
Chapter 1055 False alarm 1 game

Ever since Yue Chen fell in love with Mixiang, the two of them have been running amok for half a month.

During this period, the various tastes will not be mentioned for the time being.

But what they didn't expect was that just after Yuechen got off the bed, Ao Lin was suspected to be pregnant.

This had to make Yuechen worry.

Even if a mortal gives birth to a child, there is still a time to rest. You can't really be like a sow, getting pregnant one after another.

Otherwise, the damage to the mother will be too great.

When she was pregnant, Ao Lin exhausted her energy and energy, and almost fell down. If Yue Hui hadn't sent a Golden Immortal Dragon Ball in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Later, Qian Luo was born, which consumed a lot of her blood, otherwise, with the body of a real dragon, her cultivation speed should not be slower than that of Kong Yu.

If you give birth to a child

Yuechen touched Ao Lin's still flat belly distressedly, and said softly: "If you are really pregnant, after this one is over, let's not have another one, okay?"

Ao Lin raised her head slightly, looked at Yuechen, with a starlight in her eyes: "Okay!"

In the Dazhou military camp, Ao Qianmiao and others were gathering in the tent of the Chinese military camp, discussing matters, when Yuechen opened the curtain and stepped in.

His expression was either happy or worried, his brows were furrowed, obviously he had encountered some kind of problem.

Everyone raised their eyes and looked over.

"Father, where's mother?"

Ao Qianmiao stood up, looked behind Yuechen a few times, but she couldn't see Ao Lin, so she asked strangely.

"Hey, you kid can do it!"

Kong Yu looked at Yuechen, winked and said.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled meaningfully.

"Father, what happened to my mother?"

Ao Qianmiao asked.

"cough cough"

Yuechen cleared his throat in embarrassment, and said with a sad face: "Your mother, maybe you are pregnant."


Ao Qianmiao was shocked and grabbed Yuechen's sleeve, "Really?"

"Cough, maybe, maybe, it should be true? Not sure yet."

Yuechen said with erratic eyes.

"What is possible? Dad, how do you know something that hasn't been confirmed yet?"

Ao Lin frowned, looking at her father puzzled.

"Your mother said she was sleepy and wanted to sleep!"

Yue Chen said confidently.



Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter, and Kong Yu laughed so hard that he couldn't speak while pointing at Yuechen.

The rest of the people couldn't help laughing, and laughed.

Only Niu Kui stared at Yuechen incredulously, and muttered to himself, "That's a real dragon!"

Yue Chen's face darkened, and he looked at Kong Yu who laughed the loudest.


Kong Yu laughed until the hair on the top of his head twitched, and teased, "Boy, have you ever thought that she is really tired?"

Yue Chen was stunned: "How is it possible?"

"Why is it impossible?"

The onlookers, Shengzhen Yaojun, saw it funny, and couldn't help it, and interjected: "You are also a late-stage Jinxian, and you are a top-level innate Taoist body. I heard that you often use divine thunder to refine your body. Compared with real dragons, How could it be worse?"

Yuechen blinked, as if he understood the meaning of Yaojun's words.

"So, am I so good?"

He muttered to himself, his eyes gradually glowing.

From now on, he will turn the clouds and rains, and be a real warrior riding a dragon!

Thinking about the feeling of doing whatever he wants and controlling everything in the future, he couldn't help opening his mouth and giggling silently.

"Husband, you think too much!"

Suddenly, Ao Lin's voice sounded beside his ears.

Yue Chen turned his head suddenly, and saw Ao Lin standing in the tent, looking sideways at him with her chin raised slightly.

"Uh, ma'am, aren't you sleepy? How did you come out?"

He giggled, his body involuntarily greeted him.

Ao Qianmiao directly covered her eyes, she couldn't see this scene.

"I'm here to tell you that I'm not pregnant, who knows, haha"

Ao Lin gritted her teeth slightly.

"Cough! It's fine if you're not pregnant. Come on, ma'am, let's discuss important matters first."

Yuechen abruptly changed the subject, trying his best to maintain the prestige of Emperor Hunyuan.

Ao Lin smiled, followed him to take the main seat, and did not argue with him in front of others.

"so close!"

Yuechen was falsely alarmed, and he was grateful in his heart.

When he came across the teasing smiles of Kong Yu and others, he snorted softly, straightened his face, and said seriously, "Where is the army now?"

When it comes to military affairs, everyone immediately turned their attention to Zhang Wenyuan.

"Report Your Highness, the army led by the Southwest Marquis is about to arrive, and the Zhenbei Marquis led the Zhenbei Army is only less than ten thousand miles away from here. As for the other armies, they did not come together to guard against the reaction of various forces. "

Zhang Wenyuan stood up, clasped his fists and said.

"Marquis of Zhenbei?"

Yuechen raised his eyebrows and said in surprise.

He only heard of this Marquis of Zhenbei, one of the great military marquises of the Great Thursday, but he had never met him, so he didn't know much about him.

However, I heard that this Marquis of Zhenbei was cruel and bloodthirsty. He once slaughtered millions of enemy troops, and his methods were so fierce that he could stop children from crying at night.

However, he is loyal to Emperor Zhou and is a rare hero.

These were all told by Zhou Huangyuemu to Yuechen in private.

"What is the origin of this Marquis of Zhenbei?" He asked with a frown.

Zhang Wenyuan shook his head: "The last general has not found out. It is said that this Marquis of Zhenbei seldom travels outside. It is very mysterious. Besides, he rarely sets foot in the imperial city except guarding the border."

"Oh? Really."

Yuechen raised his eyebrows, he was somewhat interested in this Zhenbeihou.

And Ao Lin beside him looked around, and asked with some doubts: "Why didn't Fellow Daoist Yu Ge come?"

"Friend Yu Ge? Who is that?"

Yue Chen blinked, then turned to look at Ao Lin.

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