
Chapter 1118 Killing the 4-party Demon Dragon Loach Patriarch

Soso Novel Network

The air of chaos collides constantly, generating chaotic tides, and countless worlds are constantly born and destroyed in the tides.

But at this time, Yuechen held Tai'a sword in his hand, and his feet kept escaping light. He swung out a series of chaotic sword qi, and chopped the fierce beast Chaos to pieces.


Chaos suffered from pain and struggled hard.

But Fairy Qinglian and Niu Kui are not vegetarians either, they each use their own means to firmly control it and prevent it from escaping.

Not reconciled, it twisted its huge body vigorously, trying to break free from the entanglement of the two.

However, Qiantian Bi Lingzhu, as a top-level innate spirit treasure, is so easy to break free.

After a chaotic attack, the beast Chaos was cracked all over, and the gray blood flowed out, and it looked like it was dying.

It kept struggling, but was suppressed by Yuechen, so it could only admit defeat: "Human, you win, let's go!"


Yue Chen chuckled and looked at it sarcastically.

This chaos is very cunning, if he admits defeat now, he can turn his face and deny anyone in a blink of an eye. Is he, Yuechen, such a soft-hearted fool?

"Hey! The poor Taoist also wants to let you go, but unfortunately, there is only one person who can achieve this way, so I can only ask you to die!"

Yue Chen was smiling, and the Chaos Bead came out of his hand, smashing it down towards the beast Chaos Chaos.


How could the beast Chaos think that this human enemy would be so cunning, with a smile on his face, but his strikes were so ruthless that he couldn't dodge for a while, his head was smashed on the spot, and gray-white brains splattered everywhere.

Before he could react, Yuechen waved his hand, and the Golden Cauldron of Myriad Calamity God fell down, taking Chaos' body into the cauldron.

At the same time, the myriad calamities in the cauldron surged up, wrapped the body of Chaos, and obliterated its soul.

Of course, as a Taoist monarch, it can't be done for a while if it wants to completely obliterate it. It can only be slowly worn away by time.

However, this big cauldron is temporarily useless.

At this point, Chaos, the head of the four fierce beasts, fell.

Yuechen heaved a sigh of relief, although he paid the price, it was better than being swallowed up by the beasts and chaos in the battle for the Great Dao in the future.

"Let's go, fellow Taoists are still waiting for us!"

Yuechen clapped his hands, as if he had done a trivial matter, turned around and fled towards Qingwei's big world.

Fairy Qinglian and Niu Kui looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

This guy has a strong heart, and he has killed the enemy on the road to success, and the future is smooth.

This is the future Daoist!

"Hey! Brother Xuanxiao, walk slowly, wait for me, old cow!"

Niu Kui yelled with a smile on his face, and hurriedly followed.

Fairy Qinglian twitched her mouth and followed.

On the road of practice, it is a great blessing to have many fellow Taoists to accompany you!


On the treasure ship of Lingxiao, Ao Lin was listening to Kong Yu's voice of resentment, while nervously looking out of the sky.

The battle of the Taoist priests there is still going on.

It's just that with the addition of the ancestor of the Demon Dragon Loach, the battle situation began to be one-sided.

As the natural enemy of the Heavenly Demon Clan, the ancestor Demon Dragon Loach has long been greedy for the blood essence of the Heavenly Demon King.

In the past, there was no chance to talk, which made it really greedy.

These days, the demon kings are coming to your door, and the ancestor will feel sorry for his stomach if he doesn't have a full meal.

However, there are so many devil kings in these days, and it is not so easy to deal with them if they swarm up.

The best way is to break them one by one.

After making up his mind, the ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach set his sights on one of the Heavenly Demon Kings, biting him tightly and not letting go.

"Gudong, gudong..."

Big mouthfuls of blood flowed out from Yifengtian Demon King's body, and was swallowed by the Demon Dragon Loach Patriarch.

This Fengfengtian demon king's ability is all about speed, and now he is tightly entangled by the ancestor of the dragon loach. His wings were broken, his throat was bitten, and he lost the power of resistance since then.


The blood of the devil was flying across the sky, and the ancestor of the dragon loach crushed the entire head of the Fengtian devil king, revealing the soul crystal containing rich energy.

"Haha, it's really cool, this taste is really wonderful."

The ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach happily licked the blood from his lips.


Suddenly, several jets of dark green venom rushed towards the mouth of the Demon Dragon Loach Patriarch.

"Bah bah bah!"

It was immediately disgusted, and the giant tooth vomited again and again, spitting away the venom splashed in its mouth.

Grandma's legs!

These days the demon king is too careless, he can use whatever moves are insidious, it really opened the eyes of the ancestors.

"Go away!"

The ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach flicked his tail fiercely, and pulled the Demon King Yu Kuntian far away.

"The poison of the mere celestial demon, I want to poison the ancestor to death, dreaming!"

The ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach sneered, exerted force under his mouth, and sucked again!


Not long after, the Yifengtian Demon King was drained of blood, turned into a dry bone, and fell into chaos.

After the ancestor of the dragon loach drank his blood, he smacked his lips, and his huge body spun around in the chaos contentedly, looking contented.

On the other side, the rest of the Heavenly Demon Kings were startled and terrified when they saw this, wishing to tear the ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach into pieces.

They came together with eight Heavenly Demon Kings, but now, four of them have fallen.

Except for one and a half who died in the hands of Taoist Shangqing, the remaining two all fell into the hands of the ancestor of Demon Dragon Loach, which shows how ferocious this beast is.

As for the half, it was naturally the Demon King Ganhu who had his body cut off by Yuechen and others.



The remaining four Heavenly Demon Kings roared wildly, trying everything to get rid of the shackles, and rushed to besiege the Demon Dragon Loach Patriarch.

However, the ancestor of the Demon Dragon Loach is too strong. Its body turned into a huge dragon loach with a length of thousands of feet, but it was extremely flexible and smooth, and it directly bounced back the ordinary attack. Give it some damage.

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