
Chapter 1102 Battle

Emperor Zhou was fighting bloody in the chaos, coughing up blood constantly, Yue Chen was worried in Ziguang City, but there was nothing he could do.But if you want him to do nothing, he can't do it.Therefore, he gritted his teeth and prepared to sacrifice the good and evil list of the heavens, asking Luo Tian for help.Suddenly, a golden light rose from the hall, and with the force of thunder, it shot straight beyond the sky! "It's the Sun Orb!" Ao Lin exclaimed, pointing at the golden light going away and saying in amazement.Yuechen turned his head to look, and saw Princess Jinyang stretching out her right hand, looking at the sky with the same expression of astonishment.Seeing this, he instantly understood that this was his father's magic weapon, which was eager to protect the lord, so he rushed out of the boundary to look for his father.He breathed a sigh of relief, and temporarily gave up his plan to sacrifice the list of good and evil in the heavens.After all, this treasure feeds on devouring the source of good and evil, which is tantamount to snatching food from the mouth of the demons. If they can't catch them all, the consequences will be disastrous.The Sun Orb is as strong as the sun, and it claims to be able to kill all evil spirits, and maybe it can help the father escape from trouble.The bright golden light pierced through the dim chaos and shot straight at the place where Emperor Zhou fell. "Shua!" The Sun Orb sprinkled golden light, shining on Chaos, and soon found Emperor Zhou's body.At this time, his muscles and bones were broken, a big hole was opened in his chest, his heart was exposed, and he was unconscious, floating in the chaos.The Sun Orb jumped for a bit, accelerated suddenly, and rushed to him.The golden sun's brilliance fell, covering Emperor Zhou's body, and the brilliance rushed into his body, constantly repairing his injuries. ...Suddenly, there was a roar from the chaotic battlefield in the distance, and then a head was thrown high, smashing into the chaos, and the energy of the chaos continued to surge.That head with long hair fluttering, is none other than the Demon King of the Underworld.Between the eyebrows of the Yin Demon King, a long and thin scar ran through his head, almost beheading him. "Roar!" His head struggled to fly up, roaring angrily, and flew towards the headless body.However, seeing that the body was getting close, and when the two were about to merge into one, a bright knife light flew over suddenly, and directly chopped on the head of Beijiang Yin Demon King. "Boom!" The head was shot thousands of feet away in an instant, the hairs were broken, blood mist burst out, and it was covered with cracks.This knife almost chopped Bei Jiang's head of the Yin Demon King. If it weren't for the bloodthirsty twin sickles to block him, he would have been crushed by this knife.But it was also because of this knife that his head could no longer be combined into one, and his strength dropped significantly.Which of the participants in the battle is not rich in combat experience, and the essence of taking advantage of his illness to kill him is mastered to the fullest.In an instant, Daozun Fukui and others gave up their opponents, rushed forward, and surrounded the Yin Demon King. "Roar!" Bei Jiang fought hard to kill the Yin Demon King, waving his bloodthirsty twin sickles left and right, constantly fighting back.However, its strength is rapidly weakening. "Bang!" Daoist Lei Ze hit Beijiang Yin Demon King's chest with a thunder fist, directly crushing his bones and denting his chest. The thunder light penetrated into his body and continuously destroyed his body. "Chila!" A long spear pierced through His abdomen, pierced from behind, and nailed him in the chaos, unable to move for a long time. "Roar!" Bei Jiang Yin Demon King let out a deafening roar, burning black flames all over his body, trying to burn the spear stuck in its abdomen.However, this Overlord Spear is the treasure of Daoist Cangling's enlightenment, how can it be so easily burned.He tossed and tossed for a while, but not only failed to burn the Overlord Spear, but was stabbed several times by him, and his injuries became more serious.His head wanted to cut a bloody path to meet his body, but the Qingping sword flew in the air, constantly cutting out sharp sword lights, forcing him not to approach. "Crack!" A talisman fell from the sky, and Jiang Bei suppressed the body of the Yin Demon King, causing his legs to be deeply embedded in the chaos.At the same time, countless attacks came in pursuit, falling on his huge body, obliterating his physical body.Seeing that all the cultivators were chasing after him and beating the Yin Demon King, the other seven Heavenly Demon Kings were immediately enraged, and at the same time they used their means to attack everyone.A series of terrifying attacks fell, and the cultivators gritted their teeth, dodging and continuing to attack

The Yin Demon King attacks. "Plop!" Finally, with a loud noise, Bei threw the huge body of the Yin Demon King into the chaos, causing layers of waves.Although he is unparalleled, he was condensed in the magic pool after all. After being beheaded, only a godless body remained in the chaos. "Hahaha! Good!" "Good kill!" "Kill!" "Kill them all!" The battle situation in the chaos was reversed instantly. It's much easier to get up.At this time, Taoist Shangqing took direct aim at the Demon King Jidu.Among the eight demon kings who attacked, this one was the most difficult to deal with. ...The battle beyond chaos is still going on, and it has been an unknown how long.In Ziguang City, Ao Lin hesitated to speak. After hesitating a few times, she finally said: "Husband, the situation of the father is unknown now, do you want to go back to Fengyang Town to guard?" She said this very straightforwardly, Yue Chen Instantly understood what she meant.Ao Lin was afraid that if the Emperor Zhou's situation was not good, there would be rebellion in the court.He took a deep breath, opened his delusion-breaking eyes, with silver light shining in them, and looked around the Southwest Continent.Zhenbeihou and Zhang Wenyuan are divided into two groups to suppress unruly forces in various places.The Southwest Marquis also solved the remnants of the Hehuan Sect and was on his way back.Seeing this, he nodded and said: "This place will be guarded by the Southwest Marquis. Jinyang and Qianmiao, the two of you stay here to assist the Southwest Marquis. My prince will return to Fengyang!" "Here!" Princess Yang and Ao Qianmiao immediately responded with solemn expressions.

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