
Chapter 1165 Emperor Yuanwu

"Boom boom boom!"

The drums beat fast, and the faces on the drums became clearer.

This human face was as big as a millstone, with ferocious features, wearing a crown and golden armor, sitting on a dragon chair, looking down at Yuechen.

"Rebel, dare to bully me!"

A cold voice came from that face, shaking the sky, as if it could collapse the sun, moon, mountains and rivers.

Yuechen was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

This human face is the obsession produced by the psychic psychic of the war drum. I only remember that it was the ancient emperor before I was alive.

"I am the fifth emperor of the Great Xia, Emperor Yuanwu, you ants, how dare you offend my majesty!?"

The voice of Emperor Yuanwu continued, shaking the world.

Yuechen's expression changed, his pupils constricted: "He's still a great emperor!"

Although he has never heard of the ancient kingdom of Great Xia, among the heavens and myriad worlds, how many people can be called great emperors.

The Great Emperor, who controls the rules of heaven and earth, is terrifyingly powerful, comparable to Dao Zun.

Unexpectedly, this war drum actually gave birth to the obsession of Emperor Yuanwu.

Thinking of these ancient giants being beheaded by others, Yuechen felt chills in his heart, and became more determined that he would never show the good and evil list of the heavens.

But for the present plan, it is better to get through the immediate hurdle first.

With fixed eyes, Yuechen continued to stimulate the Dao fruit, and silently recited the scriptures of saving people, and the energy of merit and virtue permeated his whole body, like a round sun shining across the sky, illuminating the universe and driving away the darkness.

"Hmph, you are so stubborn, today I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

Emperor Yuanwu's words were cold and decisive.

In the next moment, the sound of war drums became more and more violent. The sound of the drums seemed to be able to shatter a person's heart and lungs, making one's hair stand on end.

This time, the sound waves of the war drum actually formed a substantial attack, sweeping across the field like a sharp sword, trying to smash through all obstacles and submerge Yue Chen.

This kind of attack is extremely ferocious and contains extremely terrifying energy, which can tear everything apart and shatter everything.

Every drumbeat strikes like a magic weapon, shocking people's spirits, making people tremble with fear and unstoppable fear.


In the end, Yi Yuechen, who had practiced the divine way, couldn't bear it any longer, and spat out a mouthful of blood mist, which stained his chest red.

"No, it has to be done quickly."

Yuechen took a deep breath, and two beams of frightening light shot out from his eyes.


The Chaos Orb erupted, emitting thick Chaos Qi, wrapping Yue Chen in it, resisting the attack of the War Drum.

He pinched the magic formula with his hands and performed the secret technique in the Immortal Saving Sutra. Blossoming golden lotuses manifested outside his body, sprinkled auspiciousness, and enveloped his whole body.

This is a very powerful secret method, which is specially aimed at the soul, and it has great effects on dealing with evil spirits and ghosts.

At the same time, he kept chanting the Transcendent Immortal Sutra in his mouth, constantly purifying the hostility in Emperor Yuanwu's obsession.

"Ant, you have angered me!"

The man's face and eyes are like swords, smashing through the void, and slashing towards Yuechen.

Yuechen's face was dignified, and a bright brilliance bloomed all over his body, fighting against it.

The golden lotus of merit and virtue kept blooming, drifting towards the obsession of Emperor Yuanwu.

It should be said that this Tianfu Xuanweitong Zhenduren Xianjing is really extraordinary, and I don't know where the Xianzong found it, it can even purify the obsession of the emperor.

Fortunately, Yuechen learned this sutra in order to transcend the evil spirits on the Banner of Ten Thousand Ghosts, and now it can be used so much.

However, Emperor Yuanwu is an ancient emperor after all. Although he was transformed by obsession, he has his own consciousness. He is unwilling to be transformed at this moment, and immediately exudes a monstrous and fierce aura, rushing towards Yuechen.


A mighty coercion came, like a piece of blood pouring down, suppressing everything and crushing the heavens.

The virtuous golden lotus that emerged from Yuechen's body swayed violently, almost shattered, almost unable to hold on.

"What a powerful force!"

Yue Chen was shocked, the Emperor Yuan Wu has been dead for many years, yet his obsession still has such power, it's really amazing.

"Die to me!"

Emperor Yuanwu's obsession screamed, the sound was like a torrent of bells, deafening, the face on the drum suddenly poked out, and his big hand turned into a spiritual light and shot at Yuechen.

This palm is too terrifying, with the power to destroy the world, it seems to be able to destroy everything.

"Hmph, since that's the case, I'm not polite anymore!"

Yuechen sneered, and the voice of chanting the Immortal Sutra suddenly increased, the sound of the Tao was rumbling, and strands of golden luster dripped from the virtuous golden lotus, pouring into Emperor Yuanwu's obsession.


Emperor Yuanwu roared, struggled, roared, and a monstrous hurricane was set off on the stone platform.

This went on for a long time, and Yuechen felt that he was exhausted, and he could barely support it with his mana from the Hunyuan Immortal Sutra.

Sweat dripped from his forehead, and he couldn't hold on any longer.

"Hahaha! Lowly ants, I am the ancient emperor of the Great Xia, even if you have been lost for thousands of years, you can never hope to be transformed into me!"

Emperor Yuanwu laughed wildly.

Suddenly, his body stopped, and he stopped struggling, and his eyes gradually revealed confusion.


Yuechen was puzzled, why did he stop suddenly?

"My name... Yuan Wu!"

After a long time, Emperor Yuanwu spat out a few words.

Yuechen's heart skipped a beat, looking at this, could it be that he has lost his obsession?

Emperor Yuanwu raised his head, and the confusion in his eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by a murderous intent.

"I am the ancient emperor of Great Xia. I should suppress all enemies in the world. You should all submit to me, dedicate everything, and serve as my slave!"

Emperor Yuanwu's domineering side leaked, and his words were full of threats.

Hearing this, Yue Chen couldn't help being stunned.

How is this different from what Luo Tian said?

Didn't it mean that the obsession of the ancient emperor can be subdued by saving people and immortals?

Why do you still have to do it in the end?

Could it be that the Sutra of Saving Human Beings has no effect?

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