
Chapter 1156 Space

Yueyin turned around suddenly, looked at the person with deep eyes, his expression was indifferent, and he didn't speak.

Instead, several monks who came, after looking at each other, one of them took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "Commander Yue, do you need help?"

Without waiting for Yue Yin to answer, another person stepped forward and said with a smile: "So that Commander Yue can know that we are members of major families in Fengyang City, and we have no malicious intentions in coming here. If Commander Yue needs help, just ask, I will help you." Wait for nothing!"

Yue Yin put his hands behind his back, raised his eyelids slightly, and let out a cold snort from his nasal cavity, which seemed to be in response to their words.

The big aristocratic families in Fengyang are harmonious on the surface, but secretly they are intriguing, and they have different ideas about the royal family of the Yue family, all of which are invisible to Yue Yin, who is the head of the secret guard.

These people have been following Yuechen, and there is no lack of intentions to ascertain Yuechen's strength.

However, he looked at the space portal that was always as stable as Mount Tai in front of him, and suddenly said: "Let's all work together and attack this place!"

He pointed to the space portal and ordered.

Several monks looked at each other in blank dismay, and glanced at that place in amazement.

With their eyesight, they couldn't see that there is a space here, and the way of space is so mysterious?

However, thinking that Yuechen lost his trace here just now, they all suddenly realized.

Several people did not dare to be negligent, and each took action, cast secret techniques, sacrificed magic weapons, and bombarded that place one after another.


Suddenly, the space trembled, the ripples continued to spread, and the space portal was revealed, shaking slightly.

"Hahaha, it's really weird!"

Several people were overjoyed and shot with all their strength.

Yueyin stood on the spot, watching quietly, his eyes as deep as an abyss.


Several people shot violently and had rich combat experience. Every blow contained huge power, which was enough to destroy the world.

After half a stick of incense, the space vibrated, and the space portal shook violently.


Suddenly, the void exploded, and there was a crisp 'click', and a huge crack suddenly appeared in that space.

At the same time, two bright silver lights shot out from Yuechen's eyes, directly hitting the crack in the void.


The next moment, the void vibrated, the space crack quickly collapsed and disappeared, and the space portal slowly healed.


Yueyin stepped on the void, and with a light touch, he flew to the crack, stretched out his palm, touched the crack lightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

"It really is fake."

He is proficient in the way of space, and he has long seen that there is a problem with the space here, which seems to be true or false, so he asked these people to try it out.


Hearing this, several people were extremely surprised.

Yue Yin said indifferently: "This is a false space portal, the real portal should be hidden inside, and the only way to open it is to borrow external power."

After all, he added: "Be careful, you guys, I don't know how long this space has been wandering, and I don't know what kind of space it is. It may be a little dangerous."

Hearing this, several people couldn't help becoming more cautious.

In the heavens and worlds, there are tens of thousands of sect forces, as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, rising and falling, and forces perishing all the time.

Before some forces perish, they will exile the sect's secret land into a crack in space, leaving it to be passed on to those who are destined to pass it on.

This kind of space has been cultivated for many years, and there are countless treasures of heaven and earth in it. It is the favorite place for monks to explore.

There are also some spaces that are formed after one world collapses.

This kind of space is much more dangerous, and it is full of shattered scenes left over from the end of the world. If you accidentally open this kind of space, you will definitely encounter unimaginable disasters.

The few people got Yueyin's reminder, and when they made another move, they were much more cautious.


Several people teamed up again and bombarded the original crack.

They have to smash this false space portal to reveal the real portal.

In an instant, the space trembled suddenly.

"Crack! Crack!"

The cracks in the void became denser, as if they were about to shatter at any moment.

Yueyin stood in the same place and pondered, a moment later, he made a sudden move, his hands were covered with silver light, he grabbed the crack and tore it violently!


The rift in the void was torn open, a portal appeared, and a vast and unpredictable breath rushed towards him.

"This is a blindfold, smash it to pieces!"

Yueyin shouted loudly, and pressed his palm on the door!


The space oscillated, and a violent fluctuation spread, and the portal began to twist and change, but it never broke.

The rest of the people looked at each other and shot at the same time, bombarding the door indiscriminately.

For a time, the entire void exploded continuously, as if the end was coming, and terrifying fluctuations overflowed.


A ball of dazzling light suddenly erupted from the portal, countless auras rose up, and then it was completely shattered.


The next moment, the entire space trembled, and strands of space cracks spread all over.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The turbulent currents in the surrounding space are raging, like sea water roaring, bringing up terrifying strong winds.

Everyone's robes fluttered, and their faces were dignified.

"You stand back!"

And at this time, Yue Yin stepped forward, pinched out a strange magic formula in his hand, and shot it towards the turbulent flow of the void.

The few people backed away without thinking, and went straight to a distance of thousands of feet before waiting for Yue Yin to do something.

All the major aristocratic families have more or less acquainted with this leader of the hidden guards, and know his way of refining the space, so they should not make any trouble.

A few space magic formulas were played, and the turbulent turbulent flow of the void that was originally rioting gradually turned slowly in one direction, finally revealing a huge portal that shone with silver light!

"right here!"

Yue Yin was refreshed, with a little joy on his face.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The few people who retreated were also overjoyed and rushed to this place quickly.

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