
Chapter 1195 Women

Yue Chen was stunned by this woman who appeared suddenly.

This woman is not Dan Ling, but a living monk.

But why did the monk come here?

What about the Golden Cauldron, God of Myriad Tribulations?

Yue Chen quickly raised his head and looked towards the entrance.

But he saw the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulations God was facing down, and it was buckled on the top perfectly, without any abnormal movement.

He was a little relieved, but then he became anxious again.

Because he found that the woman was staring directly at him!

Although the other party was not Dan Ling, Yuechen still felt a great threat. He tried his best to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body, ready to fight to the death.


The woman suddenly frowned: "Who are you?"

Yuechen was startled.

Although he couldn't see the face, but just hearing the pleasant voice, he guessed that the other party must have an extraordinary appearance.

But Yuechen couldn't be happy at all, instead he became even more anxious.

"I am the regent of the Great Zhou Dynasty, who are you?"

Yuechen took a deep breath and asked calmly.

"The Great Zhou Dynasty?"

The woman frowned slightly, lost in thought.


Yuechen nodded, wanting to ask her where she came from.

But she didn't want to, the woman raised her eyes again, looked at him with burning eyes, her red lips parted slightly: "I see cause and effect in you."


Yuechen's mind suddenly went blank, and his face turned pale.

He didn't even know the woman's appearance, so how could he form a relationship with her.

Could it be that this woman is a creditor that Luo Tian provoked?

It's no wonder he thought so, he had just had a fight with Luo Tian before, and someone came to his door, and he was really a little panicked.

The more Yuechen thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, and quickly explained: "Fellow Daoist misunderstood, we have no grievances or enmities, and we have never met each other before, how could there be cause and effect?"

"Oh?" The woman whispered, and thoughtfully said: "But, the heavenly secret shows that you clearly have my causal line on your body, why is that?"

"Uh..." Yuechen heard the words, and immediately became dumb and ate Huanglian, unable to argue.

Cause and effect are mysterious and unpredictable, and the secrets of heaven are even more obscure. How does he know where this inexplicable cause and effect comes from?

The woman frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Have you ever been here before?"


Yue Chen honestly shook his head.

"This is strange, who opened the lid of my coffin and let me be born in this world?"

The woman was puzzled and muttered to herself.


Yuechen's eyes widened immediately, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

Not long ago, Luo Tiancai said that he opened the coffin lid without any hassle, but he didn't expect that he would come to the door now.

Fortunately, he thought that he had admitted the wrong person, but he didn't want to, it was really a good thing that guy did!

"You, you, what did you just say?"

With trembling lips, he swallowed hard and asked.

Anyway, it wasn't the work of the poor, absolutely can't admit it!

"What did I just say?"

The woman frowned, seemed to realize her gaffe, calmed down her emotions, and said calmly: "Traveled by the heavens, I met a fellow Taoist here. Although I don't know what the relationship between the person who opened my coffin and the fellow Taoist is. , but since he helped me, the karma has already been established, so he has to pay it back."

She looked at Yuechen, and said again: "I will return this karma to you."

"give me back?"

Yuechen's eyes lit up immediately, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging by the woman's tone, she didn't come to seek revenge, but to repay her kindness?

What a misstep!

However, this is nothing to him!

In the end, he sneered and said with a cheeky smile: "I seem to have heard a senior mention that he came here once before and opened a jade coffin, but I don't know if there is something in that jade coffin. friend?"


In the dense mist, the woman seemed to be a little surprised, and her sharp eyes pierced Yue Chen's face, which almost couldn't hold back.

"Cough, I didn't think of it for a while before."

Yuechen coughed twice, and said lightly: "A while ago, that senior just told me about this matter. It just so happened that this time I was destined to enter this secret realm, so I came here to investigate."

"So that's how it is." The woman was stunned.

She nodded, and looked at Yuechen carefully with her bright eyes again, suddenly showing doubts.

"How can there be a sense of familiarity in your body?"

Yue Chen's heart trembled, but on the surface he pretended to be confused and said: "Familiar? I don't know what you mean by familiarity?"


Wouldn't she be able to see through my sea of ​​consciousness and detect the existence of Luo Tian?

His hairs stood on end, he carefully shrank the sea of ​​consciousness, and tightly wrapped the list of good and evil in the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the misty mist, the corner of the woman's mouth turned up, she took a deep look at him, and suddenly sighed: "Forget it, it should be my illusion."


Yuechen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling very dangerous.

This woman is too scary, her eyes seem to be able to see through people's hearts, and I don't know where she came from.

Thinking of this, he asked again: "Fellow Taoist woke up from the jade coffin, could it be that he is from the ancient kingdom of Great Xia?"

Hearing this, the woman was silent for a long time before she let out a soft sigh: "Big Xia, I have watched it grow and wither, but there is nothing I can do, and I regret it."

Yue Chen was taken aback.

From this tone, could it be that she lived for a long time before being sealed in the jade coffin?

Before he could ask a question, the woman said another name that made his hair stand on end: "I am the Goddess of Qianshan!"


The name exploded in Yuechen's head like a thunderstorm from the nine heavens.


Yuechen staggered in fright and almost fell to the ground.

He opened his mouth, his face full of shock: "You are the goddess of Qianshan?"

Lord God!

That guy Luo Tian, ​​does he know what kind of monster he released?

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