
Chapter 1096 1 Unifies the Southwest Continent

Looking at the stumped limbs and arms all over the mountains and plains, Taoist Tianxing trembled in his heart.

Although every piece of carrion here has lost its essence, it contains the unwillingness and resentment of the disciples before they died.

It must have been a torment for the master to pick up the past piece by piece, and what kind of impact should he have had on his mind.

He didn't dare to imagine, and he didn't dare to delay any longer.


He opened his arms, and mana emerged from his palms.

In an instant, the wind and clouds surged.

Gusts of wind howled, rolled up the stumps and pieces of meat, and put them into a jade box.


"What are you doing!"

Linyuan Taoist roared.

At the same time, he slapped out his palm, intending to stop Taoist Tianxing.


The violent palm wind came, but was blocked by Taoist Tianxing abruptly.

"Stop? Can Master stop?"

His subordinates didn't stop and continued to pack up the mountain of corpses.

"Are you crazy? Those are your brothers and nephews!"

Linyuan Daojun's face was ashen.

Taoist Tianxing didn't reply, but still rolled up the mountain of carrion and put it in the jade box.

He didn't touch it directly with his hands, so his mind didn't suffer much impact.

On the other hand, Daoist Linyuan has picked up a lot of carrion, and his mind has been disturbed by many disturbances. His mood is already unstable, and his face is also green with gray, which is really not very good-looking.

"People cannot be resurrected after death, why can't the master let go? If all the disciples know that the master mourns so much, they may not be able to rest in peace after death."

Taoist Tianxing said without looking back.


Daoist Linyuan was furious, pointing at his apprentice for a long while speechless.

Taoist Tianxing straightened his back obstinately, and did not restrain his movements because of Master's anger.

The wind kept whistling, and the smell in the mountains gradually became fresher.

After a long time, Linyuan Taoist put down his trembling fingers in frustration.

His face turned from gray to red, his lips were trembling, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.


Suddenly, he opened his mouth violently, spewing out a mouthful of black blood, and then his breath weakened to the extreme, his body swayed and almost fell down.

"Master! What's wrong with you, Master?"

Taoist Tianxing turned around suddenly, and helped Taoist Linyuan up in a panic.

Daoist Linyuan wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth: "I'm fine"

But as soon as he uttered the last three words, he spat out another mouthful of black blood, and then fell into a coma.


Taoist Tianxing was extremely sad.

He regrets it a little.

If he hadn't insisted on doing this, how could the master be so traumatized.

It's just that it's too late to say anything like this, for the present plan, it's better to wake up Master first.

It's a pity that the Linyuan Sword Sect is a sword cultivator sect, only has one sword in its life, and rarely swallows pills. Now Linyuan Taoist Lord is mentally injured, and Taoist Tianxing can't come up with pills to save him.

"What should I do?"

His hands supporting Daoist Linyuan trembled slightly, and a rare look of panic appeared on his usually calm and indifferent face.

However, he was tenacious in the end, and quickly settled down, thinking carefully about the way to save people.

After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said to himself: "Yes, First Prince!"

"There are many talented people around the First Prince, there must be someone who can save Master!"

After the words fell, he hugged Daoist Linyuan without hesitation, and quickly fled towards the distance.

However, he had only escaped not far before he stopped abruptly and turned his head to look in the direction of the Sword Sect.

A dozen or so disciples of the Linyuan Sword Sect survived by chance and did not die in the devil's mouth.

Originally, Taoist Linyuan was unconscious and Taoist Tianxing left them and left. They thought that they and others would become homeless from now on.

Seeing Taoist Tianxing stop at this time, their eyes lit up immediately, and a little hope rose in their hearts.

"You clean up the mountain range, stick to the sword faction and don't go out, I take the ancestor out to heal his wounds, and he will turn around after heals up, don't think about it!"

Taoist Tianxing finished his words quickly, and without waiting for the disciples to react, he set up his sword light again, and chased Yuechen and others with Taoist Linyuan on his back.

Southwest continent,

The Lingxiao treasure ship moved forward quickly above the clouds of Nine Heavens.

Ahead is the former capital of the Great Cang Empire, Ziguang City.

As early as the return trip, Yuechen ordered the Southwest Marquis to lead his soldiers to inspect the forces in various places.

Zhenbeihou and Zhang Wenyuan led their soldiers to kill the remnants of the Hehuan Sect and suppress some unruly forces.

In troubled times, heavy scriptures are used, but kindness does not control soldiers. Yuechen still understands this truth.

When the Hehuan Sect was in charge, the Southwest Continent was in great turmoil, and the forces from all over the country took advantage of the chaos to stir up the situation, and all the people were in dire straits and suffered unspeakably.

But heaven has eyes!

Now the Hehuan Sect can't live on because of its own crimes, the entire sect has been wiped out, and there is no room for turning around.

After more than [-] years of development and confrontation, the Great Zhou finally included the entire Southwest Continent within its territory.

When Yuechen led all the soldiers to garrison Ziguang City, above the sky above the heavens, divine thunder exploded.


The Zixiao Shenlei landed and slashed into the chaos.

The next moment, in Qingwei Great World, several Taoist priests raised their heads at the same time, with murderous intent on their faces.

Outside the world membrane of the Qingwei Great World, several demon kings were lying on the world membrane and gnawed wantonly.

Their eyes are scarlet, and their eyes are full of greed when they look at the Qingwei Great World.

Its purpose is self-evident!

"Too deceiving!"

Daoist Lei Ze was furious, he stood up, his figure flickered, and turned into a black thunderbolt, rushing straight into the chaos.

"This reckless bastard!"

Daoist Cangling twitched the corner of his mouth, got up quickly, and chased after him with the Overlord Spear.

I'm afraid Daoist Lei Ze will suffer if he goes late.

There are only five Taoist priests in the Qingwei Great World, and they don't even rank in the top ten in the heavens and worlds.

If another Daoist is lost, I am afraid that the world ranking will drop even more.

This is also the reason why Taoist Fukui bit the bullet and rescued Taoist Heguang under the hands of the leader of Tongtian.

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