
Chapter 1074 Use him like a donkey

At the moment when Heifeng Daojun stopped Empress Yumei and the two started a terrifying battle, Yuechen was driving the Lingxiao treasure ship and galloped towards the Northwest Continent at high speed.

Inside the treasure ship, Yuechen invited Taoist Lu Qiao over, and said with a smile, "How is fellow Taoist Lu doing recently?"

"Hey, thanks to the great prince, everything is fine for the poor!"

Taoist Lu Qiao bowed his head, stroked his goatee beard and laughed.

Since leaving with Yuechen, he and Gao Lin and the others no longer have to worry about guarding the canyon altar all day long, and they don't have to travel around for cultivation resources as before, which is very comfortable.

Although it is inevitable to march and fight, it is much better than fighting alone in the past.

"In this way, the prince can rest assured."

Yuechen nodded slightly, then changed his voice, and said, "Now there is an important matter that requires the help of a fellow Taoist. I don't know how convenient it is for a friend? Of course, after the matter is completed, this Qianyuan Fortune Dao Pill is the Dao Friends."

He spread out his palm, revealing a green jade bottle.

"Qianyuan Good Fortune Dao Pill!"

Taoist Lu Qiao stared wide-eyed, opened his mouth wide, looked at the jade bottle in Yuechen's hand, and swallowed uncontrollably.

"Not bad!"

Yuechen nodded slightly.


Taoist Lu Qiao reached out to grab it, but Yuechen avoided it.

He shook his head slightly, and snorted softly: "Fellow Daoist, you can't be a white wolf empty-handed, you have to rely on your merits in exchange!"

Taoist Lu Qiao curled his lips, and could only say resentfully: "Forget it, what does the First Prince want the poor Taoist to do?"

Yuechen's eyes lit up, knowing that he was hooked.

"You don't need fellow daoist to charge forward, you just need to cast the spell of ecstasy and bone erosion again."

What he said was an understatement, but Taoist Lu Qiao felt trembling in his heart, he couldn't quite believe it, so he asked, "Who are you cursing?"

Yue Chen's thin lips parted slightly, and he said word by word: "Yu Mei Tianmo!"

"Hiss! Yumei Heavenly Demon!"

Taoist Lu Qiao gasped, and his pupils constricted suddenly: "Prince, you are right! That Yumei Tianmo is now a giant in the late stage of Daojun, how can it be shaken by a golden fairy like Pindao? "

"Why? Daoist friends don't want this Qianyuan Good Fortune Dao Pill anymore?"

Yuechen weighed the jade bottle in his hand, squinted at him, and retracted it.

"Don't! Don't, Eldest Prince, is it still okay for the poor to agree?"

Taoist Lu Qiao had a mournful face, and quickly pulled Yuechen's sleeve, and said pitifully.


Yuechen couldn't help but twitched his eyes, it was hard to look directly at his face.

He pulled out his sleeves indiscriminately, coughed lightly, and said, "If Fellow Daoist Lu doesn't act, it will be even more difficult to deal with the Yumei Heavenly Demon."


Taoist Lu Qiao slapped his forehead, lifted his Taoist robe and ran away in a hurry.

After he left, Kong Yu, who had been quietly standing aside, finally couldn't help but said: "You are using him like a donkey, hanging a carrot in front of you, and you can do whatever you tell him to do!"

"No, you don't understand!"

Yue Chen shook his head, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If a Qianyuan Good Fortune Dao Pill can lure Taoist Lu Qiao back to the Chiming Great World, it will be worth the money.

However, judging from Taoist Lu Qiao's reaction, the matter is already half done.

The remaining half depends on the efficacy of the Qianyuan Good Fortune Dao Pill.

I hope the gourd baby did not exaggerate the efficacy of the medicine.

"If he succeeds, he can also reduce many casualties for nothing, which is considered a merit."

Ao Lin also spoke.

"That's right, I just don't know, how powerful is the spell of Taoist Lu? Can it compare to the Book of Seven Arrows?"

Ao Qianmiao's eyes turned cold, and her expression turned cold.


On the other hand, Taoist Lu Qiao was out of his mind, as if mourning for his concubine, he returned to the residence where the three of them were staying, instantly stunned Gao Lin and Zhao Yu.

"Brother Dao, what's the matter with you?"

"Could it be that the eldest prince reprimanded you?"

Yue Yu was blunt, rushed forward to meet him, looked around Taoist Lu Qiao, and couldn't help scratching his head.

"I don't see any damage? What's the matter with you? Did you do something bad to get the First Prince caught?"

Seeing that Taoist Lu Qiao kept silent, Zhao Yu had to guess at the worst.


In an instant, a palm was slapped on his head, and the voice of Taoist Lu Qiao gnashed his teeth: "Don't you expect to be a little poor?"

Zhao Yu covered his forehead and said aggrievedly: "I don't care about you."

"You still worry about yourself!"

Taoist Lu Qiao groaned and said, "The eldest prince has created a difficult problem for the poor Taoist!"

"What's the problem?"

Now, even Gao Lin, who has always been calm, was a little curious.

Taoist Lu Qiao sighed and told what happened just now.

"That Yumei Heavenly Demon is extremely difficult to deal with now. With the impoverished Golden Immortal cultivation base, I am afraid that he will not be able to handle it, unless..."

"Unless what? Tell me quickly!"

Zhao Yu was in a hurry and hurriedly urged.

Taoist Lu Qiao glared at him, and then continued: "Unless you add the life of the poor Daoist!"


Zhao Yu looked at him in disbelief, and shouted: "You don't want to die? Although Daluo is immortal, but his lifespan will be exhausted, and his body will also decay. At that time, the five declines of heaven and man will inevitably come, so what about you?" Dodge the catastrophe?"

"Hehe! Do you really think I'm stupid? That Yumei Heavenly Demon is at the level of Dao Monarch. Even if we wait for the Golden Immortal to burn a thousand years of life, we may not be able to do anything to her."

Taoist Lu Qiao sneered: "But if the poor Daoist sacrifices with a secret technique, with the help of the power of the Qianyuan Good Fortune Dao Pill, maybe there is still a glimmer of life!"

"Besides, Pindao was already old and frail when he was promoted to Daluo. If there is Qianyuan Good Fortune Dao Pill, he might be able to break through the shackles of his own blood and body and regain good fortune!"

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