
Chapter 1154

Shengzi Lei Mie refused to admit defeat. Although Yuechen was surprised, it was within his expectation.

After all, he is also a holy son. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing to admit defeat so easily?

Needless to say, they both had the same idea.

However, this also hits the dust.

He didn't persuade him to surrender, he raised his fist and beat him head-on.

And Shengzi Lei Mie was not to be outdone, even though his muscles and bones were shattered, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, he still gritted his teeth and kept silent.

Just don't admit defeat!

This was a silent battle, and the people watching the battle were a little dumbfounded.

Those who watched the battle were not only the monks in Fengyang City, but also casual cultivators living in seclusion in the various geomantic treasures near the capital.

They were attracted by the news of the great battle. Originally, they wanted to see who had the guts to act wildly at the foot of the imperial city. Unexpectedly, they saw the Prince Regent making a move in person.

To the subjects of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Great Prince Yuechen was a very mysterious figure.

No one knows where he came from, and no one knows what cards he has. They only know that he married a dragon girl, gave birth to two dragons with excellent talents, and a group of life and death brothers followed behind him.

These people came and went like the wind, and apart from following Yuechen to fight around, they rarely saw people at other times.

Even the casual cultivators who followed Yuechen to fight everywhere, rarely saw Yuechen make a move.

Most of the time, he strategizes before the thousands of armies, and it is the group of monks who follow him who really make the move.

Now that it was so easy to see the eldest prince make a move, everyone's eyes widened and they would not miss any of his moves.

However, watching and watching, everyone's expressions changed from shocking and inexplicable at the beginning to indescribable.

"The regent is too fierce!"

Looking at the figure filled with chaos, someone shuddered and said with lingering fear.

"Sacred Son Lei Mie won't be beaten to death? What if that..."

There are also people who are full of worry, for fear that Lei will punish Tianzun.

"Hey, this is all a small fight. Didn't you see that the son of Lei Mie just suffered some flesh and blood injuries? He can't turn the sky over!"

The voice of discussion among the crowd reached the ears of a woman in Tsing Yi, causing her to be in a trance for a moment.

This woman is none other than Fairy Qingli who came to Zishuang Tiannv to seek the truth.

She originally planned to beat the bastard who made her belly big first, regardless of her junior sister's difficulties.

With Tiannv Shengzong as her backer, the royal family of the Great Zhou would not dare to do anything to her.

However, she had just arrived in the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and she was shocked by the battle outside the city before entering the city.

what did she see?

It was hard for her to believe that the dignified Son Lei Mie was beaten like a dead dog.

Fairy Qingli looked at Shengzi Lei Mie's appalling face, and then at her own jade-white palm, and felt that it was better to be on the safe side and listen to what her junior sister had to say.

Yue Chen didn't know that he would directly shock Fairy Qingli by showing off his power, which would save him another trouble.

He beat the Son of Lei Mie violently, and the beating became smoother and smoother. In the end, it turned into a yin and yang hybrid divine light, piercing through the void, and came to kill the Son of Lei Mie.

Shengzi Lei Mie was originally resisting desperately, and occasionally he could fight back once or twice, but when the divine light struck, his scalp became numb in an instant, and he turned into a thunderbolt, turned around and ran away!

"Huh? Want to run?"

Yuechen was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect this guy to run away without saying a word.

But soon, he turned into a ray of thunder with a smirk and chased after him.

In an instant, thunder continued to explode in the void, as if setting off firecrackers, from near to far, and soon disappeared into the sky.

At the same place, the surrounding monks looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously not expecting this result.

Of course, there are also some monks who claim to be excellent in escapism, and they immediately chase after the two to see what happens.

"I didn't expect the dignified Son of Lei Mie to run away. No one would believe me when I said it."

Someone said inconceivably.

"That said, he's not stupid. He won't run away if he can't be beaten. Is he really waiting to be beaten into a pig's head?"

"He's quite stubborn, and he didn't admit defeat when he arrived. I don't know if the regent will kill him?"

Someone said worriedly.

"It's okay, it's not something I should worry about, let's go!"

"After watching the fun, it's time to go."

"Let's go together! Hey hey, this time the poor Taoist can boast for 100 years in front of the disciples of the Zilei Sacred Sect!"

Someone smirked.


The person beside him gave him a strange look, shook his head speechlessly, turned and left.

Such arrogance is bound to be beaten. Isn't the Son of Lei Mie a lesson from the past?

Therefore, one must be low-key to be a human being, and one must also be low-key to be a fairy.

Fairy Qingli didn't go after him, but took out a jade talisman exuding extremely cold air while Yuechen was leaving.

This is a communication talisman made from leftovers of extremely cold black ice, and each disciple of the Heavenly Maiden Sacred Sect has one.

Not long after, the body of the Zishuang celestial girl above the palace tower shook, and she nervously took out the same jade talisman, her face turned pale after a while.

"What should come, finally came!"

She muttered to herself, and finally shook off the ground to break the sky silk, and fled towards the outside of the imperial city.

Inside the Qianqiu Palace, the Empress raised her brows and signaled for Chief Anfu.

"Follow up and have a look, don't let her find out, and ensure her safety if necessary."

"Yes, madam!"

Chief Anfu bowed and retreated, restraining his breath and blending into the space.

On the other side, Yuechen stepped on the light of thunder, using all his mana without money, and chased after the son of Lei Mie rumbling all the way.

Both of them used the thunder method, and wherever they passed along the way, the sky was filled with thunder, and those who didn't know thought it was the disciples of the Zilei Sacred Sect who were killing each other.

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