancestor's order came down.

He glared back, cupped his hands and said, "Ao Jun obeys!"

The more he returned, he was overjoyed, and rushed forward, dragging Ao Jun to go out.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! You haven't got the baby yet? How can you save someone without some panacea?"

Ao Jun knocked off his palm and hummed.

Yue Hui had no choice but to urge: "Then you hurry up, go a little earlier and the fourth princess will suffer less!"

Ao Jun waved his hand and went straight to the treasure house of the Dragon Palace.

When he entered the treasury, he didn't pick any good things, but he picked them up when he saw good ones.

Anything that invigorates the spirit, nourishes the blood and nourishes the fetus, replenishes spiritual power, a ring is full.

It even includes a giant dragon ball!

After messing around, Ao Jun turned into a thousand-foot dragon, and hurried out of the Dragon Palace with Yuehui.

Ao Jun was born with a duplicitous temperament, and he would get better and better along the way, blaming him for looking for trouble for himself.

But his flying speed exceeded the limit, and within half a day, he came to the gate of hell.

The silver dragon dances, the light bursts out, and Ao Jun's body appears in the intermission.

"Let's go!"

Ao Jun greeted and stepped out of the gate of hell first.

The two bull-headed and horse-faced people guarding in front of the gate of hell did not look sideways, as if they were blind, and turned a blind eye to the two who had just left the gate of hell!

After the figures of Ao Jun and Yue Hui disappeared in the Nether Passage, the bull head and horse face let out a sigh of relief.

"Brother Ma, if we let them go out like this, will Lord Yan take the blame?"

Niutou was a little worried.

Hearing this, Ma Mian's horse face stretched all the way: "Yan Wang Ye can't protect himself now, how can he control this place."

"Besides, do you know who it is, so you want to stop it?"

Niutou was a little curious, and hurriedly asked: "Isn't it a real dragon in the ghost handsome realm, can it be stronger than Lord Yan?"

Ma Mian glared at him fiercely, and cursed: "Open your bull's eyes and see clearly, that is the favorite grandson of the old Dragon King of Xihai, one of the three overlords that cannot be provoked in the Netherworld!"

"Three Overlords!"

The bull's head opened its eyes like copper bells, and exclaimed.

He has also heard of these three overlords, but he has never seen them before, and now he finally saw one of the real people!

"It turns out that he is the little overlord who is known as the Dragon Batian! Whenever, my old cow can have that kind of power!"

Niu Tou's eyes brightened, and he said longingly.

Ma Mian rolled his eyes: "Tamper! You might as well reincarnate faster."

Niutou didn't care about the sarcasm on the horse's face, and was still immersed in his fantasy.

But he said that Yue Hui led Ao Jun out of the Nether Passage, and was about to rush to Lidu Palace.

Suddenly, the space was turbulent, dark clouds were densely covered, and in the Land of Nine Nethers, the never-falling crescent moon swayed faintly.


Countless powerful auras shot up into the sky, watching the changes in the Nine Nether Lands in surprise.

Ao Jun cursed secretly, restraining his breath.

But it turns out that, as a ghost commander, he is equivalent to a pure yang immortal in the yang world.

The Land of Nine Serenities is attached to the Chiming Realm, and the highest level of cultivation that can be accommodated is naturally only the Hedao Realm.

After Ao Jun restrained his breath, the dark clouds gradually subsided, and the crescent moon hung firmly in the sky again.

Author's digression: Big guys, the popularity is soaring, the poor author is going to starve to death, please extend your golden hands and silver hands to make a fortune, vote for the votes, and leave some comments!For example, where the writing is not good, or there are poisonous points, welcome to correct me!The profile of the group number is on!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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