
Chapter 1078 Linyuan Sword Sect

Yumei Tianmo knew that he had been cursed and could no longer love to fight, so he abandoned Shen Gongbao and others, turned his head and ran away.


Shen Gongbao let out a low cry, and followed immediately.


Taoist Hexuan and others immediately jumped into the sky, chasing after him.


In the distance, there was a sudden explosion.

In the distance, black and red beams of light shot up into the sky, illuminating the sky.

"It's Yumei Heavenly Demon!"

Shen Gongbao's face changed slightly: "We must stop her, if we let her continue to devour, all previous efforts will be wasted!"

Everyone looked at the front with solemn expressions, where there was blood all over the sky like a red mist.

"Come on!"

Everyone didn't dare to hesitate, and hurried to chase after him.


Star Mountains.

This is where the sect of the Linyuan Sword Sect is located.

The Linyuan Sword Sect belongs to the second-class power in the Northwest Continent, and the highest cultivation level in the Sword Sect is the founder of the Sword Sect, Linyuan Taoist Lord.

At this time, the sword light in the entire Linyuan Sword Sect was surging, stumps and broken arms were scattered all over the ground, and the disciples howled in pain.

Yumei Heavenly Demon opened its bloody mouth wide open, continuously devouring the flesh and blood of everyone.

"Heavenly Demon! Damn it!"

Daoist Linyuan was furious and rushed forward.

An extremely sharp sword qi slashed at Yumei Tianmo's head.

But Yumei Heavenly Demon's reaction was extremely quick, stretching out his claws, he easily pinched the flying sword.

The next moment, with a "click", the flying sword broke.

Daoist Linyuan was backlashed, and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.


Yumei Tianmo smelled the blood essence of Daojun, and instantly became energetic, turned his head suddenly, and stared at Daojun Linyuan.

"Hey, as long as I devour you, I can remove the curse and repair the injury, hehehe..."

She let out a strange laugh, grabbed Daojun Linyuan, and sent it towards her mouth.

"Don't think about it!"


A flying sword slashed over, the sword light was mighty, and with an indomitable momentum, it slashed at Yumei Tianmo.

Yumei Tianmo snorted coldly, reached out and grabbed the flying sword.

However, the flying sword trembled suddenly and avoided her capture.


Yumei Tianmo was stunned for a moment, and then flew into a rage.

"Ant, courting death!"

She yelled violently, and contracted her five fingers suddenly, wanting to cut off the flying sword with her own five fingers.

But at the next moment, Feijian broke through the shackles, broke free from her grasp, and stabbed towards her back.

Yumei Tianmo's huge body couldn't react in time, and was stabbed with a sword.

In an instant, black blood splashed and sprinkled into the void.

Feijian retreated at the touch of a touch, avoiding Yumei Tianmo's confinement.

"Hateful, hateful..."

Yumei Tianmo was gnashing her teeth in anger, her eyes were about to burst.

She was actually injured by a mere flying sword, it was unreasonable!


Taking advantage of Yumei Tianmo's injury, a group of sword cultivators unleashed their swords and kept attacking her.


One long sword after another slashed down like rain, forcing Yumei Tianmo to keep retreating.

After this, Taoist Lord Linyuan got rid of Yumei Tianmo's attack, once again sacrificed a flying sword, and attacked her angrily.

"Heavenly Demon everyone gets it and punishes it. If you kill my sect disciple, the poor Taoist will die with you today!"

Daoist Linyuan roared angrily, with great grief in his heart.

The Linyuan Dao Sect was the sect he established with his own hands, and it was hard for him to have the situation it is today.

Although it is only a second-class force, there are tens of thousands of disciples, and there are also a few golden immortals.

Moreover, as sword immortals, they have strong attack power, even ordinary first-class forces are not willing to provoke them.

But now, many disciples were devoured by the Yumei Heavenly Demon, and the sect suffered an unprecedented blow, and everything was destroyed.

"Qiang! Qiang!"

The sound of sword cries is endless.

The elusive flying sword that rescued Taoist Linyuan from his troubles came again and stabbed at Yumei Tianmo's eyebrows.

Linyuan Taoist Lord saw him, his mind tightened immediately, and his face was stained with eagerness.

"Tianxing, let's go!"

He secretly sent a voice transmission, scolding the person who made the move secretly.

In the void not far from the center of the battle, there is a young Taoist wearing a green robe hidden.

This person is exactly the star in the mouth of Taoist Linyuan, with the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian, and he is a direct disciple of Taoist Linyuan.

It was only because he practiced the way of space that he was able to hide in the void interlayer and wait for an opportunity to attack Yumei Tianmo, which actually caused her a lot of trouble.

However, as she devoured more and more flesh and blood, the cracks on her head showed signs of healing, and her aura gradually picked up.

After a long time, Taoist Tianxing will definitely be noticed by her, and by then, he will be unable to leave even if he wants to.

When Linyuan Daojun saw that something was wrong, he hurriedly scolded his disciples and ran away.

However, Taoist Tianxing remained motionless, with only the fearless determination to die in his eyes.


Daoist Linyuan let out a long sigh, and the flying sword in his hand suddenly became brighter, and greeted Yumei Tianmo desperately.

The rush of the two interrupted Yumei Tianmo's process of devouring her flesh and blood, and her recovery speed was suddenly stopped.

At this moment, a strange sound sounded from above her head again.


In an instant, a deep crack appeared on her hard head again.

The slit was longer and deeper than the previous one, nearly splitting her head in two.

This is not over yet, after the first crack, another crack continued to form, and the black mist continued to overflow from the crack.

Yumei Tianmo is going crazy.

How did she know that the curse cast on her was so difficult, even though she had tried her best to control the essence in her body, she still couldn't stop them from escaping.

And with the passage of time, more and more energy poured out of her body like a river breaking its embankment.

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