
Chapter 1091 How Is It Possible


Accompanied by the grinding sound of bones rubbing against each other, the dark and deep passage finally stabilized completely and gradually expanded.

A moment later, a giant skeleton crawled out from the inside. This skeleton was covered with a layer of black armor, and a pair of armor was on its head, which firmly covered its face, leaving only a pair of empty eye sockets , the soul fire jumped back and forth.

Apparently, it's already getting excited.

However, after hearing what it said, everyone was even more angry.

This skeleton actually regards the world as a hunting ground, this is the rhythm of dying immediately!

Yue Chen and the others didn't disappoint it, all their attacks bypassed the previous skeleton, and all of them hit it.

The skeleton that had just crawled out of the underworld, before taking a good look at the world, was instantly submerged in numerous magic weapons.

The Bone Evil Spirit was so angry that he cursed again and again: "Idiot! Idiot!"

However, at this moment, the skeleton could no longer hear anything.

After the corner of the eye cleared, there was no skeleton on the spot, not even a handful of ashes.

"Trash! Trash!"

The bone evil spirit was so angry that he kept yelling and cursing.

However, after being broken up countless times, it finally learned to be smarter and dared not act rashly.

"The underworld encompasses all the heavens and myriad realms, and the natural laws are higher than myriad realms. How can you resist? As soon as my king's army arrives, you are all dead!"

It sneered: "Hehehe, you stupid people from the heavens and the world, you actually want to kill this king? It's just wishful thinking!"

When Yue Chen and the others heard this, their expressions became even more gloomy.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, it's telling the truth.

The power of the underworld is simply not something that monks in a world can compete with!

"Find a way to destroy that passage!"

Yue Chen said in a cold voice.

He raised his hand and pointed, and the Thunder of Nine Heavens slashed down wildly, not only hitting the bone evil spirit, but also destroying the passage to the underworld.

But the Bone Evil Spirit avoided these thunders in a flash.

It sneered and said sarcastically: "Don't waste your energy, it's useless, unless there is a Taoist master, otherwise, the passage to the underworld cannot be shaken by any chicken and dog."

Yue Chen and the others looked at each other, and turned their attention to Qingping Sword.

Seeing this, everyone was speechless for a moment.

I saw Fairy Qinglian holding the Qingping Sword, expressing her gratitude with joy on her face.

However, Qingpingjian, who was majestic and majestic just now, was completely silent at this moment, apparently pretending to be dead.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Fairy Qinglian was embarrassed and withdrew her palm embarrassingly.

Everyone looked at Qingpingjian helplessly.

Xindao, at the critical moment, the leader actually stopped. It is up to them to resolve this matter by themselves.

Seeing this, the Bone Evil Spirit laughed and said: "You don't need to waste your strength, since the passage can't be destroyed no matter what, you might as well just obediently capture it with nothing, this seat promises that as long as you submit to this seat, this seat will treat you kindly, absolutely Don't hurt your life!"

Yuechen smiled faintly, "You are dreaming!"

"Hmph! If you don't eat a toast, you'll have to wait for me!"

The bone evil spirit kept uttering harsh words.

However, there was only Yinfeng calling in that passage, and not a single skeleton appeared for a long time.

The Bone Evil Spirit suddenly felt a little swollen, and the golden light all over his body turned green with anger, and he said bitterly: "This is not taking the safety of the poor Dao at heart."

"I bother!"

Kong Yu couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Are you still talking about the king of the Bone Clan, a king that no one cares about?"

The Bone Evil Spirit was furious, and said sharply, "What do you know! This king's army is rushing to the entrance of the underworld, and it will arrive soon. By then, it will turn the whole world into a ghost land!"

Everyone was so angry that they wished they could slap it to death!

It's a pity that this guy is so treacherous that he even hides in the tunnel of the underworld. Relying on the special nature of the tunnel, he looks like a hedgehog, so that everyone has nowhere to start.

However, the bone evil spirit obviously ignored the angry eyes of everyone, and continued to chatter: "You better pray for reinforcements to come to rescue, otherwise, when the king's army arrives, the whole world will be bloodbathed, hahaha "


Before it could finish speaking, it suddenly received a slap on the back of the head.

"Who? Dare to attack this king, are you impatient?"

It flew into a rage, turned its neck and looked back.

But then, it froze, because it saw an extremely familiar face.

"How is it possible, how is this possible!"

The bone evil spirit's eye sockets suddenly widened, and the fire of the soul erupted, obviously extremely shocked.

"Ao Jun, why did you appear here!"

The Bone Evil Spirit hissed and roared, stretching his head to look behind the passage.

This little overlord of the West Sea Dragon Clan appeared here, so his army of bones is probably already in danger, and he doesn't know how many are left!

That's right!

The person who appeared suddenly was none other than one of the three overlords of the underworld, the prince of the Dragon Palace of the West Sea, Ao Jun, known as the Dragon Overlord!

However, before Ao Jun could speak, the skeleton evil spirit roared again.

"Feng Town! How dare you hurt my clansman!"

It was so angry that even Yuechen and the others couldn't care about it, and rushed directly to the underworld.

Everyone was stunned by this sudden scene, but they also knew that something happened in the underworld, someone broke into the skeleton's lair!

"How dare you ignore the prince?"

Ao Jun's face darkened immediately when he saw that the bone evil spirit wanted to jump over him and rush into the underworld.

"Go away!"

The Bone Evil Spirit yelled, and punched Ao Jun with a punch!

A moment later, its people will really die!

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