
Chapter 1191

In the abyss, Yuechen hugged the God of Myriad Tribulations Jinding tightly, not letting him escape from his control.

The closer to the bottom, the stronger the suction, and in the end, Yuechen got into the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulation God directly, allowing the cauldron to fall freely.

After a whirl, the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulations smashed hard to the bottom of the abyss.


There was a muffled thunder-like sound in the abyss, and countless calamities rose up.

Above the abyss, the ancient dragon elephant has arrived.

It stared blankly at the abyss, and murmured: "It's God's will, if you can come out of it, this great sage will truly recognize you as master!"

It stood outside the abyss, watching the calamity that was slowly decreasing, and never left for a long time.

Yuechen didn't know that Taikoo Longxiang deliberately tricked him, and at this time he was carefully poking his divine sense out of the cauldron, wanting to observe the surrounding environment.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the divine sense came out, it was smashed to pieces by a huge tearing force.


He withdrew his spiritual thoughts in pain, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

Although he was safe and sound in the Golden Cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations, but the cauldron was absorbed here, and he couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

This is his natal magic weapon, and we share weal and woe with him, how can it be discarded?

For the current plan, we can only find out the secrets of this place, and then find a way to leave this place.

Yuechen gritted his teeth, clasped the mouth of the tripod tightly with both hands, and poked his head out carefully.


A ray of golden light passed by his ear, almost cutting off half of his ear.

He quickly retracted his head, opened his eyes wide, and began to breathe rapidly.

With just a glimpse, he was surprised to find that the Golden Cauldron of the God of Myriad Tribulations was upside down at the bottom of the abyss, and it was landing on a gap, blocking the gap tightly.

What shocked him even more was that within the gap was an incomparably vast underground world.

It's just that in a hurry, he didn't see clearly what was in the underground world.

He touched his undamaged ears, and asked doubtfully, "What was that just now? It feels a little familiar."

He frowned and thought hard, suddenly, his pupils lit up, and he said excitedly: "It's the aura of God's Gold of Myriad Tribulations, you can't be wrong! It's really hard to find anywhere, it's easy to get it! Haha! "

"It seems that the dragon elephant is not telling lies, there really is God's Gold of Myriad Tribulations here!"

Yuechen was very excited, eager to jump into the gap to see what happened.

However, he was not reckless, but carefully stretched out his head again, and looked towards the underground world again.

Seeing this, he immediately opened his mouth wide and did not close it for a long time.

I saw that in the underground world, the multi-colored God of Myriad Tribulations Gold is dotted in it like stars, densely packed, countless.

However, before he could express his joy, his face froze suddenly.

He was horrified to discover that there were villains with different shapes sitting cross-legged among those gods of all calamities.

These villains are either red or green, yellow or blue, in short, they are colorful and strange, and they have all kinds of appearances.

What is even more surprising is that beside each villain, there is a piece of Divine Gold of Myriad Tribulations and a drop of liquid that shimmers faintly with fluorescence.

The Myriad Tribulations Divine Gold is a precious celestial object raised by nature, and the essence it contains, even a breath of breath, is amazing enough.

Yuechen was dumbfounded, and couldn't believe what he saw.

That drop of liquid exuding gleaming brilliance is the essence of the Myriad Tribulations Divine Gold!

It is also what he urgently needs to sacrifice the Golden Cauldron of the God of Tribulations!

He really wanted to rush in right now, regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones, grab the essence of the Myriad Tribulations God Gold and run away.

However, the Golden Cauldron, God of Myriad Tribulations, was stuck on the gap and couldn't move, and that strange villain made him dare not act rashly.

After all, no one knows whether those villains have attack power.

If you break in rashly, you will definitely die!

"Damn, what should I do? Am I going to die here?" Yuechen was anxious.

He tried to communicate with the ancient dragon elephant outside the abyss, wanting to understand what was going on.

But he failed. As soon as the divine sense came out of the cauldron, it was torn to pieces by the strong wind at the gap.

"Grandma, I don't believe in evil!"

As soon as he hit the big tripod, he wanted to be tough.

However, when his big hand just touched the cauldron wall, he suddenly froze.

Yao remembered the excitement and joy when he got the Myriad Tribulations Gold in the lottery, but he never thought about where the Myriad Tribulations God's Gold in the list of good and evil in the heavens came from.

He clearly remembered that in his last life until his fall, he had never obtained the Divine Gold of Myriad Tribulations, so the source of the Divine Gold of Myriad Tribulations that Luo Tian used to reward him was a bit suspicious.

"Senior Luo Tian! Luo Tian! Come out!"

Yuechen's spiritual thoughts entered the sea of ​​consciousness, and he frantically called Luo Tian.

"Shouting? Isn't it just a few pieces of Myriad Calamity God's Gold, so why make such a fuss?"

Fortunately, Luo Tian's voice appeared within a few shouts, and he did not pretend to be dead as usual.

"Isn't it just a few yuan? You said it lightly! Quickly and honestly, where did you steal the God of Myriad Tribulations that you gave me?"

Yue Chen gritted his teeth and asked.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Golden Cauldron, God of Myriad Tribulations, hadn't been sucked in and stuck firmly in the gap, unable to move, he still hasn't thought about Luo Tian.

But looking at it now, it is clear that the essence of Myriad Tribulations in the underground world has sensed the breath of the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Tribulations God, calling it home!

No wonder, he said how the Golden Cauldron of the Myriad Tribulations God could feel the essence of the Myriad Tribulations God's Gold outside the Mausoleum of the Ancestor before, so it was originally from here!

"Steal or not! Kid, can you speak?"

Luo Tian flicked his sleeve robe immediately, and hummed: "This place is a land without an owner, so what if I take a few stones? Who dares to trouble me? I have only done them a big favor... ..."

When he said this, he suddenly kept silent, his heart scratching his lungs, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

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