
Chapter 1068 Mutation

Facing the great array of protecting the mountains of the Hehuan Sect, Taoist Hexuan smiled confidently and unleashed his flying sword.

He threw it vigorously, and the pitch-black flying sword burst out of the air, turning into a jet-black sword light, and pierced directly into the Great Formation of the Hehuan Sect.

In an instant, the guardian array shook slightly and made a 'buzzing' sound.

But soon, after a burst of light flickered in the protective formation, the entire formation slowly calmed down again.

And the flying sword inserted on top of the formation was crushed into powder by the formation!

Taoist Hexuan's face suddenly turned ugly.

This Great Array of Protectors of the Hehuan Sect couldn't even cut through his flying sword!

You know, he is a strong man in the middle stage of Daojun, and he can destroy the world with every blow, but he can't even break through the big array of guardians in front of him.

"No wonder Yu Mei dared to rely on the big formation to resist Da Zhou's million-strong army. It seems that this big formation is not unusual!"

Taoist Ming Ye said with a gloomy face.

"Brother Hexuan, it seems that we underestimated the strength of the Hehuan Sect. In my opinion, we should avoid the edge for now, so as not to waste our efforts and increase casualties."

Shen Gongbao comforted him from the side.

Taoist Hexuan said with an ugly face, "No, we have worked so hard to come here, if we come back in failure, wouldn't it be ridiculed by the world in the future!"

Shen Gongbao sighed and said: "Brother Dao, you and I both know that although we are masters at the level of Taoists, there are also many masters in Hehuan Sect. If we attack rashly, we are afraid of losing money!"

Before he finished speaking, the Taoist Ming Ye beside him suddenly made a move, and a bloody light appeared, like a rushing river of blood, directly pounced on the big array of guardians!

All of a sudden, the blood was overwhelming, and the guardian array trembled violently, as if it would collapse at any moment.

At this time, the scene of the sea of ​​blood surging and constantly corroding the formation also caught the eyes of Shen Gongbao and the others.

"Blood Prison Soul Suppression!"

Taoist Hexuan shrank suddenly, and screamed out of shock.

This Blood Prison Suppressing Soul is a method not taught by Nether Palace, it is better than the Blood Prison Soul Slashing performed by Xue Ming before, and it is the real core skill.

It is said that when this technique is practiced to perfection, it is possible to refine a terrifying blood prison array with a single drop of blood.

Once the arrangement is successful, Daoist Lord Da Luo will be trapped in it and cannot get out.

It's just that this technique is extremely weird, not only does it require other people's blood, but it doesn't even spare one's own blood, so it's extremely evil to practice.

But no matter what, the power of this Blood Prison Soul Suppression is indeed very powerful, even Taoist Mingye in the middle stage of Daojun cannot use it easily.

However, in order to deal with the Hehuan Sect at this moment, Taoist Mingye can't take much care of it.

His face was pale, and his body was covered in cold sweat, obviously exhausted.

Taoist Hexuan was so touched that he looked at Taoist Mingye, his lips trembling, he was speechless.


Suddenly, Taoist Ming Ye opened his mouth and spewed out a large cloud of blood, which sprinkled on the large formation of the Acacia Sect and instantly blended into it.

In an instant, the sect guarding array, which was shaking violently, burst into dazzling red light, and the blood color spread rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the blood light spread all over the entire guardian array!

Under the wrapping of the bloody light, the Great Array of Hehuan Sect's guardians gradually exuded a bewitching blood-colored brilliance, which looked quite strange.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely tyrannical fluctuation burst out!

"not good!"

"They're going to fight back!"

Taoist Hexuan and Shen Gongbao exclaimed at the same time.

The two of them were just about to make a move to stop them, but a bloody light curtain suddenly burst out from the defensive cover of the sect guarding formation, blocking them out.

Immediately afterwards, a shrill howling sound came from the light curtain.

"Master, master ancestor, I am unwilling!"

"Yu Mei, it's useless for me to treat you like my own sister, but you treat me like this!"

"Yu Mei! You're going to die!"


"Master, please, let us go!"

"I don't want to die, master, please..."

Hexuan Taoist and Shen Gongbao's expressions completely changed upon hearing this miserable howl.

They didn't expect that Empress Yumei would attack many disciples of the Hehuan Sect.

"Damn it! This bitch is so vicious that he won't even let go of his own sect disciple!"

Taoist Hexuan gritted his teeth, wishing he could rush into the Hehuan Sect right now and tear Yumei's body into tens of thousands of pieces.

But in the end, he held back.

After all, they came to the Hehuan Sect this time to find trouble for the Hehuan Sect, so how could they stand up for the disciples of the Hehuan Sect.

However, Taoist Hexuan still felt cold and angry when he heard the screams in the protective array.

"Brother Dao, something is wrong!"

Shen Gongbao frowned slightly, and said solemnly.

"What's wrong?

Taoist Hexuan looked back at him in some puzzlement.

Not only that, even Taoist Mingye stopped attacking, and turned his head at the same time as another strong Taoist, looking at Shen Gongbao.

Shen Gongbao took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Empress Yumei opened the sect protection formation early on, it seems to be to resist the Zhou army, but according to the movement just now, according to the poor, she must have practiced some kind of Evil law can quickly advance by devouring others, if we don't stop her, I'm afraid we won't be able to escape by then!"

Taoist Hexuan and Taoist Mingye gasped when they heard the words, their pupils shrank suddenly, and a murderous intent flashed in their eyes.

"You are right, we must stop her, otherwise once she grows up, even we will be in danger!"

Taoist Hexuan's face was gloomy, his eyes were scarlet, and he seemed to have forgotten his previous admiration for Yumei.

"Go, let's join forces!"

Taoist Hexuan took the lead and rushed towards the protective formation. Taoist Ming Ye and Shen Gongbao looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

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