
Chapter 1197 Evil Corpse

Yue Chen has already become red-eyed, and has long since forgotten the existence of Goddess Qianshan. Only Lingxiao is still driving the treasure ship of Lingxiao, hovering vigilantly not far from Goddess Qianshan.

He has a simple mind, and his only mission is to protect the safety of his master. Except for the gourd baby Ao Lin and others, he doesn't trust anyone.

Seeing that Yuechen was getting farther and farther away, he glanced at Goddess Qianshan, pursed his lips, and finally chased after him by boat.

Goddess Qianshan is still in her fluttering green clothes, standing in the void, shrouded in a layer of dense air, making it difficult for people to see her expression clearly.

On the other side, Yuechen had already gone mad.

He used frequent methods, whether it was the divine sky thunder method, the five elements yin and yang sword art, or the chaotic fist, the five elements extermination light, whichever he used, rushed into the group of alchemy spirits, and fought with each other.

However, even though he is now as brave as Daojun, but there are too many pill spirits, he was gradually injured, and golden blood flowed out.

Perhaps because of the smell of blood, these pill spirits became even more frenzied, and all of them became agitated, rushing toward Yuechen like waves.

The current him is like a drop in the ocean, constantly ups and downs in the waves.

With the passage of time, Yuechen's mana is still worry-free, but his mind is a little tired.

But he can't stop, stopping means giving up resistance, and he will be swallowed by these pill spirits in a blink of an eye.

I don't know how long it took, and a sense of irritability gradually rose in his heart. At a certain moment, his brain became hot, and he directly used the combat auxiliary function of the list of good and evil in the heavens.

"All heavens, good and evil, bless me! Ah!"

Yuechen drank secretly in his heart, and suddenly raised his head to the sky and howled.

In an instant, a terrifying aura spread from his whole body, and his face instantly turned half black and half white, ferocious like a ghost from hell, and his aura was extremely frightening.

And his aura also rose infinitely, approaching the later stage of Daojun.


Goddess Qianshan raised her eyebrows with great interest, "Interesting little guy."

She didn't make any movements, just observed quietly.


Suddenly, Yuechen's whole body suddenly burst into bright light, and even those pitch-black eyes lit up with two hot flames.

His speed was extremely fast, and he entered the Dan Ling group in the blink of an eye, slashing wildly with the Tai'a sword in his hand.

His sword light opened and closed wide, and when the sword energy fell, there must be a Pill Spirit screaming, turning into spiritual energy and collapsing.

"Boom bang bang..."

The shadow of the sword flickered, and flesh and blood flew everywhere. He was like a demon god crawling out of the abyss of hell, bloodthirsty, cruel and merciless.

At this moment, he completely released himself, as if a demon god descended and slaughtered the common people.

He knew in his heart that the current self had been blessed by the good and evil of the heavens. If he could not keep the spiritual platform clear, he would not only lose his rational mind, but also lose consciousness.

Therefore, he did not dare to slack off, guarded the Lingtai tightly, and tried his best in every attack, without any carelessness.

There are too many pill spirits, and it seems that they can't kill them all.

Yuechen's hands softened, and golden blood flowed from his nostrils, which was the result of being impacted by the good and evil thoughts of the heavens.

Although absorbing good and evil values ​​from the All Heavens Good and Evil List is as simple as eating and drinking, when it was his turn, he was so shocked that he almost lost his mind, and his mind was swollen with pain.


With a roar, Yuechen swung Tai'a sword vigorously, crushing all the spirits blocking his way.

At this moment, he felt like he was in purgatory, suffering great torture every second, and excruciating pain.

He knew in his heart that he couldn't hold on for long, as long as his will collapsed, he would be corroded by evil thoughts and become a killing tool.

He is not reconciled, he never wants to become a killing puppet!

"I am a disciple of the upright Taoist sect, how can I be controlled by evil thoughts!"

Yuechen gritted his teeth and roared, his face ferocious.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his dazed Lingtai, but it disappeared in a flash.

"What is it? What is it, come to think of it!"

His eyes were red, and he desperately urged himself to remember what the flashing light was.


Goddess Qianshan stared at Yuechen with a little surprise in her eyes.

"Can you still hold on?"

She frowned slightly, obviously a little surprised.


In all directions, Dan Ling still rushed forward fiercely, trying to tear Yuechen apart.


Yuechen let out a loud roar, and swung out a punch, the energy of chaos surged, hitting the void with fine cracks.

And the pill spirits who besieged him exploded one after another, and were assimilated by the air of chaos, and the area was filled with gray chaos mist.


Yuechen's chest heaved violently, he was panting heavily, beads of sweat covered his forehead and soaked his clothes.

His eyes had become scarlet, and his whole body was covered in blood, and he looked extremely miserable, but his fighting spirit was getting higher and higher.

Finally, at a certain moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind again, he suddenly threw the Tai'a sword in his hand, and shouted: "Evil corpse, come out!"

In an instant, all his evil thoughts gathered together at this moment, rushed into Tai'a sword, and turned into a young Taoist in a black Taoist robe with a stern face.

This Taoist raised his brows and eyes with a ferocious look, and the chaotic energy all over his body was mixed with the evil spirit of blood, constantly surging and boiling, as if gathering evil thoughts from all over the world, which made people daunting.

This person is one of the three corpses that Yuechen cut out with the help of the Tai'a sword just now!

The so-called three corpses are good corpses, evil corpses, and self-holding corpses.

Killing the three corpses needs to rely on the innate spirit treasure, the stronger the spirit treasure, the stronger the three corpses will be.

Of course, most of the Taoists in the heavens and worlds do not have innate spiritual treasures, and can only entrust the three corpses with the acquired spiritual treasures they refined themselves.

The strength of this kind of Taoist monarch can be imagined, maybe even Da Luo Jinxian who has a powerful magic weapon can't beat it.

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